Editing Arrangement

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''Arrangement'' refers to the placement of charges relative to other charges in a single grouping. If you have a group of three charges (billets, say) there are many standard ways in which they can be arranged:
''Arrangement'' refers to the placement of charges relative to other charges in a single grouping. If you have a group of three charges (billets, say) there are many standard ways in which they can be arranged:
{| class=wikitable
{| class=wikitable
| Sable, ''in fess'' three billets argent. ||http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/infess.gif
| Sable, ''in fess'' three billets argent.
| Sable, three billets ''in pale'' argent.||http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/inpale.gif  
|http//www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/infess.gif || Sable, three billets ''in pale'' argent.
| Sable, three billets, ''two and one,'' argent.||http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/twoandone.gif  
|http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/inpale.gif || Sable, three billets, ''two and one,'' argent.
| Sable, three billets, ''one and two,'' argent.||http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/oneandtwo.gif  
| Sable, ''in bend'' three billets palewise argent.||http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/inbend.gif
| Sable, three billets, ''one and two,'' argent.
| Sable, three billets palewise ''in bend sinister'' argent.||http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/inbendsinister.gif
|http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/oneandtwo.gif || Sable, ''in bend'' three billets palewise argent.
|http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/inbend.gif || Sable, three billets palewise ''in bend sinister'' argent.
Note that the arrangement can appear in different positions in the blazon. Sometimes it appears before the number; sometimes it appears after the type. Both positions are legal for phrases that begin with the word "in". Phases consisting of lists of numbers should only appear ''after''the type.
Note that the arrangement can appear in different positions in the blazon. Sometimes it appears before the number; sometimes it appears after the type. Both positions are legal for phrases that begin with the word "in". Phases consisting of lists of numbers should only appear ''after''the type.
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'' '''Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.''' ''
'' '''Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.''' ''

===July 2021 - Unity of Arrangement further clarified===
Bergdís Berbeinn. Device. Per pale Or and vert, an oak tree eradicated vert and three breasts two and one argent, on a point pointed gules a badger's head cabossed argent.
This design presents no issue with SENA A3D2c, which requires all charges within a charge group to be in either identical postures/orientations or an arrangement that includes posture/orientation. Quoting and reaffirming the January 2014 Cover Letter, "From Wreath: SENA A3D2c and Arrangements, One More Time", which discusses the requirement of comparability when considering unity (emphasis added):
An arrangement of charges within a group that is blazonable is registerable, as long as it does not otherwise violate the unity of posture and orientation rule by having different postures/orientations amongst the group. In short, when you have comparable postures/orientations amongst the charges in a group, they should be in the same posture/orientation. For example, three swords in pall and an arrow fesswise has comparable charges in different orientations and would therefore be a violation of A3D2c, but four mullets in chevron and a rose would not. The latter may be poor style, but at this point we are not inclined to further restrict charge group arrangement upon the field.
The principle of comparability was also discussed in "From Wreath: Unity of Orientation and Posture", on the July 2019 Cover Letter, which includes "As another example, a stag's attire is usually found straight (and thus a long, orientable charge) but is also found in annulo in period. However, a sword (a long, orientable charge) cannot be in annulo. If a stag's attire and a sword are in the same charge group, they must either be in comparable orientations, or the attire must be in annulo (effectively rendering it a compact, non-orientable charge and thus in a different category)."
Since the tree and breasts are not comparable, there are no issues with either unity of posture or orientation, and so the question of a unified arrangement does not arise.
===January 2014 CL SENA A3D2c and Arrangements, One More Time===
From Wreath:
A few submissions this month had commenters discussing whether or not they violated "unity of arrangement." SENA A3D2c, Unity of Posture and Orientation, '''does not actually govern arrangement on the field'''. Specifically, it states in full:
The charges within a charge group should be in either identical postures/orientations or an arrangement that includes posture/orientation (in cross, combatant, or in pall points outward, for example). A charge group in which postures for different charges must be blazoned individually will not be allowed without period examples of that combination of postures. Arrangements of charges which cannot be blazoned will not be allowed. Some standard arrangements for period charge groups are discussed in Appendix K.
Precedent set on the May 2012 Cover Letter stated that "if the charges in a single charge group do not have comparable postures, they are not in violation of the "identical postures/orientations" part of the rule. The charge group as a whole must still be in a standard arrangement." That last sentence has been interpreted, along with the reference to Appendix K, to mean that only arrangements found in Appendix K are valid. However, we also ruled on the November 2012 Cover Letter that Appendix K is not meant to be all inclusive, and that "charges in a single group split in two by a field division or a central ordinary that are placed to reasonably fill the space available to them and that are similar to period patterns will be considered to be in a default arrangement, and they do not require their exact positioning to be blazoned."
We feel some clarity is in order. An arrangement of charges within a group that is blazonable is registerable, as long as it does not otherwise violate the unity of posture and orientation rule by having different postures/orientations amongst the group. In short, when you have comparable postures/orientations amongst the charges in a group, they should be in the same posture/orientation. For example, three swords in pall and an arrow fesswise has comparable charges in different orientations and would therefore be a violation of A3D2c, but four mullets in chevron and a rose would not. The latter may be poor style, but at this point we are not inclined to further restrict charge group arrangement upon the field.

===June 2013 Cover Letter - Handling Pairs and Sheaves in Arrangements:===  
===June 2013 Cover Letter - Handling Pairs and Sheaves in Arrangements:===  
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==='''February 1985 LoAR - six charges:'''===  
==='''February 1985 LoAR - six charges:'''===  
"The default arrangement for six charges is three, two and one. [BoE, 3 Feb 85, p.8]" - http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/baldwin.html
"The default arrangement for six charges is three, two and one. [BoE, 3 Feb 85, p.8]" - http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/baldwin.html

''(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)''
''(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)''
===August 2019 CL - Charges In Annulo===
On the January 2019 LoAR, I asked for commentary on what form of charges in annulo not in their default orientation, if any, should be allowed in SCA armory. This discussion was a culmination of two years struggling to give clear and unambiguous guidance to submitters who wanted animate charges chasing one another in a circle. This is a very popular motif with submitters, despite it being ruled a step from period practice. I recognize the difficulty in finding the balance between authenticity and aesthetic, and am sensitive to the need to appease submitters.
However, successive attempts to minimize the number of animate charges one can recognizably put in annulo has led to charges whose postures are warped out of a recognizable heraldic posture; artists frequently focus so much on making a given charge appear to be an arc of an annular shape that they've lost sight of the identity of the charge as a stand-alone creature with a recognizable posture. This is in no doubt due to the rulings that I and my predecessors have made in attempts to clarify the rules and make them easier for submitters to understand. Unfortunately, the opposite has occurred.
Current precedent (most recently upheld in December 2018) states that charge groups of five or fewer charges must form an annular shape through their orientations and postures, or risk being returned. The example from December 2017 states that "Three wolves rampant, heads to center, cannot be in annulo, because their arrangement and orientation do not suggest an annulet. However, three wolves courant can be in annulo, provided their bodies curve and conform to the shape of an annulet." The December 2018 return, which featured three bears in a triangular shape, noted that "the bears are passant, with straight backs that flex inwards, and with lowered paws that rest on a straight plane. No circle is formed or even implied by their placement, so they cannot be considered "in annulo" per the above ruling."
So what do we mean by "in annulo?"
For a single charge, "in annulo" can be a posture or orientation, such as the attested postures of dragons in annulo, or the attested orientation of a stag's attire in annulo. Use of "in annulo" as a posture is limited to those charges who are attested to have used it in period, while the orientation is more flexible.
For multiple charges, "in annulo" is an attested (though rare) arrangement similar to and almost indistinguishable from "in orle," where the placement of the charges on the field forms a roughly circular shape. This arrangement is separate from their orientation, and so the shape must be formed with enough charges to establish the existence of a circle. This distinction between arrangement and orientation has been the major source of confusion, so it's important to distinguish how many charges may be arranged "in annulo."
Two charges cannot be arranged "in annulo" as their relative placement is more accurately described as "in pale," "in bend," "in fess," etc. Likewise, three charges cannot be arranged "in annulo" as their placement can be more accurately described as "one and two" or the default for three charges, "two and one." And four charges cannot be arranged "in annulo" when "in cross" or "in saltire" are more accurate descriptions.
Therefore, a charge group must have a minimum of five charges, with a preference for six or more, in order to be arranged "in annulo." Four or fewer charges will no longer be blazoned "in annulo" for submissions appearing on external letters of intent after February 1, 2020.
Separate from the arrangement of charges "in annulo" is the common but largely unattested orientation with the charge's primary axis either parallel or perpendicular to the circle the charges form. This rotational symmetry is almost entirely absent from period armorial design; when it does appear, it's seen almost exclusively with inanimate charges, e.g. a lunel (an Iberian motif formed of four or five crescents conjoined, horns to center).
Arrangements are usually orientation-neutral (in fess, in pale, in bend), but there are examples of arrangements of two long charges that include orientation by default. The classic example is "in saltire." For five charges in the charge group, the items in saltire are arranged two, one, and two, with no orientation implied. However, with two long charges in the charge group, the orientation is supplied; one is in bend sinister, with the other surmounting it in bend. "In chevron" or "in pall" likewise can be orientation-neutral for several charges, but become orientation-specific for two or three long charges, respectively.
For inanimate charges, charges "in annulo" are orientation-neutral; the five crescents above are blazoned first by arrangement (in annulo) and then by orientation (horns to center).
The problem with this model arises when submitters attempt to use the "in annulo" motif to circumvent the prohibition of animate charges inverted; that is, using "in annulo" as an orientation. Animate charges have postures, which have inherent orientations. In the October 2018 return of the joint badge for Mir Netronin and Mikael MacLeod, it was ruled, "The posture of a quadruped relies heavily on the context of the orientation of its spine. Known period examples of quadrupeds who have nonstandard orientations are almost always on bends, and always with their head oriented towards chief. Absent documentation, quadrupeds in nonstandard orientations relative to their postures will be returned."
There being no evidence of animate charges oriented in annulo, the continued allowance of this step from period practice relies on whether it causes identifiability issues. As noted in the May 2018 Cover Letter, steps from period practice that fall under SENA A2B4d "are tolerated because they're remarkably popular and function effectively as armorial elements without causing undue confusion. However, inclusion or exclusion of these charges in past rulings was far more subjective, and such elements could cease being registerable if they became problematic."
That said, moving forward we will allow animate charges oriented in annulo as a step from period practice only if the following criteria are met:
# There are a minimum of five charges in the charge group
# The charges form the appearance of an annulet, either solid or broken
# Each charge is independently recognizable in both type and posture
Points 2 and 3 above are important to consider together. As noted at the start of this article, charges in past submissions have been warped to form an annular shape at the expense of individual identification. This has been and will continue to be grounds for return.
Animate charges which are attested in period to be in annulo singly, such as serpents and dragons, will continue to be registerable without a step from period practice.
Other attempts to circumvent the prohibition on inverted animate charges, such as in cross four wolves statant, bellies to center, will require evidence of those charges appearing in that posture and orientation in period armory. The classic example is three rabbits courant conjoined at the ears found in the arms of Harewelle, Hasloch, and other families in period.
The new ruling will apply to all submissions appearing on external letters of intent published after February 1, 2020. Existing precedent will be applied to submissions appearing in letters published before that date.

===January 2014 Cover Letter - Phases of the Moon:===  
===January 2014 Cover Letter - Phases of the Moon:===  
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