Editing Field Division

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'''See also ''': [[Divisions and Ordinaries]], [[Complex Lines of Division]], [[Complex Lines from the old Heraldic Primer]], [[Triangular Divisions and Charges]]
'''See also ''': [[Divisions and Ordinaries]], [[Complex Lines of Division]], [[Complex Lines from the old Heraldic Primer]], [[Triangular Divisions and Charges]]

===Barry invected, barry indented===
====Quarterly, per saltire====  
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| [[File:UniverseelWapenboek_km1063_barryinvectedVSscaly.jpg|198x233px|c.1558]]
| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/siebmacher_plate225-hasfurt.jpg  
| [[File:livroarmeiro_f134v_monstercanton.jpg|211x337px|1506-1509]]
| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/Siebmacher1605_plate033_Unverzagt_per-saltire-charges.jpg
| c.1558 Universeel Wapenboek, KM1063, barry invected
| Siebmacher's Wappenbuch, 1605, plate 225, quarterly, rabbit
| 1506-1509 Livro do Armeiro-Mor, 134v, barry indented and a huge canton
| Siebmacher, 1605, plate 33, Unverzagt, per saltire with four charges. FB image courtesy of Bruce Draconarius. Siebmacher, 1605, plate 33, Unverzagt, per saltire with four charges. FB image courtesy of Bruce Draconarius. "Per saltire Or and sable, in pale two lion's faces sable and in fess two fleurs-de-lys argent."

====Barry invected, barry indented, checky:====  
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| [[File:BSB277f124rSlaviatiBendyBretessed.PNG|250px]]  
| [[File:UniverseelWapenboek_km1063_barryinvectedVSscaly.jpg|198x233px|c.1558]]  
| |
| [[File:livroarmeiro_f134v_monstercanton.jpg|211x337px|1506-1509]]  
| Insignia Florentinorum BSB277, f124r, Salviati, bendy bretessed
{| class="wikitable"
| [[File:BSB277f64rFalchonieriCheckyThing.PNG|200px]]  
| [[File:BSB278_f99r_checkymonkey.jpg|240x405px|Checky]]
| [[File:BSB278_f99r_checkymonkey.jpg|240x405px|Checky]]
| Insignia Florentinorum, BSB 277, f64r, checky thing
| c.1558 Universeel Wapenboek, KM1063, barry invected
| 1506-1509 Livro do Armeiro-Mor, 134v, barry indented and a huge canton
| Checky with a monkey crest
| Checky with a monkey crest
===Quarterly, per saltire===
{| class="wikitable"
| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/siebmacher_plate225-hasfurt.jpg
| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/Siebmacher1605_plate033_Unverzagt_per-saltire-charges.jpg
| Siebmacher's Wappenbuch, 1605, plate 225, quarterly, rabbit
| Siebmacher, 1605, plate 33, Unverzagt, per saltire with four charges. FB image courtesy of Bruce Draconarius. Siebmacher, 1605, plate 33, Unverzagt, per saltire with four charges. FB image courtesy of Bruce Draconarius. "Per saltire Or and sable, in pale two lion's faces sable and in fess two fleurs-de-lys argent."

===An Ordinary of Siebmacher's ''Wappenbuch'', see the "Field, Divided" links:===
===An Ordinary of Siebmacher's ''Wappenbuch'', see the "Field, Divided" links:===
* http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/heraldry/siebmacher/f-siebmacher.html
* http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/heraldry/siebmacher/f-siebmacher.html

===Pictorial Dictionary, 3rd edition:===  
====Pictorial Dictionary, 3rd edition:====  
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/chape/ Chapé]
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/chape/ Chapé]
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/chausse/ Chaussé]
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/chausse/ Chaussé]
Line 60: Line 43:

[[Pennsic Traceable Art Project]]:
[[Pennsic Traceable Art Project]]:
=SENA A.5.F.1. and A.5.F.2=
''As of 2012''
'''1. Substantial Change of Partition''': A new field-primary submission is clear of any other piece of protected field-primary armory when it substantially changes the partitioning of the field.
* '''a. Total Addition or Removal of Division''': Any divided field has a substantially changed partition from any plain field. The multiply divided furs are considered plain fields for this purpose.
* For example, ''Per pale azure and vert'' is substantially different from ''Vert'', and thus clear of conflict with it. It would also be substantially different from ''Vair'' or ''Potent.''
* '''‍b. Substantial Change of Direction of Division''': A change in direction of the lines of partition creates a substantial change of partition. Most of the standard lines of division are substantially different. Any field division which differs only by the number of partitions in a single direction is not substantially different. The pairs ''per bend'' and ''bendy'', ''per bend sinister'' and ''bendy sinister'', ''per chevron// and ''chevronelly'', ''per fess'' and //barry//, and //per pale// and //paly// are not substantially different from the other half of their pair. Each of the above mentioned divisions is otherwise substantially different from all other divisions. Therefore, the pairs //chevronelly// and //paly//, //per bend// //and per bend sinister'', etc., are substantially different.
* For example, ''Per pale argent and gules// is substantially different from //Per fess argent and gules// and from //Per chevron argent and gules//. However, //Per pale argent and gules// is not substantially different from //Paly argent and gules''.
* ''Per pall//, and //per pall inverted'' are clear of all other divisions.
* ''Quarterly// and //per saltire// are substantially different from all two-part divisions and three-part divisions. They are also substantially different from all other four-part divisions (such as //per pale and per chevron// or //per bend and per fess''). The other four-part divisions are only substantially different from one another if they share no lines of division in common. All four-part divisions are substantially different from divisions that split the field evenly into more than four partitions.
* For example, ''per pale and per chevron// is substantially difference from //per fess and per bend sinister//, as they have no lines of division in common.//Checky// is substantially different from all other fields. While //checky// is substantially different from all other grid-like partitions (//i.e.//, those formed by two sets of parallel lines, such as //lozengy// and //barry-bendy''); these other grid-like partitions are '''not''' substantially different from one another. This is because they all create a general impression of lozenges of some sort. These grid-like partitions are all substantially different from partitions that split the field into six or fewer partitions.
* For example, ''Barry and per pale argent and vert// is substantially different from //Checky argent and vert//, but is not clear of conflict under this rule from //Bendy and per pale argent and vert''.
>> ''Gyronny// (of any number of pieces) and //party of six// are substantially different form all other partions. Other multiply parted divisions (//bendy, barry,'' etc., are discussed in the first paragraph of this section.
* Lines of division not mentioned here explicitly may be determined to be substantially different on a case by case basis.
* As a reference, these categories are all substantially different from each other:
** ''per pale//, //paly''
** ''per fess//, //barry''
** ''per bend//, //bendy''
** ''per bend sinister//, //bendy sinister''
** ''per chevron//, //chevronelly''
** ''per chevron inverted//, //chevronelly inverted''
** ''gyronny'' (any number of pieces)
** ''per pall''
** ''per pall inverted''
** ''per saltire''
** ''quarterly''
** other divisions into four equal parts(may have substantial difference between themselves, if they share no lines in common, such as ''per pale and per chevron// compared to //per fess and per bend sinister'')
** ''party of six''
** ''checky''
** ''lozengy// and all other grid-like partitions (such as //barry bendy// and //per pale and chevronelly''
*2. Substantial Change of Tincture''': If the field of a new field-primary submission has no tinctures in common with the field of a protected piece of armory, they do not conflict. If a new submission with a field divided into two sections, three sections, ''quarterly//, or //per saltire'' has changed the tincture of each section of that field and each has at least one tincture on the field that the other does not, the two are substantially different and do not conflict.
Furs are considered to be different from one another and from their base tincture. The addition of a field treatment is also a change of tincture.
For example, ''Per chevron azure and gules// and //Per chevron sable and argent// do not conflict, because the fields do not share a tincture. //Per pale azure and gules// and //Per pale gules and argent// do not conflict, because they are a type of field division with two sections, they have changed the tincture of each section, and each one has a tincture that differs. Similarly, //Quarterly azure and gules, a bordure argent// and //Quarterly gules and Or// //a bordure argent'' do not conflict because they are four-section field divisions, they have changed the tincture of each section, and they each have a tincture that differs - the tincture of the bordure is not relevant.
In contrast, ''Per pale azure and gules// is not clear of conflict under this rule with //Per pale gules and azure// because neither has a tincture the other does not. //Barry bendy vert and argent// is not clear of conflict under this rule with //Barry bendy sinister vert and Or// because both share a tincture in the same section. //Paly azure and gules// is not clear of conflict under this rule with //Paly gules and argent// because they are divided into multiple sections (such that the order of the tinctures makes little visual difference) and they share a tincture. This is true even for //Paly of four parts''.
''Per bend ermine and azure// is substantially different from //Per bend erminois and gules// and from //Per bend argent and sable//. //Per fess argent and gules// is substantially different from //Per fess argent masoned gules and sable''. In each case, the two pieces of armory have no tinctures in common.
==SENA A.5.G.1.==
1. Changes to the Field: Distinctly changing the tinctures, direction of partition lines, style of partition lines, or number of pieces in a partition of the field is one distinct change (DC). For armory with a primary charge group, at most one distinct change can come from changes to the field.
For example, ''Lozengy Or and azure, a martlet gules// has only one DC from //Per pale indented argent and sable, a martlet gules'', even though these fields are dramatically different.
Field-primary armory can be cleared of conflict by a single substantial change to the field as described in [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A5F A.5.F] above, through two distinct changes under this rule, or through two distinct changes under any combination of rules in [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A5G A.5.G], including changes to peripheral ordinaries and tertiary charges on them.
>> '''a. Change of Tincture''': If the tincture of at least half the field is changed, the fields will be considered different enough to be a distinct change (DC). There is a distinct change for swapping or rotating the tinctures of a field evenly divided into two, three, or four parts. There is not a distinct change for swapping the tinctures of a field divided into more than four parts. Furs and fields with field treatments are considered different tinctures from their underlying tincture and from other variants which share an underlying tincture.
>> For example, each of the following has one DC from the other two: ''Argent, a tree vert//, //Ermine, a tree vert// and //Argent masoned sable, a tree vert//. In each case, the field tincture is distinctly changed. //Per pall sable, gules, and argent// has one DC from both //Per pall azure, gules, and Or// and //Per pall gules, argent, and sable''. In each case at least half of the field tincture has been changed.
>> For example, ''Quarterly argent and azure, a lucy gules'' has one DC from //Quarterly azure and argent, a lucy gules//. However, //Checky argent and azure, a lucy gules// does not have a DC from //Checky azure and argent, a lucy gules''.
>> '''‍b. Change of Direction of Partition Lines''': A change of direction of partition lines creates a distinct change (DC). The major single partition lines include: ''per bend//, //per bend sinister//, //per pale//, //per fess//, //per chevron//, and //per chevron inverted//; a change from one to another (whether as single lines or multiple forms) is a distinct change. In addition, a change from any of these to //per saltire//, //quarterly//, //gyronny// (of any number of pieces), //per pall//, and //per pall inverted//, //checky//, and //lozengy'' or a change between any of these is considered a distinct change. A change in direction of half the lines of a design gives a distinct change. In general, the addition, removal, or change of a partition line or group of partition lines that changes the organization of tinctures in ways that affect at least half the field will be considered a distinct change.
>> For example, ''Per bend vair and gules// is a DC from //Per pale vair and gules//. For example, //Barry bendy sable and Or// is a DC from //Paly bendy sable and Or//. For example, //Barry wavy azure and argent// is a DC from //Per pale and barry wavy azure and argent''.
>> '''c. Change of Style of Partition Lines''': All partition lines have a style, either plain (straight) or complex. A change of style of half the partition lines is a distinct change (DC). The types of complex lines which are distinctly different are discussed in Appendix M.
>> For example, ''Per pale// is a DC from //Per pale embattled//. For example, //Barry wavy// is a DC from //Barry engrailed// and from //Barry// (plain). For example, //Quarterly// is a DC from //Quarterly per fess indented''.
>> '''d. Change of Number of Pieces''': Changing the number of pieces into which the field is divided is a distinct change (DC). When considering the field as a whole, a field with one, two, three, or four pieces has a distinct change from armory with any other number, but above that there is no distinct change. When considering changes to only half of an already divided field, a half with one, two, or three pieces can have a distinct change from armory with a half of any other number of pieces, but any number beyond that is considered the same.
>> For example, ''Per chevron gules and argent, a pale azure// has one DC from //Chevronelly gules and argent, a pale azure//. //Quarterly Or and sable, a fleur-de-lys gules// has one DC from Checky //Or and sable, a fleur-de-lys gules//. //Per pale azure and argent// has one DC from //Per pale azure and bendy argent and gules''. In each case, the change of number of pieces is significant.
>> For example, ''Gyronny of six ermine and vert, a roundel sable// does not have a DC from //Gyronny (of eight) ermine and vert, a roundel sable//. There is no DC between //Barry wavy of six argent and azure, a dolphin gules'' and the same design drawn with more traits, and we generally do not blazon that difference.
>> The one exception is ''party of six//, which is divided in a different pattern (effectively //per fess and paly of three//) and was seen as a distinct field division in period. Therefore, it has one DC from //checky// and designs that create large numbers of lozenges (such as //paly bendy//). However, it does not have a DC from designs such as //Paly and per fess'' which create the same overall impression.
>> e. omitted (re. fieldless armory)
===SENA Appendix H:===
'''Low-Contrast Complex Lines of Division'''
All combinations of tinctures which have good contrast (as defined in [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A3B2 A.3.B.2]) are allowed with plain line and complex lines of division.
Combinations that share a background tincture (e.g. ''argent'' and ''ermine'') are not allowed.
Combinations of tinctures which do not have good contrast and do not share a background tincture are allowed for:
* Plain lines of division
* Complex lines of division if the armory is field-primary
Fields with low-contrast tinctures separated by complex lines of division may be obscured by primary charges. Thus, divided fields with low-contrast tinctures with complex lines of division will be registered with an overlying charge only if the identity of the line of division is clear.

=Heraldic Primer (old version):=  
=Heraldic Primer (old version):=  
Line 69: Line 115:
==Two-part Field Divisions==  
==Two-part Field Divisions==  
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| ''Per bend'' sable and argent. || ''Per bend sinister'' sable and argent]. || ''Per chevron'' sable and argent. || ''Per chevron inverted'' sable and argent.
| ''Per bend'' sable and argent. || ''Per bend sinister'' sable] and argent]. || //Per chevron// sable and argent. || ''Per chevron inverted'' sable and argent.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perbend.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perbend.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perbendsinister.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perbendsinister.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perchevron.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perchevron.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perchevroninverted.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perchevroninverted.gif  
|| ''Per fess'' sable and argent. || ''Per pale'' sable and argent.
|| //Per fess// sable and argent. || //Per pale// sable and argent.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perfess.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perfess.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perpale.gif

==Three-part Field Divisions==  
==Three-part Field Divisions==  
Note that "per pall" and "per pall inverted" should divide the field evenly into three parts.  
Note that "per pall" and "per pall inverted" should divide the field evenly into three parts.  
{| class="wikitable"
| ''Per pall'' sable, argent, and gules. || ''Per pall inverted'' sable, argent, and gules.
| ''Per pall// sable, argent, and gules. || //Per pall inverted// sable, argent, and gules.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perpall.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perpall.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perpallinverted.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/perpallinverted.gif]] 

==Four-part Field Divisions==  
==Four-part Field Divisions==  
{| class="wikitable"
| ''Per saltire'' sable and argent. || ''Quarterly'' sable and argent.
| ''Per saltire// sable and argent. || //Quarterly// sable and argent.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/persaltire.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/persaltire.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/quarterly.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/quarterly.gif]]

=='''Eight-part Field Division'''==  
=='''Eight-part Field Division'''==  
{| class="wikitable"
|''Gyronny'' sable and argent.
|''Gyronny// sable and argent.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/gyronny.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/gyronny.gif]]

Line 109: Line 155:

With these divisions, the number of parts is usually an unspecified even number greater than four.
With these divisions, the number of parts is usually an unspecified even number greater than four.
{| class="wikitable"
| ''Paly'' sable and argent. || ''Barry'' sable and argent.|| ''Bendy'' argent and sable. || ''Bendy sinister'' sable and argent.
| ''Paly// sable]] and argent]]. || //Barry// sable and argent.|| //Bendy// argent and sable. || //Bendy sinister// sable and argent.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/paly.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/paly.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/barry.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/barry.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/bendy.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/bendy.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/bendysinister.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/bendysinister.gif
| ''Chequy'' sable and argent. || ''Lozengy'' argent and sable. || ''Pily'' sable and argent.
| ''Chequy// sable and argent. || //Lozengy// argent and sable. || //Pily// sable and argent.
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/chequy.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/chequy.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/lozengy.gif  
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/lozengy.gif]]
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/pily.gif
|| http://www.sofyalarus.info/heraldicart/HeraldicPrimer/pily.gif]]

=SENA A.5.F.1. and A.5.F.2 - Standards for Difference through a Single Substantial Change of Field for Fielded Armory=
''As of 2021''
'''1. Substantial Change of Partition:''' A new submission is clear of any other piece of protected armory when it substantially changes the partitioning of the field. [''updated 3/2021'']
* '''a. Total Addition or Removal of Division:''' Any divided field has a substantially changed partition from any plain field. The multiply divided furs are considered plain fields for this purpose. [''updated 3/2021'']
* For example, ''Per pale azure and vert'' is substantially different from ''Vert'', and thus clear of conflict with it. It would also be substantially different from ''Vair'' or ''Potent.''
* '''‍b. Substantial Change of Direction of Division''': A change in direction of the lines of partition creates a substantial change of partition. Most of the standard lines of division are substantially different. Any field division which differs only by the number of partitions in a single direction is not substantially different. The pairs ''per bend'' and ''bendy'', ''per bend sinister'' and ''bendy sinister'', ''per chevron'' and ''chevronelly'', ''per fess'' and ''barry'', and ''per pale'' and ''paly'' are not substantially different from the other half of their pair. Each of the above mentioned divisions is otherwise substantially different from all other divisions. Therefore, the pairs ''chevronelly'' and ''paly'', 'per bend'' and ''per bend sinister'', etc., are substantially different.
* For example, ''Per pale argent and gules'' is substantially different from ''Per fess argent and gules'' and from ''Per chevron argent and gules... However, Per pale argent and gules'' is not substantially different from ''Paly argent and gules''.
* ''Per pall'', and ''per pall inverted'' are clear of all other divisions.
* ''Quarterly'' and ''per saltire'' are substantially different from all two-part divisions and three-part divisions. They are also substantially different from all other four-part divisions (such as ''per pale and per chevron'' or ''per bend and per fess''). The other four-part divisions are only substantially different from one another if they share no lines of division in common. All four-part divisions are substantially different from divisions that split the field evenly into more than four partitions.
* For example, ''per pale and per chevron'' is substantially difference from ''per fess and per bend sinister'', as they have no lines of division in common. ''Checky'' is substantially different from all other fields. While ''checky'' is substantially different from all other grid-like partitions (i.e., those formed by two sets of parallel lines, such as ''lozengy'' and ''barry-bendy''); these other grid-like partitions are '''not''' substantially different from one another. This is because they all create a general impression of lozenges of some sort. These grid-like partitions are all substantially different from partitions that split the field into six or fewer partitions.
* For example, ''Barry and per pale argent and vert'' is substantially different from ''Checky argent and vert'', but is not clear of conflict under this rule from ''Bendy and per pale argent and vert''.
>> ''Gyronny'' (of any number of pieces) and ''party of six'' are substantially different form all other partions. Other multiply parted divisions (''bendy, barry,'' etc., are discussed in the first paragraph of this section.
* Lines of division not mentioned here explicitly may be determined to be substantially different on a case by case basis.
* As a reference, these categories are all substantially different from each other:
** ''per pale'', ''paly''
** ''per fess'', ''barry''
** ''per bend'', ''bendy''
** ''per bend sinister'', ''bendy sinister''
** ''per chevron'', ''chevronelly''
** ''per chevron inverted'', ''chevronelly inverted''
** ''gyronny'' (any number of pieces)
** ''per pall''
** ''per pall inverted''
** ''per saltire''
** ''quarterly''
** other divisions into four equal parts(may have substantial difference between themselves, if they share no lines in common, such as ''per pale and per chevron'' compared to ''per fess and per bend sinister'')
** ''party of six''
** ''checky''
** ''lozengy'' and all other grid-like partitions (such as ''barry bendy'' and ''per pale and chevronelly''
*2. Substantial Change of Tincture''': If the field of a new field-primary submission has no tinctures in common with the field of a protected piece of armory, they do not conflict. If a new submission with a field divided into two sections, three sections, ''quarterly'', or ''per saltire'' has changed the tincture of each section of that field and each has at least one tincture on the field that the other does not, the two are substantially different and do not conflict.
Furs are considered to be different from one another and from their base tincture. The addition of a field treatment is also a change of tincture.
For example, ''Per chevron azure and gules'' and ''Per chevron sable and argent'' do not conflict, because the fields do not share a tincture. ''Per pale azure and gules'' and ''Per pale gules and argent'' do not conflict, because they are a type of field division with two sections, they have changed the tincture of each section, and each one has a tincture that differs. Similarly, ''Quarterly azure and gules, a bordure argent'' and ''Quarterly gules and Or'' ''a bordure argent'' do not conflict because they are four-section field divisions, they have changed the tincture of each section, and they each have a tincture that differs - the tincture of the bordure is not relevant.
In contrast, ''Per pale azure and gules'' is not clear of conflict under this rule with ''Per pale gules and azure'' because neither has a tincture the other does not. ''Barry bendy vert and argent'' is not clear of conflict under this rule with ''Barry bendy sinister vert and Or'' because both share a tincture in the same section. ''Paly azure and gules'' is not clear of conflict under this rule with ''Paly gules and argent'' because they are divided into multiple sections (such that the order of the tinctures makes little visual difference) and they share a tincture. This is true even for ''Paly of four parts''.
''Per bend ermine and azure'' is substantially different from ''Per bend erminois and gules'' and from ''Per bend argent and sable''. ''Per fess argent and gules'' is substantially different from ''Per fess argent masoned gules and sable''. In each case, the two pieces of armory have no tinctures in common.
==SENA A.5.G.1.==
As of 3/2021
'''1. Changes to the Field:''' Distinctly changing the tinctures, direction of partition lines, style of partition lines, or number of pieces in a partition of the field is one distinct change (DC). ''[updated 3/2021]''
Armory can be cleared of conflict by a single substantial change to the field as described in [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A5F A.5.F] above, through two distinct changes under this rule, or through two distinct changes under any combination of rules in [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A5G A.5.G], including changes to peripheral ordinaries and tertiary charges on them.
For example, Per chevron argent and azure, a lion gules does not conflict with Chevronelly argent and sable, a lion gules; there is a DC for changing at least half the tincture of the field (A5G1a), and a DC for changing the number of pieces of the field (A5G1d). For example, Per pale indented argent and azure, a lion gules does not conflict with Per fess argent and azure, a lion gules; there is a DC for changing the direction of the partition lines (A5G1b), and a DC for changing the style of the partition lines (A5G1c). For example, Per pale azure and argent, a lion gules has one DC from Per pale azure and bendy argent and sable, a lion gules (A5G1d), but does not receive a DC for the difference in tincture (A5G1a) as it is less than half of the field.
** '''a. Change of Tincture''': If the tincture of at least half the field is changed, the fields will be considered different enough to be a distinct change (DC). There is a distinct change for swapping or rotating the tinctures of a field evenly divided into two, three, or four parts. There is not a distinct change for swapping the tinctures of a field divided into more than four parts. Furs and fields with field treatments are considered different tinctures from their underlying tincture and from other variants which share an underlying tincture.
** For example, each of the following has one DC from the other two: ''Argent, a tree vert'', ''Ermine, a tree vert'' and ''Argent masoned sable, a tree vert''. In each case, the field tincture is distinctly changed. ''Per pall sable, gules, and argent'' has one DC from both ''Per pall azure, gules, and Or'' and ''Per pall gules, argent, and sable''. In each case at least half of the field tincture has been changed.
** For example, ''Quarterly argent and azure, a lucy gules'' has one DC from ''Quarterly azure and argent, a lucy gules''. However, ''Checky argent and azure, a lucy gules'' does not have a DC from ''Checky azure and argent, a lucy gules''.
** '''‍b. Change of Direction of Partition Lines''': A change of direction of partition lines creates a distinct change (DC). The major single partition lines include: ''per bend'', ''per bend sinister'', ''per pale'', ''per fess'', ''per chevron'', and ''per chevron inverted''; a change from one to another (whether as single lines or multiple forms) is a distinct change. In addition, a change from any of these to ''per saltire'', ''quarterly'', ''gyronny'' (of any number of pieces), ''per pall'', and ''per pall inverted'', ''checky'', and ''lozengy'' or a change between any of these is considered a distinct change. A change in direction of half the lines of a design gives a distinct change. In general, the addition, removal, or change of a partition line or group of partition lines that changes the organization of tinctures in ways that affect at least half the field will be considered a distinct change.
** For example, ''Per bend vair and gules'' is a DC from ''Per pale vair and gules''. For example, ''Barry bendy sable and Or'' is a DC from ''Paly bendy sable and Or''. For example, ''Barry wavy azure and argent'' is a DC from ''Per pale and barry wavy azure and argent''.
** '''c. Change of Style of Partition Lines''': All partition lines have a style, either plain (straight) or complex. A change of style of half the partition lines is a distinct change (DC). The types of complex lines which are distinctly different are discussed in Appendix M.
** For example, ''Per pale'' is a DC from ''Per pale embattled''. For example, ''Barry wavy'' is a DC from ''Barry engrailed'' and from ''Barry'' (plain). For example, ''Quarterly'' is a DC from ''Quarterly per fess indented''.
** '''d. Change of Number of Pieces''': Changing the number of pieces into which the field is divided is a distinct change (DC). When considering the field as a whole, a field with one, two, three, or four pieces has a distinct change from armory with any other number, but above that there is no distinct change. When considering changes to only half of an already divided field, a half with one, two, or three pieces can have a distinct change from armory with a half of any other number of pieces, but any number beyond that is considered the same.
** For example, ''Per chevron gules and argent, a pale azure'' has one DC from ''Chevronelly gules and argent, a pale azure''. ''Quarterly Or and sable, a fleur-de-lys gules'' has one DC from ''Checky Or and sable, a fleur-de-lys gules''. ''Per pale azure and argent'' has one DC from /''er pale azure and bendy argent and gules''. In each case, the change of number of pieces is significant.
** For example, ''Gyronny of six ermine and vert, a roundel sable'' does not have a DC from ''Gyronny (of eight) ermine and vert, a roundel sable''. There is no DC between ''Barry wavy of six argent and azure, a dolphin gules'' and the same design drawn with more traits, and we generally do not blazon that difference.
** The one exception is ''party of six'', which is divided in a different pattern (effectively ''per fess and paly of three'') and was seen as a distinct field division in period. Therefore, it has one DC from ''checky'' and designs that create large numbers of lozenges (such as ''paly bendy''). However, it does not have a DC from designs such as ''Paly and per fess'' which create the same overall impression.
** e. omitted (re. fieldless armory)
=SENA Appendix H: Low-Contrast Complex Lines of Division=
''as of 6/2022''
The primary standard for low-contrast complex lines of division is that they be readily identifiable.
In many cases, a charge overlying a low-contrast complex line of division will render the line of division unidentifiable. Thus, divided fields with low-contrast tinctures with complex lines of division will be registered with a charge overlying the line division only if the line of division remains readily identifiable.
In some cases, even if there is no overlying charge, a low-contrast complex line of division may be unidentifiable and thus unregisterable. Similarly, in some cases, the specific shades used in a submission may render a low-contrast complex line of division unidentifiable and thus unregisterable, even if the combination has previously been registered.
Some low-contrast complex line combinations which have been registered recently are:
* argent and Or: with a right step
*azure and gules: embattled
*azure and vert: embattled
*gules and sable: arrondi; indented; rayonny
*gules and purpure: indented
*gules and vert: enarched
*purpure and vert: wavy
*sable and vert: dovetailed; indented
Some low-contrast complex line combinations which have been ruled unregisterable, even when there is no overlying charge, are:
*sable and purpure
*sable and azure

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===March 2021 CL - substantial difference for field changes not just for field-primary:===
From Wreath: Change to SENA A5F
The December 23rd Rules Letter proposed changes to SENA A5F to allow a substantial difference for changes to the field for all fielded armory, not just field-primary armory. Those suggestions, with some modifications are accepted. ''[See [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A5F A.5.F] for the revised wording.]''
===March 2021 CL - multiple DCs for field changes not just for field-primary:===
From Wreath: Change to SENA A5G1
The December 23rd Rules Letter proposed changes to SENA A5G1 to allow all fielded armory to receive multiple DCs for changes to the field which previously only applied to field-primary armory. Those changes are accepted. ''[See [http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#A5G A.5.G] for the revised wording.]''

===September 2008 - lozenge throughout vs. vetu, plain vs. ploye:===  
===September 2008 - lozenge throughout vs. vetu, plain vs. ploye:===  
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