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'''WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.'''
'''WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.'''
''<span style="background-color: #eef3f6; color: #222222; font-family: monospace;">Revised {$revisiondate}.</span>''
''See also [[Mascle]].''
''See also [[Mascle]].''
=== ===  
[Illustration from period source]
===Pictorial Dictionary of SCA Heraldry (3rd edition):===
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/lozenge-mascle-rustre/ Lozenge; Mascle; Rustre]
See also:
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/fusil/ Fusil]
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/polygon/ polygon]  
* [http://mistholme.com/dictionary/vetu/ vêtu].

'''Pictorial Dictionary of SCA Heraldry (3rd edition):'''
| [[File:http:''mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge-263x300.jpg|128x150px|Lozenge]] || [[File:http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_mascle-264x300.jpg|129x150px|Mascle,]] || [[File:http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_rustre-265x300.jpg|130x150px|Rustre,]] || [[File:http:''mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/fusil-267x300.jpg|132x150px|Fess]]
| http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge-263x300.jpg || http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_mascle-264x300.jpg || http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_rustre-265x300.jpg || http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/fusil-267x300.jpg  
| [[File:http:''mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_pometty-259x300.jpg|124x150px|Lozenge]] || [[File:http:''mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_napkin-259x300.jpg|124x150px|Lozenge]] ||   ||  
| Lozenge (period) || Mascle (period) || Rustre (period) || Fess of fusils
| http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_pometty-259x300.jpg || http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lozenge_napkin-259x300.jpg || http://mistholme.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/lozenge_masculyn-260x300.jpg
|<span style="display: block; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">
|| Lozenge pometty (period) ||   Lozenge ploye or Arabic napkin (period) || Masculyn (period)
|* <span style="background-color: #edf6fe; color: #123b66; font-family: inherit; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline;">[[http://mistholme.com/dictionary/fusil/|Fusil]]</span>
|* <span style="background-color: #edf6fe; color: #123b66; font-family: inherit; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline;">[[http://mistholme.com/dictionary/lozenge-mascle-rustre/|Lozenge; Mascle; Rustre]]</span>
|''' <span style="background-color: #edf6fe; color: #333333; font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">For related charges, see </span>'''<span style="background-color: #edf6fe; color: #333333; font-family: Verdana,sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline;"><span style="color: #123b66; font-family: inherit; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline;">[[@http:''mistholme.com/dictionary/polygon/|polygon]]</span>.</span>'''<span style="background-color: #edf6fe; color: #123b66; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">'''See also''' [[@http:''mistholme.com/dictionary/vetu/|vêtu]].</span>

===Vector Graphics:===
[http://heraldicart.org/ Book of Traceable Heraldic Art]

Illustration/s from Brickbat's Armorial Stash - [[http://atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com/HeraldicArtBits.shtml]]:
===Annotated [[Pennsic Traceable Art Project]]===

Pennsic Traceable Art Project:
* Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Heraldry Archive" - http://www.s-gabriel.org/heraldry/
* Archive of St. Gabriel reports - http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/archive.cgi
* Laurel Armory Articles - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/armory_articles.html

===Heraldic Primer/other recognized sources:===

* New Heraldic Primer (Heraldry for Non-Heralds) - http://heraldry.sca.org/armory/newprimer/
* Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry (PicDic), 3rd Edition - http://mistholme.com/pictorial-dictionary-of-heraldry
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html]]</span>
* [[Period Armorials]]
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Morsulus Heralds Website - [[http://www.morsulus.org/]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents)</span>
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Restatement Wiki - [[http://yehudaheraldry.com/restatement/index.php?title=Main_Page]] (restatements of Precedents)</span>
''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">'''Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.'''</span>''
* Parker's Heraldry - http://karlwilcox.com/parker/ (broken)
* Riestap's ''Armorial Général - http://www.euraldic.com/lasu/bl/bl_a_aa.html
Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html
Morsulus Heralds Website - http://www.morsulus.org/ (to search the LoARs and Precedents)
Restatement Wiki - [[http://yehudaheraldry.com/restatement/index.php?title=Main_Page]] (restatements of Precedents)
'''Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.'''

====<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">[[#x--Precedents:-Definition:]]<u>'''Definition:'''</u></span>====  
(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)

===March 2016 - lozenge in fieldless badge===
Adeliz Fergusson. Badge. (Fieldless) On a lozenge ployé azure five mullets of seven points in cross Or.
By longstanding precedent, we do not register fieldless badges that appear to be independent forms of armorial display. Charges such as roundels, cartouches, escutcheons, billets, hearts, lozenges, and so forth are all both standard heraldic charges and "shield shapes" for armorial display. Lozenges ployés do not escape this rule and are considered to be a shield shape for the purposes of this precedent.

====<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">[[#x--Precedents:-Registerability:]]<u>'''Registerability:'''</u></span>====
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)</span>

====<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">[[#x--Precedents:-Conflict:]]<u>'''Conflict:'''</u></span>====
===July 2018 - lozenge in augmentation as if independent armory===
Wencenedl of Rokesburg. Augmentation of arms. Azure, a hart trippant reguardant, on a chief embattled argent three dragonflies azure, and for augmentation, the hart gorged of a coronet Or pearled argent, suspended therefrom a lozenge gules charged with a trillium argent barbed vert... This augmentation is also returned for conflict with the device of Madelyn Catherwood, Gules, a trillium blossom and a chief invected argent, with one DC for removal of the secondary charge, and with the badge of Marrin von Waldburg, Gules, on a trillium argent three maple leaves gules, with one DC for removal of the tertiary charge. Per SENA A5C4, "in a submission of augmented arms where the augmentation appears to be a display of independent armory, such as a charged canton or a single charged escutcheon, the augmentation must be checked for conflict as if it were a submission of independent armory." The lozenge is a medium of heraldic display, and so must be considered as such a stand-alone display.

'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">From the September 2008 LoAR:</span>'''
===September 2008 - vêtu vs lozenge thorughout===
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Elspeth Jamieson. Device. Argent vêtu ployé azure, two serpents erect respectant entwined sable.</span>
>Elspeth Jamieson. Device. Argent vêtu ployé azure, two serpents erect respectant entwined sable. This is returned for conflict with Werenher von Ingolstadt, Azure, on a lozenge argent, a bear statant erect sable. Precedent, set in April 2008, says " ''' While a lozenge throughout must always be checked as though it were a vêtu field (and thus comparable to all other fields), a lozenge need only be compared to a vêtu field (not to all fields)." The converse is not true - vêtu must be checked against a lozenge throughout, a lozenge, and all fields.''' Since Elspeth's submission can be blazoned as Azure, on a lozenge ployé throughout argent, two serpents erect respectant, bodies entwined sable, there is only a single CD for the multiple changes to the tertiary charges. </span>'''We do not give a CD for the difference between a lozenge and a lozenge throughout, nor do we give one for the difference between plain and ployé edges on a charge'''. [Note that under SENA one can now get MORE than a single DC for multiple changes to tertiary charges!]
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">This is returned for conflict with Werenher von Ingolstadt, Azure, on a lozenge argent, a bear statant erect sable. Precedent, set in April 2008, says "</span>'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">While a lozenge throughout must always be checked as though it were a vêtu field (and thus comparable to all other fields), a lozenge need only be compared to a vêtu field (not to all fields)." The converse is not true - vêtu must be checked against a lozenge throughout, a lozenge, and all fields.</span>'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;"> Since Elspeth's submission can be blazoned as Azure, on a lozenge ployé throughout argent, two serpents erect respectant, bodies entwined sable, there is only a single CD for the multiple changes to the tertiary charges. </span>'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">We do not give a CD for the difference between a lozenge and a lozenge throughout, nor do we give one for the difference between plain and ployé edges on a charge</span>'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">. [Note that under SENA one can now get MORE than a single DC for mulptiple changes to tertiary charges!]</span>
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">[[http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2008/09/08-09lar.html]]</span>

'''From the November 2002 LoAR''':
===November 2002 - lozenge vs lozenge ployé, lozenge vs lozenge throughout===
"There is no difference between a lozenge and a lozenge ployé, nor is there difference between a lozenge and a lozenge throughout."
"There is no difference between a lozenge and a lozenge ployé, nor is there difference between a lozenge and a lozenge throughout."
[[http://sca.org/heraldry/loar/2002/11/02-11lar.html|November 2002 LoAR]]
[http://sca.org/heraldry/loar/2002/11/02-11lar.html November 2002 LoAR]

'''From the February 2002 LoAR:'''
===February 2002 LoAR:===
[Cecily of Whitehaven. Badge. Per fess argent and azure, in chief a lozenge gules.] This submission was originally blazoned using a ''lozenge fesswise''. Because lozenges could be drawn with various proportions in period, including a square set on its corner (which can be neither fesswise nor palewise), it does not make sense to distinguish different proportions of lozenge in blazon.
[Cecily of Whitehaven. Badge. Per fess argent and azure, in chief a lozenge gules.] This submission was originally blazoned using a ''lozenge fesswise''. Because lozenges could be drawn with various proportions in period, including a square set on its corner (which can be neither fesswise nor palewise), it does not make sense to distinguish different proportions of lozenge in blazon.

====<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">[[#x--Precedents:-Identifiability:]]<u>'''Identifiability:'''</u></span>====  

====<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">'''<u>Collected Precedents:</u>'''</span>====  
==Collected Precedents:==  
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (May 2005 - July 2008)</span>'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;"> - </span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">[[http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/elisabeth/armory.html#LOZENGE|LOZENGE]]</span>
* 2nd Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (April 2011 - August 2011) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/elisabeth/armory2.html Collected Armory Precedents]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The 2nd Tenure of François la Flamme (October 2004 - May 2005) - </span>'''<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">[[http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/sca/armoryprec.html#LOZENGE|LOZENGE]]</span>
* 1st Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (May 2005 - July 2008) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/elisabeth/armory.html#LOZENGE LOZENGE]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Shauna of Carrick Point (May 2004 - August 2004) -</span>'''
* 2nd Tenure of François la Flamme (October 2004 - May 2005) - [http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/sca/armoryprec.html#LOZENGE LOZENGE]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of François la Flamme (August 2001 - April 2004) -</span>'''
* The Tenure of Shauna of Carrick Point (May 2004 - August 2004) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/shauna/armory.html Collected Armory Precedents]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Elsbeth Anne Roth (June 1999 - July 2001) -</span>'''
* 1st Tenure of François la Flamme (August 2001 - April 2004) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/francois/wreath.html Collected Armory Precedents]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Jaelle of Armida (June 1996 - June 1999) -</span>'''
* The Tenure of Elsbeth Anne Roth (June 1999 - July 2001) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/elsbeth/armory.html Collected Armory Precedents]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The 2nd Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (November 1993 - June 1996) -</span>'''
* The Tenure of Jaelle of Armida (June 1996 - June 1999) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/jaeprec.html Single HTML Document]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (June 1992 - October 1993) -</span>'''
* 2nd Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (November 1993 - June 1996) -
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The 1st Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (June 1990 - June 1992) -</span>'''
** [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/daud2/volume3.html the 1st part (Nov 1993 - June 1994)] and
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (September 1986 - June 1990) -</span>'''
** [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/daud2/daudIITOC.html the 2nd part (July 1994 - June 1996)]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Baldwin of Erebor (August 1984 - August 1986) -</span>'''
* The Tenure of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (June 1992 - October 1993) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/bruce/ Collected precedents]
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Wilhelm von Schlüssel (August 1979 - August 1984) -</span>'''
* 1st Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (June 1990 - June 1992) -
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Tenure of Karina of the Far West (December 1975 - June 1979) -</span>'''
**  [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/daud/daud1toc.html the 1st year (June 1990 - June 1991)] and
'''<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">The Early Days (June 1971 - June 1975) -</span>'''
**  [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/daud/daud1btoc.html the 2nd year (July 1991 - June 1992)]
* The Tenure of Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (September 1986 - June 1990) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/alisoun/AMETOP.html Collected Precedents]
* The Tenure of Baldwin of Erebor (August 1984 - August 1986) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/baldwin.html Single HTML Document]
* The Tenure of Wilhelm von Schlüssel (August 1979 - August 1984) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/wilhelm/volume3.html Collected Precedents]
* The Tenure of Karina of the Far West (December 1975 - June 1979) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/karina/volume2.html Collected Precedents]
* The Early Days (June 1971 - June 1975) - [http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/early/volume1.html Collected Precedents]

===<u>'''In the Ordinary'''</u>:===  
='''In the Ordinary'''</u>:=  
(includes diamond, fusil, passion nail)
(includes diamond, fusil, passion nail)
* [[http://oanda.sca.org/oanda_desc.cgi?p=LOZENGE%3a1|Lozenge - 1]]
* [http://oanda.sca.org/oanda_desc.cgi?p=LOZENGE%3a1 Lozenge - 1]]
* [[http://oanda.sca.org/oanda_desc.cgi?p=LOZENGE%3a2%20or%20more|Lozenge - 2 or more]]
* [http://oanda.sca.org/oanda_desc.cgi?p=LOZENGE%3a2%20or%20more Lozenge - 2 or more]]
* Lozengy - see [[http:''oanda.sca.org/ordinary/F.html#fielddivisionlozengy|Field division - Lozengy]] and [[http:''oanda.sca.org/ordinary/L.html#lozenge|Lozenge]]
* Lozengy - see [http://oanda.sca.org/ordinary/F.html#fielddivisionlozengy Field division - Lozengy] and [http://oanda.sca.org/ordinary/L.html#lozenge Lozenge]

[[Category:Armory]] [[Category:Need Work]]

Latest revision as of 11:24, 5 July 2019

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.

See also Mascle.

Illustrations:[edit | edit source]

Period[edit | edit source]

Modern[edit | edit source]

Pictorial Dictionary of SCA Heraldry (3rd edition):[edit | edit source]

See also:

lozenge-263x300.jpg lozenge_mascle-264x300.jpg lozenge_rustre-265x300.jpg fusil-267x300.jpg
Lozenge (period) Mascle (period) Rustre (period) Fess of fusils
lozenge_pometty-259x300.jpg lozenge_napkin-259x300.jpg lozenge_masculyn-260x300.jpg
Lozenge pometty (period) Lozenge ploye or Arabic napkin (period) Masculyn (period)

Vector Graphics:[edit | edit source]

Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

Annotated Pennsic Traceable Art Project[edit | edit source]

Sources:[edit | edit source]

Precedents:[edit | edit source]

Precedents:[edit | edit source]

Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html

Morsulus Heralds Website - http://www.morsulus.org/ (to search the LoARs and Precedents)

Restatement Wiki - [[1]] (restatements of Precedents)

Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.

Definition:[edit | edit source]

Registerability:[edit | edit source]

(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)

March 2016 - lozenge in fieldless badge[edit | edit source]

Adeliz Fergusson. Badge. (Fieldless) On a lozenge ployé azure five mullets of seven points in cross Or. By longstanding precedent, we do not register fieldless badges that appear to be independent forms of armorial display. Charges such as roundels, cartouches, escutcheons, billets, hearts, lozenges, and so forth are all both standard heraldic charges and "shield shapes" for armorial display. Lozenges ployés do not escape this rule and are considered to be a shield shape for the purposes of this precedent.

Conflict:[edit | edit source]

July 2018 - lozenge in augmentation as if independent armory[edit | edit source]

Wencenedl of Rokesburg. Augmentation of arms. Azure, a hart trippant reguardant, on a chief embattled argent three dragonflies azure, and for augmentation, the hart gorged of a coronet Or pearled argent, suspended therefrom a lozenge gules charged with a trillium argent barbed vert... This augmentation is also returned for conflict with the device of Madelyn Catherwood, Gules, a trillium blossom and a chief invected argent, with one DC for removal of the secondary charge, and with the badge of Marrin von Waldburg, Gules, on a trillium argent three maple leaves gules, with one DC for removal of the tertiary charge. Per SENA A5C4, "in a submission of augmented arms where the augmentation appears to be a display of independent armory, such as a charged canton or a single charged escutcheon, the augmentation must be checked for conflict as if it were a submission of independent armory." The lozenge is a medium of heraldic display, and so must be considered as such a stand-alone display.

September 2008 - vêtu vs lozenge thorughout[edit | edit source]

>Elspeth Jamieson. Device. Argent vêtu ployé azure, two serpents erect respectant entwined sable. This is returned for conflict with Werenher von Ingolstadt, Azure, on a lozenge argent, a bear statant erect sable. Precedent, set in April 2008, says " While a lozenge throughout must always be checked as though it were a vêtu field (and thus comparable to all other fields), a lozenge need only be compared to a vêtu field (not to all fields)." The converse is not true - vêtu must be checked against a lozenge throughout, a lozenge, and all fields. Since Elspeth's submission can be blazoned as Azure, on a lozenge ployé throughout argent, two serpents erect respectant, bodies entwined sable, there is only a single CD for the multiple changes to the tertiary charges. We do not give a CD for the difference between a lozenge and a lozenge throughout, nor do we give one for the difference between plain and ployé edges on a charge. [Note that under SENA one can now get MORE than a single DC for multiple changes to tertiary charges!]

November 2002 - lozenge vs lozenge ployé, lozenge vs lozenge throughout[edit | edit source]

"There is no difference between a lozenge and a lozenge ployé, nor is there difference between a lozenge and a lozenge throughout." November 2002 LoAR

February 2002 LoAR:[edit | edit source]

[Cecily of Whitehaven. Badge. Per fess argent and azure, in chief a lozenge gules.] This submission was originally blazoned using a lozenge fesswise. Because lozenges could be drawn with various proportions in period, including a square set on its corner (which can be neither fesswise nor palewise), it does not make sense to distinguish different proportions of lozenge in blazon.

Identifiability:[edit | edit source]

Collected Precedents:[edit | edit source]

In the Ordinary:[edit | edit source]

(includes diamond, fusil, passion nail)