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Appendix H - [ Sources That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel]
Appendix H - [ Sources That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel]
[[Category:Need Work]]

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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.

Administrative Handbook of the College of Arms of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

January 24, 2009, modified April 29, 2012 (and August 2014)

The official on-line home of the Administrative Handbook is

Submissions Regulations

I. Registration Limit

A. Society Branches

- Society branches, including kingdoms, principalities, and local branches, are subject to no limit on the number of items they may register. However, submissions should be limited to meet current or identified need; excessive submissions with no clearly identified purposes may be returned.

Original Source:-  Society Branches

B. Individuals

- Individuals may register no more than six names and six pieces of armory. Any submission by an individual which would otherwise exceed this limit must be accompanied by a release of one or more items already registered to that individual to accommodate the new item[s]. Neither heraldic titles nor augmentations count as items for this purpose, though the arms to which the augmentation is added do.

Original Source:Individuals

II. Registerable Items

A. Names Which May be Registered to Individuals

- Names which may be registered to individuals are divided into several administrative categories.

1. Primary Society Name -

The single personal name under which records of registration are maintained. Kingdoms, principalities, and other Society branches may require this name to be used on awards, honors, scrolls, and other formal documents.

2. Alternate Society Name -

Any personal name(s) registered for an individual other than his or her Primary Society Name. An Alternate Society Name may be registered alone or may be associated with a badge. Records for both name and armory will be maintained under the individual's Primary Society Name.

3. Holding Name -

A purely administrative label created by the Laurel Office to register an individual's armory when the submitted name cannot be registered. Only the Laurel Office may create holding names.

4. Household or Association Names -

The name of an organized group of people other than a Society branch or order. Associations include households, guilds, academies, tournament companies, and other similar groups. Association names may be registered alone or may be associated with badges. Such names may be registered either by an individual or by two individuals jointly. When an association name is registered by an individual, records dealing with the association's name and badge[s] will be maintained under the Primary Society Name of the individual registering the item. When an association name is jointly registered, the first owner listed on the forms will be treated as the primary owner, while the second owner listed will be treated as the secondary owner. The records for a jointly owned association name will be maintained under the Primary Society Name of the primary owner, while a cross-reference will be listed under the Primary Society Name of the secondary owner. An association name which is jointly owned is counted against the name limit for the primary owner, but not the secondary owner. An association name can only be changed or released with the approval of the primary owner. An individual may register more than one association name.

5. Heraldic Titles -

A heraldic title may be registered to an individual if that individual has been granted the right to such a title by a Kingdom or by the Society. Heraldic titles may be submitted by the individual or may be transferred to the individual with the approval of the owning branch and the kingdom to which it belongs. Appropriate proof of entitlement must be provided (see Section IV.C.4) either for the initial registration of or the acceptance of a heraldic title, whether by transfer or through a heraldic will.

Original Source: Names Which May be Registered to Individuals

B. Names Which May be Registered to Branches

- Society branches may register names appropriate for the type of branch. Such names are divided into several administrative categories.

1. Branch Name -

The single name of a Society branch under which records of registration are maintained. This name will appear in all formal documents mentioning the branch, including scrolls, the kingdom regnum, etc. Branch designators (such as shire or barony) are not part of the registered branch name; they are administrative placeholders which may or may not reflect the actual current status of the branch. The branch designator that should be used in a Branch Name is determined by the current status of the branch; changes of designator do not need to be noted by Laurel to be official.

Holding names cannot be created for branches; therefore, the return of a branch name requires the return of all other items submitted by the branch, as there is no place for records of registration to be maintained.

2. Award or Order Name -

The name of a recognized Society honor, order or award. By Corpora, such names may only be registered to kingdoms, principalities, baronies, and equivalent branches. Award or order names may be registered alone or may be associated with badges. Records for both the order name and associated armory will be maintained under the name of the branch which registered them. Order names must have a designator attached to them, such as "Order of X," "Award of the X," or the like.

3. Household or Association Names -

The name of an organized group of people other than a branch or order. Associations include households, guilds, academies, tournament companies, and other similar groups. Association names may be registered alone or may be associated with badges. Records for an association name will be maintained under the name of the branch which registered them.

4. Heraldic Titles -

Titles for the use of heraldic officers. There are several types of heraldic titles:

a. Kingdom and Principality Heralds: Titles for principal heralds of a kingdom or chief heralds of principality. These may be registered to the Kingdom or to the Principality directly, at the discretion of the kingdom.

b. Other Branch titles: Titles for heralds in service to local branches. These may be registered to the kingdom to which the branch belongs or to the branch in which they will be used, at the discretion of the kingdom. In either case, the kingdom must approve the form of any heraldic title.

c. Staff titles: Kingdoms and principalities may register titles for such heraldic positions as are necessary to meet the staffing needs of the organization. Kingdom staff titles are registered to the kingdom in which they are used; principality staff titles may be registered to the kingdom or by the principality directly, at the discretion of the kingdom.

Original Source: Names Which May be Registered to Branches

C. Names Reserved to the Society

- The Society may register any sort of name that branches may register (under section B above), including Award and Order Names, Household and Association Names, and Heraldic Titles. Laurel reserves to itself the right to create and register titles for Sovereigns of Arms, but may also create and register such staff titles as are necessary for the work of the College of Arms.

Name types registered for general use in the Society that may only be registered by the Laurel office include the following categories.

1. Alternative Titles -

Alternative forms for recognized Society titles as defined in Corpora (see Appendix C of this document for the relevant text). Such forms, including translations, must be approved by the College of Arms prior to use. Proposals for changes to the list of alternate titles must be made in a Letter of Intent.

2. Alternative Branch Designations -

Alternative forms for the standard designations for Society branches as defined in Corpora (see Appendix B of this document for the relevant text). Such forms, including translations, must be approved by the College of Arms prior to use. Translations may generally be proposed with submissions, but must be documented.

Original Source: Names Reserved to the Society

D. Armory Which May be Registered to Individuals

1. Personal Device -

The single piece of tinctured armory associated with an individual's Primary Society Name which uniquely identifies that individual. Kingdoms, principalities, and other groups may require that this armory be used on awards, honors, scrolls, and other formal documents.

2. Badge -

A piece of tinctured armory other than a Personal Device. A badge may be registered by an individual or by two individuals jointly. A badge may have no particular designation or may be associated with a name (such as an Alternate Society Name or an Association Name) registered to the owner of the badge either at the time of registration or at a later date. All records will be maintained under the Primary Society Name of the owner; when a badge is jointly registered, the first listed owner will be treated as the primary owner, while the second listed owner will be treated as the secondary owner. The records for that jointly owned badge will be maintained under the Primary Society Name of the primary owner, while a cross-reference will be listed under the Primary Society Name of the other owner. A badge which is jointly owned is counted against the limit on pieces of armory for the primary owner, but not the secondary owner. A jointly owned badge can only be changed or released with the approval of the primary owner.

Badges fall into two types.

a. Fielded Badges:

These badges are subject to the same rules for style and difference as personal devices.

b. Fieldless Badges:

Badges may have no field specified but must otherwise be fully tinctured. Fieldless badges may be subject to special rules for style and difference in the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory, but are otherwise treated in the same manner as fielded badges. Tinctureless badges have been registered in the past, but are no longer allowed to be registered by individuals.

3. Augmentation -

An addition to a device given as an honor; both the augmented armory and the unaugmented armory are protected. While the right to an augmentation is given by a kingdom, the form of the augmentation and its suitability for use and registration with a specific device must be approved by the College of Arms. Individuals must demonstrate appropriate proof of entitlement to the augmentation as well as the right to use any restricted charges in the augmentation. The augmented and the unaugmented arms together count as only a single item for purposes of the registration limit; the augmentation is not registered independent of the arms to which it is added. Only the Personal Device can be augmented; badges may not be.

Original Source: Armory Which May be Registered to Individuals

E. Armory Which May be Registered to Branches

1. Branch Arms -

The single piece of tinctured armory associated with the Branch Name of a Society branch which uniquely identifies that branch. By Society convention, all branch arms must include one or more laurel wreaths as an important element in the design; only branch arms may have laurel wreaths as an element. Kingdoms must also include a crown or coronet in the design. Principalities may include a crown or coronet, but are not required to do so.

2. Ancient Arms -

If a branch changes its arms, it may retain the old arms under the designation "Ancient Arms."

3. Badge -

A piece of tinctured armory other than Branch Arms or Ancient Arms. Badges may have no particular label, may be associated with a name (such as an Award Name or an Association Name) registered to an owner of the badge, or may be associated with a generic description of the intended use or function of the badge (such as "populace badge"). All records will be maintained under the Branch Name. Badges fall into two types, fielded and fieldless (see D.2.a & D.2.b for further discussions of the types). If the Society or the kingdom has registered a badge for a designated purpose (such as for the use of an office), a subordinate branch may not register another item for the same purpose.

4. Augmentation -

An addition to arms given as an honor; both the augmented armory and the unaugmented armory are protected. While the right to an augmentation is given by the kingdom, the form of the augmentation and its suitability with a specific set of arms must be approved by the College of Arms. The augmented and the unaugmented arms together count as only a single item for purposes of the registration limit; the augmentation is not registered independent of the arms to which it is added. Only Branch Arms can be augmented; badges and Ancient Arms may not be. Kingdoms may register an armory item for use as a standard augmentation, although its suitability for use with any device or arms must be determined by the College of Arms on a case by case basis.

5. Heralds' Seal -

Herald's seals are tinctureless armory registered as heraldic seals for the use of the Principal Herald or College of Heralds of a kingdom. Such seals must contain two straight trumpets in saltire, bells to chief. Note that other forms of tinctureless armory were registered in the past, but may no longer be registered.

Original Source:Armory Which May be Registered to Branches

F. Armory Registered to the Society

- The Society may register any sort of armory that branches may register (under E above), including Branch Arms, Badges, and the like. If the Society has registered a badge for a designated purpose (such as for the use of an office), a kingdom or other branch may not register another item for the same purpose.

Original Source: Armory Registered to the Society

G. Regalia

- The Society reserves to itself the right to designate items as regalia, items which are reserved for the use of individuals with certain rank or position. Only items designated as regalia by the Laurel office are reserved as regalia. A list of registered regalia can be found in the Glossary of Terms as well as the Ordinary and Armorial.

Original Source: Regalia

III. Protected Items

Names and armory registered by the College of Arms shall be protected as described in III.C below. Protection afforded by the College of Arms is limited solely to the refusal to register any item known to conflict with a protected item under the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory in effect at the time the new item is submitted to the College. Portions of the current Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory pertaining to conflict apply to the following materials:

A. Protected Names

1. Names Registered by the College of Arms -

Names registered by the College will be listed in the Society Armorial and protected from conflict against future submissions. Once registered, an item shall be protected until written notice of release is received by the Laurel Office from the owner and published in a Letter of Acceptances and Returns. In the case of defunct Society branches, release may be granted by joint consent of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal after appropriate notice in the newsletter of the kingdom in which the branch was located. Protection shall apply even if the item in question could not be registered under the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory currently in effect (Grandfather clause).

Laurel may rule that a particular name is too generic to be protected. Unprotected, generic names may be attached to badges as labels for the convenience of the populace. A submitter may request that such a label be treated as generic, without protection; Laurel may choose to honor such requests on a case-by-case basis.

2. Unregistered Names of Famous Individuals from Society History -

The unregistered names of famous individuals from Society history may be protected on a case by case basis. Such protection will only be afforded where a submitted name would cause extreme confusion or offence to the populace. The intent of this allowance is to extend protection to prominent members of the Society from its early years and generally will not be extended to those who have remained active and consciously refrained from registration of their names or armory.

3. Names of Significant Personages Outside the Society -

A contemporary or historical personage will be considered significant if he or she is well known within and outside of the Society. Appearance in standard print references such as general encyclopedias is an indication that the person may be significant, though not all individuals who appear in such reference are significant. Rulers of substantial sovereign entities are generally considered significant. The names of famous individuals who do not appear in standard references due to the age and scope of these works may also be protected on a case by case basis. These names will not be listed in the Society Armorial, but are still protected.

4. Names of Significant Characters from Literary Works -

Characters from period or modern literary works of all genres and media (including visual, aural, and written works) may be protected on a case by case basis. Such protection will be afforded if the College of Arms deems them worthy of protection. In general terms, major characters from important literary works are likely to be deemed worthy of protection. These names will not be listed in the Society Armorial, but are still protected.

5. Names of Significant Geographical Locations Outside the Society -

A geographical location will be considered significant if it is associated with important administrative, social, political or military events (e.g., a capital city, the site of a major treaty or battle, etc.). Geographic locations will generally be considered significant if they appear in standard references such as an encyclopedia. Generic descriptive names outside the Society will not be protected except where the name is immediately associated with a single significant location. These names will not be listed in the Society Armorial, but are still protected.

6. Names of Significant Geographical Locations from Literary Sources -

Locations in period or modern literary works of all genres and media (including visual, aural, and written works) may be protected on a case by case basis. Such protection will be afforded if the College of Arms deems them worthy of protection. In general terms, major locations from important literary works are likely to be deemed worthy of protection. These names will not be listed in the Society Armorial, but are still protected.

7. Trademarked and Other Legally Protected Names -

Such names may be protected when covered by applicable laws and regulations in the country from which the material derives. These names will not be listed in the Society Armorial, but are still protected.

8. Orders of Chivalry and Heraldic Titles -

Contemporary or historical orders of chivalry, heraldic titles, and similar organizations may be considered significant if they appear in general histories or in standard references such as an encyclopedia. The names of entities which do not appear in standard references due to the age and scope of these works may also be protected on a case-by-case basis. The names of significant fictitious orders of chivalry and heraldic titles may be protected on a case by case basis. Names so protected will be listed in the Society Armorial when they are brought to Laurel's attention (as many do not appear in standard references), but they are protected prior to that addition.

9. Other Significant Names Outside the Society -

The names of other entities, both real and literary, may be considered important enough to protect on a case by case basis. These entities include but are not limited to the names of organizations, schools, businesses, associations, and the like. These entities are likely to be deemed worthy of protection if they appear in standard references such as encyclopedias or are major fictitious organizations in important literary works of all genres. These names will not be listed in the Society Armorial, but are still protected.

10. Name Used by the Submitter Outside the Society -

No name will be registered to a submitter if it is identical to a name used by the submitter for purposes of identification outside of a Society context. This includes legal names, common use names, trademarks, and other items registered with mundane authorities that serve to identify an individual or group. This restriction applies to Society branches as well as individuals. Thus, a branch cannot use the name of a significant location (a town or county, for example) within its borders. This restriction is intended to help preserve a distinction between a submitter's identity within the Society and the submitter's identity outside of the Society.

A small change in the name is sufficient for registration, such as the addition of a syllable or a spelling change that changes the pronunciation. However, a change to spelling without a change in pronunciation is not sufficient. For example, Alan Miller could not register the name Alan Miller or Allan Miller but he could register the name Alan the Miller. Further, submitters may register either a name or armory which is a close variant of a name or insignia they use outside the Society, but not both.

Original Source: Protected Names

B. Protected Armory

1. Armory Registered by the College of Arms -

All armory registered by the College will be listed in the Society Armorial and Ordinary and protected from conflict against future submissions. Once registered, an item shall be protected until written notice of release is received by the Laurel Office from the owner and published in a Letter of Acceptances and Returns. In the case of a defunct Society branch, release may be granted by joint consent of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal after appropriate notice in the newsletter of the kingdom in which the branch was located. Protection shall apply even if the item in question could not be registered under the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory currently in effect (Grandfather Clause).

2. Armory of Significant Geographical Locations Outside the Society -

All national arms and national flags are considered sufficiently significant to protect. The historical or modern armory of other geographic locations may be protected on a case-by-case basis. Armory is likely to be considered important enough to protect if the location is associated with important administrative, social, political, or military events and the arms themselves are important or well-known. Armory so protected will be listed in the Society Armorial and Ordinary when it is brought to Laurel's attention, but it is protected prior to that addition.

3. Significant Personal and Corporate Armory from Outside the Society -

Modern or historical armory belonging to individuals or corporate groups may be considered significant or recognizable enough to protect on a case-by-case basis. Armory is likely to be considered important enough to protect if the owner is associated with important administrative, social, political, or military events and the arms themselves are important or well-known. Armory so protected will be listed in the Society Armorial and Ordinary when it is brought to Laurel's attention, but it is protected prior to that addition.

4. Copyrighted Images, Trademarks, and Other Legally Protected Insignia -

Such items may be protected when covered by applicable laws and regulations in the country from which the material derives. These items will not be listed in the Society Armorial and Ordinary but are still protected.

5. Military Insignia, Order Badges, etc. -

Material such as military insignia, badges associated with awards or honors, and the like may be afforded protection on a case-by-case basis even where this is not required by law. Armory so protected will be listed in the Society Armorial and Ordinary when it is brought to Laurel's attention, but is protected prior to that addition.

6. Armory of Major Characters or Significant Geographical Locations from Literary Sources -

The armory of major characters or significant geographical locations from period or modern literary works of all genres and media (including visual, aural, and written works) may be protected on a case by case basis. Armory considered sufficiently important will be listed in the Society Armorial and Ordinary when it is brought to Laurel's attention, but is protected prior to that addition.

7. Armory Used by the Submitter Outside the Society -

No armory will be registered to a submitter if it is identical to an insignia used by the submitter for purposes of identification outside of a Society context. This includes armory, trademarks, and other items registered with mundane authorities that serve to identify an individual or group. This restriction is intended to help preserve a distinction between a submitter's identity within the Society and the submitter's identity outside of the Society. Any change that causes a blazonable difference between mundane and Society armory is sufficient to allow registration by Laurel. Further, submitters may register either a name or armory which is a close variant of a name or insignia they use outside the Society, but not both.

Original Source: Protected Armory

C. Protection of Registered Items

1. Registered Items Remain Registered -

Once registered, an item shall be protected until written notice of release is received by the Laurel Office from the owner and notification of the release published in a Letter of Acceptances and Returns. Protection shall continue to apply even if the item in question could not be registered under the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory currently in effect (Grandfather Clause).

2. Items Registered to Defunct Branches -

When a Society branch becomes defunct, ownership of its registered items is automatically transferred to the kingdom. This transfer need not be reflected in the Armorial. Release of items which had belonged to that defunct branch may be granted by joint consent of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal after appropriate notice in the newsletter of the kingdom in which the branch was located.

3. Permission to Conflict -

The owner of any item may allow the registration of a specific submission that would otherwise conflict, as long as the new item is not identical to the registered one. The physical signature (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner is required for a letter of permission to conflict to be accepted. If the new item is submitted by the owner of the registered item, permission to conflict can be assumed in that case. (See Section IV.C.3 for discussions of the forms these permissions must take and Appendix D for standard letters of permission to conflict.).

4. Blanket Permission to Conflict -

The owner of any item may direct Laurel to reduce the level of protection of that item. The owner may specify either that permission to conflict would be automatically granted to any non-identical submission (for name or armory) or that permission to conflict would be automatically granted to any armory submission that is at least one countable step (CD) away from the registered armory or to any name submission that has the addition or removal of a syllable or a spelling change that changes the pronunciation, such as would be required for the registration of a name similar to a name used by the submitter outside the Society. In no case will permission to conflict be granted to identical submissions. A hand-signed letter including the specified level of protection must be submitted for the blanket permission to conflict to take effect (See Appendix D for standard blanket letters of permission to conflict).

Original Source: Protection of Registered Items

IV. General Procedures for Submissions

These procedures apply to all submissions involving registerable items, including resubmissions, appeals, requests for change, etc.

A. Responsibility for Procedural Requirements

- The submitter bears the primary responsibility for meeting procedural requirements, but can and should be advised by heraldic officers at the local level and above.

A.Responsibility for Procedural Requirements

B. Kingdom of Residence

- Submissions must be made through the appropriate heraldic officers as defined by the kingdom of which the submitter is a subject according to Corpora and Board policy. A submission already in process above the local level when a submitter leaves a kingdom will continue to be processed by the kingdom of origin until it is registered by Laurel or returned. In this case any resubmissions must be made through the submitter's new kingdom. Any resubmission should be processed and fees collected following the standards of the current kingdom of residence as if the first submission had been taken through that kingdom.

B.Kingdom of Residence

C. Completed Paperwork

- No submission, including any resubmission, appeal, change or release of a protected item, etc., shall be considered for registration until a complete set of paperwork is provided to the appropriate heraldic officer. The numbers of sets of paperwork and the detailed format of the forms are governed by kingdom policy. However, completed paperwork must include all of the following materials relevant to the submission in question.

1. Submission Forms -

All submissions must be on the forms currently approved by Laurel. Appropriate forms must be included for all submissions, including appeals, resubmissions, name changes, etc. Forms are not required for administrative actions, such as transfers, releases, and heraldic wills.

A minimum of two sets of name forms is required for all name submissions, one for the Laurel Office and the other to be maintained in kingdom files. A minimum of three sets of colored armory forms is required for all armory: two for the Laurel Office and the other to be maintained in kingdom files. The preferred medium for colored armory sets is watercolor markers in primary colors such as Crayola Classic Markers. Pastel or neon colors are inappropriate for colored armory forms. However the forms are colored, the submission may be returned if the tinctures are not recognizably heraldic tinctures.

All submissions must include the following items:

a. The submitter's Society Name prominently displayed on the submission forms for both names and armory. The Society Name as currently registered (or as intended to be registered if no Society Name currently exists) should appear on the first line to be filled in to facilitate filing by Society Name.

b. The submitter's common use name and complete mailing address must appear on forms for both names and armory.

c. The submitter's branch affiliation, if one exists, must be included to facilitate formation of a holding name, if necessary.

d. The emblazon of any armory must be depicted in a size adequate for complete rendition of details of the armory and for equitable application of the "across the field test." This means that the field for an escutcheon should be approximately six inches in height and five inches wide at its widest point, while with the field (or area) for badges should be approximately four and a half inches across.

e. If names, blazons, or documentation are changed by kingdom, the forms do not need to be altered to match the information submitted on the Letter of Intent. If the forms are altered, kingdoms should not remove or black out information that the submitter has given (original spellings of names and blazons of armory). Drawing a single line through an original blazon or name is acceptable so long as the original information can still be read and understood.

2. Documentation -

Documenting evidence must be included for all name elements, constructions, and patterns, as well as any non-standard armorial elements or practices. Such documentation must include references to specific pages and/or entries in the source material and translations must be provided for any sources not in English. Citations must be sufficiently complete to allow identification of the source and its usefulness, which generally includes author, title, and publication information (for print sources) or URL (for online sources). Except for documentation from items inAppendix H (the No-Photocopy List), such documentation must include copies of cited source material. While the kingdom college and College of Arms may assist with research and documentation, the submitter bears responsibility for providing documentation for all submissions.

Documentation must also be presented for any elements allowed under the legal name allowance or by legal relationship under the grandfather clause.

3. Permission to Conflict -

If permission to conflict has been granted, a written statement of permission must be included, signed by the owner of the registered conflicting item with both Society Name and name used outside the Society. (See Appendix D for a standard form for granting permission to conflict.) The physical signature (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner is required; electronic permission does not remove this requirement. If a blanket permission to conflict exists, reference to this must be included on the Letter of Intent. In no case will permission to conflict be granted to identical submissions.

August 2014 Cover Letter: We are changing this portion of AH IV.C.3., effective immediately, to read:

  • 3. Permission to Conflict - If permission to conflict has been granted, a statement of permission from the owner of the registered conflicting item is required. The statement must be dated and include the Society Name and legal name of said owner, the Society Name and legal name of the submitter, and the name or blazon of the conflicting items. (See Appendix D for a standard form for granting permission to conflict.)
  • The physical
  • legal signature (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner is preferred. If this is not available, an emailed statement of permission is permitted, but the identity of the person giving that permission via e-mail must be confirmed through the personal knowledge of a Kingdom Principal Herald or a Kingdom Submissions Herald. In general, that means face to face or voice contact with the person giving permission.If a blanket permission to conflict exists, reference to this must be included on the Letter of Intent. In no case will permission to conflict be granted to identical submissions.

For branches with a ruling noble, permission to conflict must be signed by the ruling nobles, who should consult the seneschal and herald before signing; for branches without a ruling noble, permission to conflict must be signed by the seneschal, who should consult with the group herald, if there is one, before signing. If the group does not have a herald, it is encouraged for the seneschal to consult with the Principal Herald or a designated deputy before signing. In either case, consultation with a larger group of members is encouraged, but does not need to be documented with a petition of support.

4. Proof of Entitlement -

Submissions which involve elements or types of submissions which Society convention reserves to those with certain rank or bestowed privilege must include proof that the submitter is entitled to register that reserved element or type of submission. Reserved elements include coronets, name elements such as "Chevalier", elements listed in Table 1 of the Glossary of Terms, etc. Submissions of augmentations are reserved to entities that have been bestowed an augmentation of arms. Submissions of heraldic titles for individuals are reserved to individuals who have been granted the right to a heraldic title according to their kingdom's customs or by Laurel. This applies equally to transfers and to new submissions. Normally, a statement by the kingdom submissions herald giving the date of earning that entitlement is sufficient. Updated per March 2013 CL -

5. Evidence of Support (for Branch Names/Arms) -

Submissions involving the branch name or arms of an active branch must include evidence of support for the action on the part of a majority of the active members of the branch. In the case of branches with no ruling noble, this support may be demonstrated by a petition of a majority of the populace and officers or by a petition of the seneschal and at least three-quarters of the other local officers. In the case of branches with ruling nobles, a statement of support from all of the ruling nobles is required in addition to the petition. A valid petition must include a clear description of the item submitted; either the blazon or emblazon is sufficient for a petition regarding branch arms, though both are preferable. If the petition contains multiple pages, the branch name (for a name petition) or blazon or emblazon (for device petition) must appear on all pages. If a submission would result in the registration or modification of the Branch Name or Branch Arms of a kingdom, principality or equivalent branch, support must be demonstrated by the results of a poll conducted in the relevant official newsletter and certified by the seneschal of the appropriate branch. Petitions, statements of support, and poll reports must be hand-signed and include dates, as they must demonstrate current support for the submission. Facsimiles of these documents are also acceptable.

Branch badges, order or award names, and other Branch names (such as names for guilds, herald's titles, etc.) do not require evidence of support at the Laurel level. Kingdom may require it if they so desire, for their internal procedures.

6. Support for Transfer -

Any submission involving the transfer of a registered item from one individual or branch to another must include both a statement from the owner authorizing the transfer and a statement from the recipient accepting the transferred material. This shall apply not only to materials transferred during the life of the owner but also to items covered under a Heraldic Will (see IV.G below). The physical signatures (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner and recipient are required. See Appendix D for a standard form for transferring and accepting items.

For branches with a ruling noble, the statement of transfer or acceptance must be signed by the ruling nobles, who should consult the seneschal and herald before signing; for branches without a ruling noble, the statement of transfer or acceptance must be signed by the seneschal, who should consult with the group herald, if there is one, before signing. If the group does not have a herald, it is encouraged for the seneschal to consult with the Principal Herald or a designated deputy before signing. Consultation with a larger group of members is encouraged, but does not need to be documented with a petition of support.

In cases where the transfer includes a change of designator or a change in type (such as badge to device), the new designator or type must be suitable for the item and the resulting item will be evaluated as if a new submission although no fees are due.

7. Instructions for Disposition of Changed Items -

If the submission involves a change of name or armory, the forms should include specific instructions for the disposition of the changed items. This includes changes to a primary name or device through the transfer of an item. If no instructions are included on the forms, the old name or armory will be automatically released when the change is approved.

C.Completed Paperwork

D. Payment of Fees

- No submission shall be considered for registration until all fees associated with the submission have been paid. Such fees are set by kingdom law and policy as required to cover the costs of processing submissions. However, no fee may be charged for appeals, submission of alternate forms for standard titles or designations, proposed protection for non-SCA items, corrections of spelling or blazon, requests for reconsideration, filing of heraldic wills, blanket letters of permission to conflict, release of items, exchanges of primary and alternate names or device and badge, or transfer of items from one owner to another (including those which execute a heraldic will). Likewise no fees may be charged for resubmissions or changes of holding name when they are made within a year of the most recent notification of return. The Laurel Office currently charges no fee for resubmissions or changes of holding name. Kingdoms may charge appropriate fees for resubmissions not made in a timely manner after appropriate advance notification of this policy in the kingdom newsletter or by individual letters to submitters.

D.Payment of Fees

E. Right of Appeal

- A submitter shall have the right to appeal any return to Laurel; to be treated as an appeal, the submission must be identical to the returned submission. All appeals should be supported by new documentation, other proof that the original submission was returned in error or compelling evidence that the submission was not properly considered at the time of return. Appeals must be submitted through the appropriate heraldic officers specified for such actions by the submitter's kingdom of residence. Such officers must forward the appeal in a timely manner, with or without recommendation, to Laurel. Neither local nor kingdom heraldic officers may return appeals. If Laurel rules against the appeal, a second appeal may be made directly to the Board of Directors. Any substantial change to the submission requires it to be treated as a resubmission rather than an appeal (both for purposes of required fees and for purposes of forwarding policies).

E.Right of Appeal

F. Request for Reconsideration

- A submitter may request reconsideration of changes made as a result of a request for authenticity or for registerability in a name submission. All requests must either: (a) be supported by new documentation supporting the original name as complying with the requested authenticity or registerability standards, (b) submit a timely request that the name be changed to a form based on information provided in Laurel's (or the kingdom's) decision, or (c) include a request that the original name be considered with no request for authenticity. Such reconsideration may be considered with the standards in effect at the time of the request. Requests for reconsideration must be submitted through the appropriate heraldic officers specified for such actions by the submitter's kingdom of residence. Such officers must forward the request in a timely manner, with or without recommendations, to Laurel. Requests for Reconsideration will be considered "resubmissions" for the purposes of section IV.D, Payment of Fees.

F.Request for Reconsideration

G. Heraldic Wills

- The owner of any registered item may execute a heraldic will, which is a statement of transfer that specifically transfers registered items to another at the owner's death. (See Appendix D for a standard form for a heraldic will.)

1. Any person may designate a heraldic heir. The heraldic will must bear the Society and legal name of the owner, be signed by the legal name of the owner, adequately describe the item(s) being transferred by the heraldic will, and adequately identify include both the legal and Society (where appropriate) name of the person who is authorized to accept transfer of the item(s). The owner need not transfer all registered armory or registered names to a single recipient upon the owner's death, but may allocate names, arms and badges to different persons.

2. The heraldic will may be filed during the lifetime of the owner, in which case the owner sends a copy of the will to the principal herald and to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms; or after the death of the owner, in which case the "heraldic heir" must include the original or a certified copy of the heraldic will with the transfer submission. In either case, the submission must be included in a Letter of Intent. If the heraldic will is registered with Laurel before death, it may be altered at any point up to the owner's death by executing a new heraldic will.

3. Upon the actual death of the owner, the designated heir may ask for a transfer of the item(s) willed to that designated heir. The submission is handled as any other transfer, except that instead of the letter extending the transfer and accepting the transfer, the submitter notes the existence of the heraldic will and the death of the prior owner.

The new submitter must establish personal entitlement to use any restricted or reserved element contained in any item transferred. For augmented devices, the unaugmented device may be transferred separately from the augmentation. This allows someone who does not have the right to the augmentation to accept the unaugmented device.

4. If, upon the death of the owner of registered items in the Society, no heraldic will has been located, then the Personal Representative/Executor or the residual property heirs of the owner under the laws of the state of the owner's death have the right to give permission to conflict, release the items, or transfer the items as these heirs deem appropriate.

5. If a heraldic will is registered with Laurel Sovereign, the person designated as heir may register a cadenced version of the armory without needing to obtain further letters of permission to conflict from the owner. If the owner changes the heraldic will, the new heir may also register a cadenced version, but may be obligated to obtain permission to conflict from the former designated heir just as they would from any other person with conflicting armory.

6. If more than one person designates the same person as heraldic heir to their devices, the heir may display, but not register, these devices quartered and differenced.

G.Heraldic Wills

V. Kingdom Processing of Submissions

A. Timeliness

The timely processing of submissions by each kingdom is required by Corpora.

1. Timeliness of Processing -

The Principal Herald of each kingdom, either directly or through a designated deputy, shall process submissions in a timely manner and distribute a Letter of Intent through OSCAR at least once every other month. Issuance of Letters of Intent on a monthly basis is strongly encouraged.

2. Timely Notification of Submitters -

The Principal Herald, either directly or through designated deputies, shall ensure notification of registration by the College of Arms or of return at any level must be made in writing to the individual submitter in a timely manner. Email notification is acceptable, so long as appropriate records are maintained with the submitter's paperwork and paper notification is used where email fails. Public postings (on websites, in newsletters, and the like) do not meet this requirement, although they are encouraged for public relations purposes. Submitters are expected to provide kingdoms with updated contact information; if the kingdom has made attempts to contact the submitter directly through e-mail and paper notification to the last address known to the kingdom and have contacted the branch herald (or seneschal, if there is no herald) of the branch listed on the form, they have carried out their duty as defined in this section whether or not the submitter receives the notification.


B. Preparation of Letters of Intent

Letters of intent which do not meet the following requirements may be deemed invalid. Invalid letters will not be scheduled for consideration and do not meet the requirements for timeliness.

1. Authorized Preparer -

All Letters of Intent from a given kingdom must be issued by the Principal Herald or a single designated deputy. Prior written notice must be provided to the Laurel Office for any change of authorized preparer. On a case-by-case basis, with written approval by both the Kingdom Herald and Laurel, Principalities may produce their own external Letters of Intent.

2. Prescribed Format -

Certain minimum formatting requirements are prescribed for Letters of Intent. Variant formats which meet these requirements do not require authorization from the Laurel Office.

a. Organization of the Letter of Intent -The relevant fields in OSCAR must be filled out completely. Correct entry of items into OSCAR should create an appropriately alphabetized and numbered Letter of Intent; if there is a discrepancy, please contact the OSCAR webmaster.

b. Filing Name - In OSCAR, the "Filing Name" is the name under which the submission, if registered, will be recorded. For a new Primary Society Name or a change of Primary Society Name, the Filing Name is that new Primary Society Name. For alternate names, the already registered Primary Society Name is the Filing Name, unless a new Primary Society Name appears on the same letter (in which case it is the Filing Name).

c. Appropriate Labeling - Each item shall be appropriately labeled as to its type (Primary Society Name, Badge, etc.) and submission status (new, resubmission, appeal, etc.). Submission status shall be determined solely by the existence of prior actions at Laurel level. Even if a submission has been considered on several occasions within a kingdom, it is a new submission if it has not previously been considered by the College of Arms. If the correct submission status is not available for selection in OSCAR, "Other" should be selected, the submission status explained in the text, and the OSCAR Webmaster contacted.

d. Summary of Supporting Evidence - A summary of all supporting evidence provided for the submission must be included on the Letter of Intent. Such evidence includes documentation, permissions to conflict, proofs for entitlement, statements of support for transferred items, and evidence for support in the case of branch submissions. In the case of resubmissions or appeals, a history of previous submissions to the College of Arms, including the dates and grounds for previous returns must be included; including the full text of relevant previous returns is highly recommended. As transfers often involve changes of type of item (from a badge to a device, for example), the person accepting the item must indicate the type of item that they intend this to be upon acceptance (such as device, badge, primary name, alternate name, household name) so that the item can be properly processed and transferred. The letter should include specific references for all supporting documentation (URLs, headings, page numbers). Omission of any part of this summary of documentation may make registration impossible and is grounds for return.

e. Emblazon - An accurate representation of each piece of submitted armory shall be included on the Letter of Intent. Such emblazons must be clear enough that all elements of the design may be clearly distinguished in the OSCAR-generated miniature. Submissions heralds are encouraged to use full-size scans of the emblazons, so that enlarged details may be examined by the entire College of Arms. Both the black-and-white and colored emblazons must be included in OSCAR. The colored copy must be a scan of the original; altering the scan in ways that change the appearance of the submission (through an image editing program, for example) is grounds for return. If there are discrepancies between the original and the scan, please note them in the summary.

f. Timing of Letters of Intent - Dating is determined by the date in which a letter is finalized in OSCAR. In general, a letter dated on the first of the month will be treated as a letter from the previous month for purposes of assigning it to a Laurel decision meeting.

g. Correction of Errors - A designated preparer of a Letter of Intent may correct errors in a submission after a Letter of Intent is finalized by clicking on the link labelled "CORRECT" after the submission. Corrections should only be made when information necessary for the College of Arms to provide adequate commentary or for the item to be ruled upon is missing or incorrect; otherwise, changes should not be made. If a significant period of time elapses between the Letter of Intent and the correction, the corrected submissions may be pended until a later meeting.

B.Preparation of Letters of Intent

C. Fulfillment of Administrative Requirements -

Until all administrative requirements below have been met, a Letter of Intent will not be considered by Laurel. See VIII.A. Scheduling of Submissions for details on consideration by Laurel and the consequences of missing the deadlines for these administrative requirements.

1. Preparation of Submission Packets - 

Submission packets containing appropriate paperwork for all items included on a Letter of Intent must be forwarded to the Laurel Office in a timely manner (received no later than the end of the month after the date of finalization of the Letter of Intent: the packet for a January letter must be postmarked by the end of February). Packets for Letters of Intent which do not meet all the following requirements may be deemed invalid. Invalid packets will not be scheduled for consideration and do not meet the requirements for timeliness.

a. Letter of Intent - 

Submission to OSCAR of a Letter of Intent is sufficient notification to the Laurel office. A copy may be included with the packet, but one is not required. Any changes to any submission, including changes to accents or blazons of armory, which is made by the kingdom must be noted in the Letter of Intent.

b. Full Paperwork -

A complete set of paperwork as defined in IV.C above must be included for each submission, including any resubmission, appeal, change or release of a protected item, etc. Originals or photocopies of all supporting documentation should be included with the forms for each submission.

c. Agreement of Paperwork - The Letter of Intent and all associated paperwork must agree in their arrangement and contents. Paperwork should be alphabetized in the packet in the same manner in which it was arranged in the Letter of Intent with all paperwork involving a single numbered item together in the packet. The names on the forms should precisely match those shown on the Letter of Intent; however, the submitter's original name and blazon (if any) must remain readable. Submissions for name elements only should not show any armory on the accompanying forms.

2. Preparation of Submission Packet Scans - 

In addition to the physical packet, computer scans of the entire packet with all documentation must be transmitted to Laurel. Submission packets scans must be received by the Laurel Office no later than the end of the month after the date of finalization of the Letter of Intent; for example, the packet for a January letter must be received by the end of February. The technical specifications of these scans, including file naming practices, are available from the Laurel Office.

3. Payment of Laurel Office Fees - In addition to the physical packet and computer scans, the Laurel office must receive a check or money order covering the processing fees for each submission element presented to the Laurel Office which requires a fee (see section IV.D. Payment of Fees for details on which items require fees and which are without charge). The Laurel Office encourages all kingdoms to arrange a pre-payment plan with the Laurel Exchequer to avoid sending many small checks; these pre-payment plans must maintain a positive balance to meet the administrative requirements. If not pre-paid, payment must be received no later than two months after the date of finalization of the Letter of Intent; for example, the payment for a January letter must be received by the end of March. Checks should be made out to the SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM COLLEGE OF ARMS. (Note: This fee is currently three dollars per element for all submissions, including official submissions at kingdom level and below.) Alternate arrangements for payment may be made if this is an undue burden (as for kingdoms outside the United States).

C.Preparation of Submission Packets

VI. Requests for Correction and Change of Registered Items

A. Blazon and Spelling Corrections may be requested if an error derives from a typographical error or omission in a Letter of Acceptances and Returns and/or the Armorial and Ordinary.

1. Corrections to a Letter of Acceptances and Returns must be requested in writing to Laurel. The request must clearly indicate the specific error or omission and the Letter of Acceptances and Returns on which the error occurred. Requests for correction should not be included on Letters of Intent or Letters of Commentary and need not be circulated to the membership of the College of Arms prior to action.

2. Corrections to the Armorial and Ordinary not involving errors in a Letter of Acceptances and Return may be requested in writing to the Morsulus Herald. Requests for correction should not be included on Letters of Intent or Letters of Comment and need not be circulated to the membership of the College of Arms prior to action.

A.Blazon and Spelling Corrections

B. Blazon and Spelling Changes must be reviewed by the College of Arms if the error derives from an error on a Letter of Intent. Such changes should be included on a Letter of Intent for the consideration of the College of Arms just as if the submitter were requesting a specific change to the name or armory.

B.Blazon and Spelling Changes

VII. Commentary on Submissions

A. Commenting Members of the College of Arms -

Members of the College of Arms actively engaged in the commentary process are referred to collectively as the mailing list; these people are required to be subscribed to OSCAR. Such members shall generally include:

1. Laurel Sovereign of Arms

2. Subordinate Sovereign(s) of Arms (such as Pelican and Wreath)

3. Laurel Staff Commenters appointed by the Laurel Sovereign of Arms

4. Principal Heralds

5. Submissions Heralds, nominated by the Principal Herald of their kingdom of residence and ratified by the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, of kingdoms where the Principal Herald has delegated issuance of Letters of Intent to another

6. Other commenters nominated by the Principal Herald of their kingdom of residence; Laurel or Laurel's designated deputy may decline to ratify these nominations. Principal Heralds should have a published, written policy regarding their kingdom's standards for nomination as commenters.

A.Commenting Members of the College of Arms

B. Regularity of Comment -

Commenters other than Principal Heralds or their duly confirmed submissions deputies who do not participate actively in College of Arms commentary on a regular basis will be subject to removal from the mailing list and from OSCAR. Any or all of the following may be construed as lack of active participation.

1. Failure to Comment. Failure to comment for six successive Laurel meetings is grounds for removal from the mailing list. At Laurel's discretion, extensions for commentary may be granted in case of illness or personal catastrophe, or because the individual provides specialized expertise that remains valuable to the Laurel office.

Individuals who persistently offer only non-substantive or incomplete commentary may be considered to have failed to comment. In particular, individuals who persistently refuse to cite sources for information, comment only at the very end of the period for commentary, ignore other commenters' inquiries and requests, or otherwise persistently fail to enter the discussion over issues raised may be considered to have failed to comment.

2. Persistent Breach of General Commenting Requirements - Failure to abide by the requirements for format, distribution, or content of commentary may be construed as a failure to comment. In particular, commenters who do not submit comments to OSCAR, or who comment using inappropriate language or tone may be removed from the mailing list and OSCAR without warning.

B.Regularity of Comment

C. Format of Comments -

Comments should be formatted in a manner allowing their convenient use by Laurel and the members of the College of Arms. This means that all necessary information (including bibliographic citations, where necessary) must be included for each item. Misplaced commentary (for example armory commentary under name submissions) cannot be considered; if this happens, the OSCAR administrator can often move the commentary if informed of the issue in a timely manner.

C.Format of Comments

D. Distribution of Comments -

Posting to OSCAR is a complete distribution of comments. Any other method for distribution of comments must be approved in advance by Laurel for those comments to be considered by Laurel.

D.Distribution of Comments

E. Content of Comments -

As a part of the permanent record of the College, comments should provide a useful contribution to the discussion of submissions.

1. The most valuable comments consist of reasoned arguments, preferably backed by period evidence or Laurel precedent. Sources need to be clearly identified in the comment.

2. Personal opinions may be useful in aiding Laurel in making a decision, but are best used sparingly.

3. Personal attacks, whether on submitters, commenters or any other person, are never appropriate. This does not mean that you may not disagree with someone, even vigorously; merely that you should do so politely and with reference to issues rather than personalities.

4. While occasional humor may be appreciated, ridicule is not appropriate.

E.Content of Comments

VIII. Laurel Office Processing of Submissions

A. Scheduling of Submissions -

The Laurel Sovereign of Arms shall announce in advance those Letters of Intent to be considered in a given calendar month and the deadlines for commentary on those letters; the announcement will be published in the cover letter for the monthly Letter of Acceptances and Returns as well as on the Laurel website. Letters shall be scheduled chronologically using the following rules.

1. Commenting Period - When all the administrative requirements for a Letter of Intent are completed in a timely manner, the Letter of Intent shall be scheduled for the third month following the month in which the letter is finalized in OSCAR; for example, a letter finalized in January will be considered in April. Normally, letters finalized on the first of the following month are considered as letters from the previous month (e.g., a letter finalized the first of February will be considered in April, as if it were a January letter). In general, comments on submissions are due the last day of the month before they are to be considered.

2. Delayed or Incomplete Administrative Requirements - No Letter of Intent shall be scheduled until all administrative requirements for that letter as described in Section V.C (Fulfillment of Administrative Requirements) have been completed, though it may be provisionally assigned a date for consideration before the requirements are complete. Letters for which the packet and scans do not meet the standards laid out in that section or for which fees are not received will automatically be postponed. For each month or partial month that elapses between the deadline and the time the administrative requirements are complete, the letter will be postponed one month. If completion of the requirements is delayed excessively (two months or more), all items on the letter may be returned. At Laurel's discretion, only items with incomplete paperwork may be returned.

A.Scheduling of Submissions

B. Content of Letters of Acceptances and Returns -

The Laurel Office shall issue a regular Letter of Acceptances and Returns detailing all actions taken on submissions over a single month. In case of any discrepancies between the distributed copies, the copy at the Laurel website shall take precedence. These letters shall include the following categories of information.

1. Items Accepted for Registration - All registered items shall be listed alphabetically by kingdom of origin. Each item shall be given as registered, including the official blazon for all armory. If changes have been made to a submission at Laurel level, the reasons for this change shall be noted. If a registered item was submitted in conjunction with any returned or pended item, this will be noted. Spelling and blazon corrections to items previously included on a Letter of Acceptances and Returns may be included in the Letter of Acceptances and Returns or in a separate errata letter, distributed with the Letter of Acceptances and Returns.

2. Returned Items - All items which have been refused registration shall be listed alphabetically by kingdom of origin. The reasons for return of each item shall be stated as clearly and completely as possible.

3. Pended Items - All items which have been pended for consideration in a future month shall be listed alphabetically by kingdom of origin at the end of each letter. The reason why each item has been pended shall be indicated together with the month to which consideration of the submission has been pended; these items are normally presented on a letter of pends and discussion, whose consideration will be determined by the same standards of a Letter of Intent (i.e. based on the date of its finalization in OSCAR).

4. Scheduled Letters of Intent - The cover letter for each Letter of Acceptances and Returns shall include a listing of Letters of Intent scheduled for future months; a complete list may be maintained elsewhere. A meeting date and commentary deadline date shall be indicated for each month for which letters have been scheduled. This date of consideration for a Letter of Intent may be changed without notice if the administrative requirements for any Letter of Intent from that kingdom are not met.

5. Roster Changes - The current full roster of the College is available through OSCAR to College members.

6. Rules Changes - Any proposed changes to the wording of the rules governing the content and form of submissions must be published for comment in the cover letter for the Letter of Acceptances and Returns or in a Letter of Intent prepared by a designated Laurel staff member. No action may be taken on the proposed changes until adequate time for commentary following the publication of the proposal has elapsed. If adopted, the change must then be published in full in the cover letter together with any information needed for its implementation.

7. Precedents - All precedents affecting interpretation of the rules governing the content and form of submissions must be published in a Letter of Acceptances and Returns. Precedents may appear in conjunction with the relevant submission or may be included in the cover letter. If included in the body of the Letter of Acceptances and Returns, important precedents should be summarized in the cover letter. Registration without comment is not generally considered to set a precedent.

8. Administrative Communications and Policy Changes - Any changes in administrative rules or procedures must be published in a cover letter for the Letter of Acceptances and Returns. General administrative communications from the Laurel Office may also be so published.

9. General Information - Information of general interest to the membership of the College of Arms and other senior heralds may be published in the cover letter for the Letter of Acceptances and Returns.

B.Content of Letters of Acceptances and Returns

C. Availability of Letters of Acceptances and Returns -

Letters of acceptances and returns shall be made generally available by the Laurel Office. They are posted at the Laurel website as well as made available in electronic form through mailing lists; information about subscribing to the mailing list can be found at the Laurel website. In case of discrepancy, the Letter of Acceptances and Returns posted at the Laurel website takes precedence over those distributed by mailing list.

C.Availability of Letters of Acceptances and Returns

Administrative Duties

IX. Laurel Sovereign of Arms

A. Reporting Requirements -

The Laurel Sovereign of Arms is responsible either directly or through deputies for rendering the following reports:

1. Annual Report - An annual report on the state of heraldry in the Society must be rendered to the Board of Directors and at the second quarter Board meeting. This report must include a detailed accounting of the condition of each kingdom as well as a survey of notable events which have occurred over the previous calendar year.

2. Annual Financial Report - An annual financial report must be forwarded to the Society Treasurer as part of the annual tax reporting process. Deadlines and required information for this report shall be determined by the policies of the Treasurer's Office.

3. Quarterly Report - A quarterly report must be rendered to the Board of Directors prior to each Board meeting. This report should include a general summary of any issues currently before the College as well as any administrative situations or issues of which the Board should be aware.

A.Reporting Requirements

B. Record-keeping Requirements -

The Laurel Sovereign of Arms or duly designated deputies shall maintain any records necessary for the maintenance of heraldry in the Society. Such records shall include the following categories of data.

1. Reference Material - The Laurel Office shall be responsible for the orderly maintenance of any compilations of reference material necessary for submissions processing and administration of heraldry in the Society. Such references may include but are not limited to an Armorial and/or Ordinary of registered items, compilations of Laurel precedents, lists of authorized branch designations, titles, orders and heraldic titles, etc.

2. Submissions - The Laurel Office shall maintain a repository of original submission forms for all submitted items, including supporting documentation, and all correspondence dealing with submissions such as Letters of Intent, Letters of Commentary, and any other correspondence with the Laurel Office which may refer to submissions.

3. Correspondence - Correspondence such as warrants for Principal Heralds, rosters, and reports to Laurel will be maintained by the Laurel Office.

4. Financial Records - The Laurel Sovereign of Arms or a duly designated deputy shall keep financial records in accordance with the financial policy outlined in Appendix E which will allow prompt filing of the required financial reports as well as accurate tracking of the funds of the Laurel Office. Such records will include detailed records of submission fees and other monies transferred from official branches, fees for Letters of Acceptances and Returns and other publications, expenditures by the Laurel Office, etc.

B.Record-keeping Requirements

C. Supervisory Duties -

The Laurel Sovereign of Arms is required to exercise such supervisory power as is necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of heraldry in the Society. In particular, the Laurel Sovereign monitors the performance of the following categories of heraldic officers.

1. Principal Heralds - The Principal Herald of each kingdom shall be jointly warranted by the Crown and the Laurel Sovereign. The Laurel Sovereign shall monitor the performance of the Principal Herald and any relevant deputies to ensure that they meet the administrative and submissions processing standards outlined in these rules.

2. Laurel Staff Deputies - The Laurel Sovereign shall warrant any necessary staff deputies with the approval of the Board of Directors and shall monitor their performance as required. Such deputies may fall into several administrative categories. Their duties will be established as Laurel sees fit.

a. Permanent Administrative Deputies - Staff members who perform specified duties on a permanent basis (e.g., the Morsulus Herald who maintains the Armorial and Ordinary database). The duties for Laurel's major deputies, who shall have the titles Pelican Sovereign of Arms and Wreath Sovereign of Arms, are summarized in Appendix G, which will be revised as their duties change.

b. Commenting Deputies - Permanent deputies whose only permanent duty is submissions commentary within the College of Arms.

c. Special Projects Staff - Temporary staff who perform special projects for the Laurel Office, such as precedents collation, publications editing, etc. Such staff need not be specifically warranted by the Laurel Sovereign if they normally hold heraldic warrants from a kingdom or other official branch.

d. Ceremonial Duties - The Laurel Sovereign shall preside over Known World Heraldic Symposia and other Society-wide heraldic gatherings, as required, and perform any ceremonial duties that shall be demanded by the Board of Directors.

C.Supervisory Duties

X. Principal Herald

A. Reporting Requirements -

The Principal Herald of each kingdom is responsible either directly or through deputies for rendering the following reports:

1. Annual Financial Report - An annual financial report must be forwarded to Laurel and the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer as part of the annual tax reporting process. If the Principal Herald is not directly responsible for the finances, the report must also be forwarded to the Principal Herald. This report is due by March 1st.

2. Quarterly Report - A quarterly report must be sent to Laurel on quarterly basis. These reports will be due March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1. This report should include a general summary the state of heraldry in the kingdom, any issues and potential solutions, or occurrences of note in the kingdom. The June and December reports must include a current roster of all warranted heralds within the kingdom.

3. Reports to Crown and Kingdom - As kingdom law and custom require, reports should be circulated to the Crown and officers of the kingdom to keep them informed of the state of the herald's office. If law and custom permits, this requirement may be fulfilled by sending copies of the reports to the Laurel Office to the relevant royalty and officers.

A.Reporting Requirements

B. Record-keeping Requirements -

The Principal Herald or an appropriate deputy shall maintain any records necessary for the maintenance of heraldry in their kingdom. Such records shall include the following categories of records.

1. Submissions Forms - The Principal Herald or a designated deputy shall maintain a repository of submission forms and supporting documentation necessary for the maintenance of the submissions process in their kingdom.

2. Submissions Correspondence - A copy of each piece of correspondence dealing with submissions shall be maintained by the kingdom, sufficient for the maintenance of the submissions process in the kingdom. Correspondence may be maintained in paper form or in electronic form. OSCAR is a sufficient archive of external Letters of Intent. Kingdoms are encouraged to create formal policies regarding the archiving of these electronic materials.

3. Administrative Correspondence - Copies of all administrative correspondence shall be maintained, sufficient to maintain the College of Heralds of the kingdom. Such correspondence will include rosters for all warranted heralds and reports. These files may be maintained in electronic format; kingdoms are encouraged to create formal policies regarding the archiving of these electronic materials.

4. Financial Records - The Principal Herald or a designated deputy shall keep financial records which will allow prompt filing of the required financial reports as well as accurate tracking of the funds of the kingdom's College of Heralds, as required by the kingdom's financial policies and the Kingdom Exchequer. Such records will include detailed records of submission fees and other monies transferred from official branches, donations, miscellaneous income, expenditures by the Principal Herald and deputies, etc.

B.Record-keeping Requirements

C. Supervisory Duties -

The Principal Herald is required to exercise oversight over deputies and territorial heralds to ensure the smooth functioning of heraldry in the kingdom. The responsibilities and restrictions governing such oversight may be governed by kingdom law and custom. However, in all cases, it shall include the responsibility for the warranting and training of appropriate heraldic officers for all necessary positions and sufficient to ensure that the customary range of heraldic services is easily available in all parts of the kingdom. The Principal Herald is authorized to determine what heraldic titles will be submitted for registration and by which officers they will be used in the kingdom and all its subsidiary branches, though may delegate this authority to those subsidiary branches if so desired.

C.Supervisory Duties

D. Subsidiary Heraldic Offices

- The Principal Herald of each kingdom may structure subsidiary heraldic offices in the manner which will best fulfill the duties of the office and seems most appropriate to the other needs of the kingdom, subject only to the requirements of kingdom law and custom. A published statement of the rights and responsibilities of subsidiary heralds is strongly recommended. The outline of the duties of subsidiary heralds given below is based upon the experience of heralds in several kingdoms and is provided only as a model document.

D.Subsidiary Heraldic Offices

1. Principality/Regional Herald

a. Reporting Requirements - As required by kingdom and/or principality law and custom, a Principality/Regional Herald may be responsible either directly or through deputies for rendering the following reports:

1. Financial Reports - If principality/regional heralds handle money, financial reports must be filed according to the policies established by the Principal Herald and the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer.

2. Other Reports - Other reports shall be rendered to the Principal Herald, the Crown, the Coronet and other officers as kingdom and/or principality law and custom demand.

b. Record-keeping Requirements - A Principality/Regional Herald or an appropriate deputy shall maintain any records necessary for the maintenance of heraldry in the principality/region. Such records may include submissions forms, submissions correspondence, administrative correspondence (including warrants), and financial records.

c. Supervisory Duties - A Principality/Regional Herald may exercise oversight over deputies and territorial heralds as required to ensure the smooth functioning of heraldry in the principality/region. The responsibilities and restrictions governing such oversight shall be determined by kingdom and/or principality law and custom and the policies established by the Principal Herald.

d. Ceremonial Duties - Where kingdom and/or principality law and custom or the policies of the Principal Herald allow, a Principality/ Regional Herald shall be generally responsible for the conduct of ceremonies within the principality/region. In particular, a Principality Herald or a responsible deputy shall perform any ceremonial duties required by principality law and custom or requested by the Coronet.

e. Miscellaneous Duties - A Principality/Regional Herald shall be responsible, either directly or through designated deputies, for performing any miscellaneous duties required for the furtherance of heraldry within the principality/region. As principality law and custom require or a Coronet requests, this may include service on Curia, diplomatic service, etc.

2. Local Heralds and Heralds at Large

a. Reporting Requirements - Local heralds and heralds at large, where permitted by kingdom and/or principality law and custom and the policies of the Principal Herald, may be responsible either directly or through deputies for rendering the following reports:

1. Financial Reports - Financial reports must be filed according to the policies established by the Principal Herald and the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer.

2. Other Reports - Other reports shall be rendered to the Principal Herald, the Crown, the Coronet and other officers as kingdom and/or principality law and custom demand.

b. Record-keeping Requirements - A local herald or herald at large shall maintain any records required by kingdom and/or principality law and custom. Such records may include the following categories of data.

1. Submissions Forms - If submissions are processed by the local herald or herald at large, that herald shall maintain a repository of all submission forms and supporting documentation necessary for the recreation of submissions if need arises.

2. Submissions and Administrative Correspondence - A clean copy of each piece of correspondence shall be maintained in the files.

3. Financial Records - Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with policies set by the Principal Herald and the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer.

c. Ceremonial Duties - Local heralds and heralds at large shall be generally responsible for the conduct of ceremonies as decreed by kingdom and/or principality law and custom or the policies of the Principal Herald.

d. Miscellaneous Duties - Local heralds and heralds at large shall be responsible for performing any miscellaneous duties required for the furtherance of heraldry within the branch.

Appendix A - Corpora on the Office of Laurel Sovereign and the College of Arms (From Section VI. Society Officers)

C. Laurel Sovereign of Arms and The College of Arms

1. Laurel Sovereign of Arms

The Laurel Sovereign of Arms (Laurel) is the principal heraldic officer of the Society and the head of the College of Arms. Laurel is responsible for fostering the study and practice of heraldry, and for establishing rules and making determinations regarding names and armory, royal and noble titles, and geographical designations to be approved for use in the Society.

2. College of Arms

The College of Arms of the Society consists of the Principal Heralds of the kingdoms and such other persons as Laurel may deem to be of assistance. It aids Laurel in studying historical heraldic usage, developing heraldic rules for the Society's use, and reviewing individual items prior to their registration for use in the Society.

3. Heraldic Administration

a. Standards of difference and other rules: Laurel shall define standards suitable to the type of item to be registered, and apply them uniformly to all such submissions. These standards shall be designed to support the historical re-creations of the Society and to provide sufficient difference from names and armory registered within the Society to avoid undue confusion, to avoid the appearance of unearned honors or false claims, and to provide sufficient difference from historical or fictional personages to prevent offense due to obvious usurpation of identity or armory. Members are encouraged to develop unique, historically valid names and armory.

b. Any item once registered shall remain registered unless the owner requests its release, and shall be accepted in the Society for the person for whom it was registered without regard to changes in the rules and standards applied to future submissions, or to the membership status of the owner.

c. The standards and rules employed by Laurel and the College of Arms shall be published so that participants in Society activities can obtain copies for their own reference. The Ordinary and Armorial listing registered names and armory shall also be made available to the membership.

d. Laurel shall ensure that fees for the Society's heraldic publications and for its services in registering names or armory are sufficient to cover the cost of such services, both at the corporate level and within the kingdoms.

Appendix A - Corpora on the Office of Laurel Sovereign and the College of Arms

Appendix B - Standard Designations for Society Branches

The following designations have been defined as standard in Corpora (Section III.C Branch Designations) and may be used by Society branches meeting the requirements for that particular type of branch as stated in Corpora:











Appendix B - Standard Designations for Society Branches

Appendix C - Corpora on Titles in the Society (From Section VIII. Personal Awards and Titles)

D. Titles

1."Landedness" in the Society is an attribute of the Crown, the Coronet, and the territorial Barons and Baronesses. Other titles within the Society do not confer land, and no form of any title shall be taken or used which states or implies ownership or control of any geographic, demographic or sociographic area within or external to the Society in any sense, medieval or otherwise.

2. The Society's standard titles are defined in (4) below. The Society recognizes that equivalent titles from other cultures may be more appropriate for individual members. Such alternate titles may be used by those entitled to the rank or award associated with them, provided the College of Arms has ruled that the title in question is an equivalent for the rank or award in question. All standard and alternate titles are specific to the Society, and convey no rank or precedence outside it. They may be used in a Society context only by those who have achieved the appropriate rank or award within the Society.

3. Names and terms that imply relationships between Society members (such as apprentice, page, squire, etc.) or that carry vocational connotations (religious, military, scholarly, etc.) may be used in the Society on an informal basis, subject to the following restrictions: They must not assert or imply noble rank or territorial jurisdiction. They must not be offensive in themselves or in the context in which they are used. They may carry no precedence and must not be used in any manner which would suggest that they do so.

4. The titles listed here are considered standard, and may be used by those who have earned or been granted the appropriate rank or award within the Society. The College of Arms publishes a more extensive list of titles and alternative forms, which may also be used freely by qualified persons. In addition, the College of Arms has full approval authority over new alternative titles, which must be added to their list before being released for use in the Society.

TITLE (masculine/feminine/collective) RANK OR AWARD
King/Queen/Crown Rulers of a kingdom.
Crown Prince/Crown Princess/(Royal) Coronet Heirs to the Crown.
Prince/Princess/Coronet Rulers of a principality.
Duke/Duchess Persons who have reigned over a kingdom two or more times. The title is assumed at the end of the second complete reign.
Count/Countess Persons who have once reigned over a kingdom. The title is assumed at the end of the first complete reign.
Viscount/Viscountess Persons who have reigned over a principality. The title is assumed at the end of the first complete reign.
Master/Mistress Members of the Orders of the Laurel, the Pelican, and Mastery of Arms.
Sir/Sir Members of the Order of Knighthood. Note that most women who are members of the order have chosen to use "Sir".
Baron (of placename)/ Baroness (of placename) Ceremonial heads of a barony.
(Court) Baron/ (Court) Baroness Armigerous titles awarded at the discretion of the Crown. The word "Court" is often left out when referring to this title.
Lord/Lady Basic titles for persons who hold Arms by Award or Grant.
"my lord"/ "my lady"/ "good gentles" These are general forms of address rather than titles. They are properly used informally, or any time the speaker does not know another form that would be more appropriate for the listener.
Master of (jobname)/ Mistress of (jobname) Alternates for "Minister of (jobname)" As with the standard designation for the office, these are not personal titles, and should in no case be abbreviated or prefixed to the officer's personal name.

Appendix C - Corpora on Titles in the Society

Appendix D - Suggested Standard Form Letters

Permission to Conflict

For Name

I, [Name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) give [Name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) permission for [his/her] name "[Submitted Name]" to be similar to, but not identical to, my name, "[Registered Name]". I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [name of submitter]'s name is registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Armory

I, [Name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) give [Name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) permission for [his/her] armory "[Blazon of submission]" to look similar to, but not identical to, my armory, "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [name of submitter]'s armory is registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

Blanket Permission to Conflict

For Name

I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered name "[Registered name]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register a name that is (not identical to/at least a syllable different from) my registered name. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Fielded Armory

I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is (not identical to|at least one countable step different from) my registered armory. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Fieldless Armory:

I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is not identical to my registered armory. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

Note that a blanket permission to conflict will under no circumstances allow the registration of identical names or armory.

Heraldic Will

I [Legal name of owner], known in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) as [SCA name of owner] leave to [legal name of heraldic heir], known in the SCA as [SCA name of heraldic heir, if any] my (name/armory) registered in the SCA, ([name to be transferred]/blazoned as [blazon of armory to be transferred].

I [Legal name of owner], known in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) as [SCA name of owner] release the following names and armory registered to me in the SCA [insert list of all names or armories to be released]

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

I [Legal name of owner], known in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) as [SCA name of owner] wish to make the following determinations to my name(s) and/or armory upon my death as below:

[select options as desired; items may be split amongst multiple people or released entirely]

- transfer to [legal name of heraldic heir], known in the SCA as [SCA name of heraldic heir, if any] my [name/armory] registered in the SCA, [insert name or "blazoned as [insert blazon of armory]].

- release the following [name/armory] registered to me in the SCA [insert list of all names or armories to be released]

[Date] [Signature of [Name]]

Petition for Registration of Group Name and Device

We the undersigned members and officers of ([Society branch name]) affirm that we approve of the submission of the branch name ([Society branch name submitted]) and device, ([blazon]), pictured below.

[Date] [Signatures of Crowned Head, if applicable]

[Date] [Signatures of Officers and/or Populace]

Letter of Transfer (Name)

A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient.

I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do transfer to [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], the following [personal name/household name/heraldic title] "[Registered name]". I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Acceptance of Transfer (Name)

A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient.

I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) do accept the transfer from [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) the following [personal name/household name/heraldic title] "[Registered name]" as a [primary name/alternate name/household name/heraldic title]. [If this will result in a change of primary name: I wish to [retain/release] my current name: "[Current registered name]".] I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Transfer (Armory)

A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient.

I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do transfer to [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], the following [device/badge] "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Acceptance of Transfer (Armory)

A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient.

I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do accept the transfer from [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], the following [device/badge] "[Blazon of registered armory]" as a [device/badge]. [If this will result in a change of primary device: I wish to [retain/release] my current device: "[Blazon of registered armory]".] I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter Documenting Legal Relationship for Grandfather Clause

I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do attest that [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], is my legal [father/mother/wife/husband/son/daughter/brother/sister]. I understand that this letter cannot be withdrawn once [Legal name of submitter]'s name or device is registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Permission to Presume

I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], give [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], permission for my Society name to be used in part of [his/her] Society name in order to indicate a relationship. I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [Legal name of submitter]'s name is registered.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal Name]]

Letter of Release

I, [Legal Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] hereby release my registered name "[registered name]". I understand that release of registration is permanent.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal Name]]

I, [Legal Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] hereby release my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that release of registration is permanent.

[Date] [Signature of [Legal Name]]

Appendix D - Suggested Standard Form Letters

Appendix E - Financial Policy of the Laurel Sovereign of Arms Office


The following Financial Policy serves as an addendum to and is subject to the requirements set forth by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Financial Policy and governing documents. The Laurel Sovereign of Arms Financial Policy should be reviewed yearly and at the start of each Laurel Sovereign of Arms warrant. This policy will be included as an appendix to the Administrative Handbook of the College of Arms.

Bank Account Identification and Structure

The accounts of the Laurel office will be setup in compliance with SCA Financial Policy. A single signature account may be allowed with appropriate controls being defined and with the approval of the Society Exchequer.


The Laurel Sovereign of Arms, College Chancellor of the Exchequer and Society Chancellor of the Exchequer shall all be signatories on the Laurel accounts. Additional signatories may be added if useful.

Segregation of Duties

A Chancellor of the Exchequer will be appointed and warranted by the Laurel Sovereign of Arms and the Society Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Disbursement controls will be implemented sufficient to discourage misappropriation of funds and to ensure proper record keeping.

Financial Records

The College Exchequer will provide to Laurel on a quarterly basis, copies of documents and disks that would allow for the reconstruction of the Laurel office's books.

Financial Reporting and Disclosure

The College Chancellor of the Exchequer will provide a report each quarter and at year-end to Laurel for review and signature. These reports are for financial activity in the College and include a status report for accounts held by the Laurel office. The signed reports will be forwarded by Laurel to the Society Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Laurel will review the reconciled bank statements monthly.

A copy of the Comparative Balance Sheet and Income/Expense Statement from the annual report will be distributed to the College of Arms annually.

Financial Committee and Expense Authorization Policy

The Financial committee is responsible for establishment of a financial policy, creation of an annual budget and approval of expenditures outside the annual budget.

The Financial Committee will consist of at least Laurel Sovereign of Arms, the deputy Sovereigns of Arms and the College Chancellor of the Exchequer. The committee will consist of a minimum of 3 members.

Approval requires a positive response from a majority of the members of the Financial Committee. In the case of a tie Laurel's response counts as the tie breaking vote.

The College Financial Committee will approve the budget for the following year by September 30th of the current year. (For example, the 2004 budget will be approved by September 30th, 2003). The budget should include the funds for the operation of the College including the publication of the Letters of Acceptances and Returns, travel expenses and supplies required for the operation of the College. Funds from approved budgets can be disbursed without first contacting the financial committee for re-approval.

Fully documented receipts must be provided to support all expenses. This rule applies to anyone expecting reimbursements. For College Business, the College Financial Committee must approve all unbudgeted expenditures in advance. The College Financial Committee on a case-by-case basis will handle emergency situations.

Travel Expenses

A Travel Fund shall be established and budgeted to support the operation of the Laurel office. The fund shall be maintained in two parts:

Travel to KWHS: A budgeted amount will be set aside to reimburse the travel expenses of the Laurel and deputy Sovereigns of Arms to attend the annual meeting of the College of Arms, Known World Heraldic Symposium. Any funds remaining at the end of the year will be added into the next year's amount up to a maximum of $4000.

Other travel: Other travel would include travel required in the execution of the office such as to Kingdom heraldic symposia and interkingdom wars. Use of these funds is subject to Financial Committee approval prior to the travel. Funds remaining at the end of the year are returned to the general fund.

Appendix E - Financial Policy of the Laurel Sovereign of Arms Office

Appendix F - Names Sources to Be Avoided in Documentation

The books in this (non-comprehensive) list "should be regarded with deep suspicion, and avoided wherever possible" (Cover Letter, 8 June 85, p.4) for the purposes of documenting names in the SCA. This is not to say that these books are "bad" books for the purposes for which they were written; only that they are not good sources for the purpose of documenting names for registration in the SCA.

Name Books to be Avoided:

Arthur, William. Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names

"[Arthur] is not a reliable source, being a rather old volume of the `what to name your baby' and `what does you family name mean' variety." (LoAR 30 Apr 89, p. 2)

Coghlan, Ronan. Irish First Names

"Coghlan is extremely untrustworthy and should not be used." (Talan Gwynek, Millrind, Vol. VIII, Issue 2, p. 3)

Coghlan, Ronan, Ida Grehan and P.W. Joyce. Book of Irish Names

"The Book of Irish Names is an abysmal SCA source, particularly its discussion of first names, which is a description of modern (20th century) Irish naming practices." (Ensign [Cateline de la Mor la souriete] LoC, 17 February 1996)

Dellquest, Augustus Wilfrid. These Names of Ours: A Book of Surnames

"Please add Augustus Wilfrid Dellquest's These Names of Ours: A Book of Surnames... to the list of books that are not acceptable as documentation." (LoAR 16 Sep 1995, p. 10)

Dunkling, Leslie and William Gosling. The New American Dictionary of First Names

"The focus of the book is on recent English and American usage, which reduces its usefulness to us..." (Cover Letter 29 Sep 85, p. 3)

Hanks, Patrick, and Hodges, Flavia. Dictionary of First Names

"Very few of the entries have dates of any kind. There are many modern forms included in the entries. There are even, as there are in many general works of this kind, some errors, sometimes quite glaring." (LoAR Nov 1994, p. 20)

Hanks, Patrick, and Hodges, Flavia. Dictionary of Surnames

"Very few of the entries have dates of any kind. There are many modern forms included in the entries. There are even, as there are in many general works of this kind, some errors, sometimes quite glaring." (LoAR Nov 1994, p. 20)

Kolatch, Alfred J. The Jonathan David Dictionary of First Names

"Kolatch, ... is notorious for its lack of interest in drawing distinctions between traditional and modern names. (LoAR 25 Jan 87, p. 19). "As has been noted before, Kolatch is a modern baby-name book, and as a source of information is completely unreliable." (LoAR 18 May 86, p. 11)

Alfred Kolatch: in general, all of his works should be avoided for SCA documentation, for the reasons above

Loughead, Flora Gaines. Dictionary of Given Names

"[I]t is worthless for our purposes." (LoAR 16 Sep 95, p. 8). "[Loughead] is very unreliable." (LoAR 29 Apr 90, p.15)

Norman, Theresa. Names through the Ages

"The name lists are utterly unreliable." (Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, SCAHRLDS)

Partridge, Eric. Name This Child: A Dictionary of Modern British and American Given or Christian Names

"Virtually no dates are given for any names, which is problematic for our purposes..." (LoAR 31 Mar 90, p.3)

Smith, Elsdon/ New Dictionary of American Family Names

"Elsdon Smith's New Dictionary of American Family Names [is] a most untrustworthy source." (LoAR Aug 92, p. 23)

Wells, Evelyn. A Treasury of Names (also published under the title What to Name the Baby)

"Wells ... is not a very good source." (LoAR 26 Mar 89, p. 1)

Yonge, Charlotte. History of Christian Names

"Yonge is no longer considered a trustworthy source. Her main strength is the breadth of languages she covered; for many of those languages (including French) she has been superseded by far more reliable works." (LoAR Sep 92, p. 6)

Anonymous. The New Age Baby Name Book

In addition, most books with the word "baby" or "children" in the title or books of the "what to name your baby in [language]" type should be avoided. These generally give few dates, and the dates they give are often incorrect or misleading. Websites of this sort have the same weakness. In general terms, any website that gives no indications (or unclear indications) of its sources for the names or their dates is unlikely to be acceptable.

Sources to be Used with Caution (with comments)

Fucilla, Joseph G. Our Italian Surnames

The focus of this books is on modern American usage, and as such rarely gives dates or other evidence of period usage. Emidio de Felice's dizionario dei cognomi italiani is a better choice.

Gruffudd, Heini. Welsh Names for Children

This is a popular work done by someone who has done more scholarly work. Dates within the book are presumed to be accurate, though the forms may or may not be accurate for the date cited. Items without dates are presumed to be post-1650.

MacLysaght, Edward. The Surnames of Ireland.

The focus of this book is on modern usage; in particular the spellings, both of English and Gaelic forms are modern. Patrick Woulfe's Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish Names and Surnames is a better choice.

Morgan, Peadar. Ainmean Chloinne: Scottish Gaelic Names for Children

This is a popular work done by someone who has done more scholarly work. Dates within the book are presumed to be accurate, though the forms may not be accurate for the date cited. Items without dates are presumed to be post-1650.

Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, "Compleat Anachronist #66, A Welsh Miscellany"

This contains lists that combine early legendary names with 16th century forms. As such, the dating of names should be confirmed with other sources. Her more specifically dated work is highly recommended.

Woulfe, Patrick, Irish Names for Children and the given name section from Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish Names and Surnames

These sources give no information about the dating of names; all information should be confirmed elsewhere. Note that the surname section of Sloinnte Gaedhal is Gall includes large numbers of dated forms and is a recommended source.

Appendix F - Names Sources to Be Avoided in Documentation

Appendix G - Role of the Deputy Sovereigns of Arms

Laurel may appoint deputy sovereigns of arms to assist in the performance of the duties of the office. The heraldic titles available for the deputies are Pelican Sovereign of Arms and Wreath Sovereign of Arms. The specific duties of the deputies must be published in the cover letter of a Letter of Acceptances and Returns.

The duties of Pelican and Wreath may include one or more of the following:

  1. Administrative duties
    • Maintaining the mailing list and roster of the College of Arms
    • Monitoring the performance of College of Arms members with regard to Laurel office requirements for producing Letters of Intent, Letters of Comments, and reporting
    • Notifying College of Arms members, their kingdom heralds, kingdom seneschals, and Crowns when they are not in compliance with Laurel office requirements
    • Removing any such non-complying COA members from the mailing list and/or roster as necessary
    • Preparing quarterly reports, in consultation with Laurel, to the Board on the status of the College of Arms
  1. Submissions-related duties
    • Making decisions for a pre-defined part of the submissions, e.g. either name submissions or armory submissions
    • Making decisions on appeals of returns by Laurel Sovereign of Arms
  1. Other duties

Appendix H - Sources That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel

This is a list of "standard books" that do not require photocopies to be sent to Laurel. Note that the fact that a name element or armorial motif appears in these sources is no guarantee of registerability. The Laurel office and several kingdom heraldic offices have copies of all of these books; Laurel urges the Kingdom Colleges to acquire copies of any they do not have. Note: The LoI must contain the header name or page number and edition of the book in which the reference is found. Standard brief forms that are used to refer to them in commentary are given in brackets ([]); those books with no standard brief form must be cited with full name.

No-Photocopy Books

[Bahlow or Bahlow/Gentry] Bahlow, Hans. Deutsches Nameslexikon. (also the translation by Edda Gentry).

Bahlow, Hans. Deutschland Geographiche Namenwelt.

[Bardsley] Bardsley, Charles. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.

Bedingfeld and Gwynn-Jones. Heraldry.

[Black] Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland.

[Brault] Brault, Gerald J. Early Blazon.

[Brechenmacher] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen.

[Brooke-Little] Brooke-Little, J.P. An Heraldic Alphabet.

[Pic Dic] Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio. A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry.

[D&R or Dauzat and Rostaing] Dauzat, Albert and Rostaing, Charles. Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France.

[Dauzat] Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prenoms de France.

[De Felice Cognomi] De Felice, Emidio. dizionario dei cognomi italiani.

[De Felice Nomi] De Felice. Emidio. dizionario dei nomi italiani.

[Diez Melcon] Diez Melcon. R. P. Gonzalo. Apellidos Castellano-Leoneses.

[Ekwall] Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names.

[Foster] Foster, Joseph. The Dictionary of Heraldry: Feudal Coats of Arms and Pedigrees.

Fox-Davies, A. The Art of Heraldry.

[Fox Davies] Fox-Davies, A. The Complete Guide to Heraldry.

[Fransson] Fransson, Gustav. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100-1350.

[Geirr Bassi] Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name.

[Hitching & Hitching] Hitching, F. K. and S. References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602.

[Johnston] Johnston, James R. Place-Names of Scotland.

[Jonsjo] Jonsjo, Jan. Middle English Nicknames: I. Compounds.

[LGPN] Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (Vol 1-4).

[Lind] Lind, E. H. Norsk-Isländska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn från Medeltiden.

[Lind Supplement] Lind, E. H. Samlade Ock Utgivna. Supplementband.

[Lind Personbinamn] Lind, E. H. Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn Från Medeltiden Samlade Ock Utgivna Med Förklaringar.

Mayer, L.A. Saracenic Heraldry.

[Mills] Mills, A. D. A Dictionary of English Place-Names.

[Mills London] Mills, A. D. A Dictionary of London Place-Names.

[Morgan and Morgan] Morgan, T.J., and Prys Morgan. Welsh Surnames.

[Morlet Dictionnaire] Morlet, Maire-Therese. Dictionnaire Étymologique de Noms de Famille.

[Morlet Picardie] Morlet, Marie Therese, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde : les noms de personne en Haute Picardie aux XIIIe, XIVe, XVe siècles.

[Morlet, specify volume] Morlet, Marie-Therese. Les Noms de Personne sur le Territoire de l'Ancienne Gaule du VI au XII Si.

[Neubecker] Neubecker, Ottfried. Heraldry: Sources, Symbols and Meaning.

[OC&M, Ó (or O) Corrain and Maguire] Ó Corrain, Donnchadh & Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names.

[Papworth] Papworth. John W. Papworth's Ordinary of British Armorials.

[Parker] Parker, James. A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry.

[Wickenden] Paul Wickenden of Thanet, A Dictionary of Period Russian Names.

[R&W or Reaney and Wilson] Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames.

[Room] Room, Adrian. A Dictionary of Irish Place-Names.

[Searle] Searle, William George. Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum.

[Siebmacher] Siebmacher, Johann. Johann Siebmacher's Wappenbuch von 1605.

Smith, A.H. English Place Name Elements.

[Socin] Socin, Adolf. Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch.

[MCMJ] Solveig Throndardottir. Name Construction in Mediaeval Japan.

[SMP] Sveriges medeltida personnamn (SMP).

[Thuresson] Thuresson, Bertil. Middle English Occupational Terms.

[von Volborth] von Volborth, Carl-Alexander. Heraldry: Customs, Rules and Styles.

[Watts] Watts, Victor, ed. Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names, Based on the Collections of the English Place-Name Society.

[Withycombe] Withycombe, E.G. Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.

Woodward, John and Burnett, George. Woodward's Treatise on Heraldry British and Foreign.

[Woulfe] Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish Names and Surnames.

All KWHS Proceedings.

No-Photocopy Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

These are some dictionaries which are useful in researching period usage. A dictionary citation is not sufficient to document something as part of a name, but may be useful in documenting spelling or usage. Most are available both in print and online.

[Bosworth and Toller] Bosworth, Joseph and T. Northcote Toller, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary.

1911 Britannica Encyclopedia.

The Catholic Encyclopedia.

[Clark Hall] Clark Hall, John R., A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary.

[Cleasby and Vigfusson] Cleasby, Richard, and Gudbrand Vigfusson, An Icelandic-English Dictionary.

[CORDE] Corpus Diacrónico del Español.

[DSL] Dictionary of the Scots Language.

[DOST] The Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue.

[Lewis & Short] Lewis, Charlton T. and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary.

[Liddell & Scott] Liddell, H.G. and Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon.

[DIL] Royal Irish Academy. Dictionary of the Irish Language based mainly on Old and Middle Irish materials.

[SND] The Scottish National Dictionary.

[MED] The Middle English Dictionary.

Oxford Dictionary of Saints.

[OED] The Oxford English Dictionary.

[Zoega] Zoëga, Geir, A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic.

No-Photocopy Online Resources

All resources found at

All reports found in the Academy of Saint Gabriel Report Archive, <>.

Appendix H - Sources That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel