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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.


==Images from period sources:

16th 16th
16th Century German animals issuant from bends or inverted or ? 16th Century Iberian animals issuant from bends or inverted or ?

SENA Appendix L:

A Partial List of Postures and Orientations This is a list of postures and orientations that can be used to determine whether two charges or groups of charges conflict or whether there is a distinct change for posture/orientation. Animate Charges A. Quadrupeds: The postures listed within each group generally conflict, though a distinct change may be given for facing to dexter or to sinister.

  • rampant, segreant, salient, sejant erect, statant erect
  • passant, statant, courant
  • sejant, sejant erect
  • couchant, dormant
  • sejant erect affronty, sejant affronty


Quick Reference - Quadrupeds and Their Postures -


Rampant - Rearing Body erect, forelegs apart and out, back-rear leg off the ground. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/Rampant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2rampant.gif
Salient - Leaping Body erect and elongated, forelegs out and together, rear legs together and on the ground File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/salient.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2salient.gif
Courant - Running Body elongated, head erect, all four legs extended. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/courant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2courant.gif
Passant - walking Body horizontal, head angled or erect, three feet touching the ground with the right foreleg raised. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/passant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2passant.gif
Statant - standing Body horizontal, head angled or erect, all four feet touching the ground. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/statant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2statant.gif
Sejant - sitting Body angled, head erect, all four legs touching the ground, rear legs curved and front legs straight. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/sejant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejant.gif
Sejant Erect - sitting upright Body and head erect, the rear legs as in sejant and the forelegs apart and out. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/sejenterect.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejante.gif
Sejant Affronty - sitting facing the viewer ("in full aspect") As Sejant, but viewed from the front, so the belly of the creature is fully visible. The 'knees' of the rear legs are splayed to give a better 'view'. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/sejantaffronty.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejnta.gif
Sejant Erect Affronty - sitting upright facing the viewer As Sejant Affronty, but with the forelegs upraised and spread wide. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/sejanterectaffronty.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejntea.gif
Couchant - lying down Body horizontal, head erect with legs tucked under the body. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/couchant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2couchnt.gif
Dormant - sleeping Body horizontal, legs tucked under body and head down in a sleeping position using forelegs as a pillow. File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/dormant.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2dormant.gif
Finally, the position of the head, if not looking 'forward', is blazoned explicitly. If the beast is looking at the viewer, it is considered "gardant" and if it is looking back over its shoulder, it is considered "regardant". Thus:

File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejant.gif File:Http://heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejantg.gif File:Http:heraldry.sca.org/armory/postures/2sejantr.gif
a lion sejant a lion sejant gardant a lion sejant regardant


Clymant = same as salient, used for goats per Parker.

"pascuant or pasquant used of animals when grazing": @http://www.burkes-peerage.co.uk/articles/heraldry_p.aspx

"Paissant, or Pascuant,=grazing." "Pascuant, (fr.) or Paissant: applied only to cattle grazing with the head touching the ground. If the head is in the usual position statant would be employed." @http://www.heraldsnet.org/saitou/parker/Jpglossp.htm

[See 1989 Precendent below for only example of a grazing animal found in O&A on 14 September 2013.]


From the September 2003 LoAR: "There is no difference between statant and courant, because the evidence which has so far been obtained indicates that these postures were interchangeable in period." & "Statant should thus not be given difference from courant, because it was interchangeable with courant in period - just as passant was interchangeable with courant in period." [2003 LoAR]

From the May 2002 LoAR: "The SCA has general precedents against registering inverted animate charges unless they are part of a radially symmetrical group such as in annulo. These precedents are on the grounds that such inverted animals are generally not readily identifiable, and they are not found in period heraldry. However, the SCA also has a registration tradition of allowing animals which are usually found in a tergiant posture to be registered in the tergiant inverted posture. " "There is very little period evidence for tergiant inverted animals in heraldry." "As a result, inverting a tergiant charge is acceptable as long as it does not otherwise violate any basic heraldic principles, including the requirement for identifiability. Because of the lack of period evidence for tergiant inverted charges, the posture will be considered a clear step from period practice (also known informally as a "weirdness") for any charge that cannot be found in this posture in period." [2002 LoAR]

From the August 2001 LoAR: "there should not be a CD between passant and courant" & "There is a significant amount of evidence implying that courant and passant were used interchangeably in English armory." [2001 LoAR]

From the October 2000 LoAR: By precedent we do not register inverted animals unless they are part of an arrangement in annulo." [2000 LoAR]

From the February 1999 LoAR: "We do not allow inverted animate charges in SCA heraldry except when in recognized orientation, such as in annulo."[1999 LoAR]

From the March 1996 LoAR: The south end of a dragon going north is not a suitable subject for heraldry. You could have a dragon's tail emerging from a cave or from behind a rock ... or a dragon's tail couped and served on a platter for Twelfth Night. But not a dragon's fundament escaping over a wall. (Karina of the Far West, 17 Aug 78, p. 9)


From the December 1989 LoAR: Gizela Balbina Teucer - The following device associated with this name was registered in December of 1989 (via the Outlands): Azure, a gazelle grazing guardant atop a trimount couped, all within a chaplet of thorn Or. [[1]]

From the November 1982 LoAR: "Dancing is not a heraldic position." [Mary Katherine de Macey, November 1982, R-Middle]