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What is it? You tell us! Welcome to the wild side of medieval heraldry.

See also Animals in Clothes

BSB [[|Siebmacher]]

Siebmacher [[File:|Siebmacher]] Siebmacher
Siebmacher Siebmacher Siebmacher

Bellenville 6v is an unusual rendition of a trivet. It's kinda cool.

29v I wanted to be a caterpillar involved, but I think it's a wing. Dunno how to blazon it.

33v is a nice, butch set of three sewing needles.

37r is a set of three garbs that are so stylized they feel like modern graphics.

41v is a weird mill-wheel. There were other, more normal mill wheels and regular wheels (I also liked the wheels with an axle, spoke, but the outer ring of the annulet invected).

42r Turbot. The arms are canting on Both van der Eeme, in a rare case of a cant on the given name.

43r Upside down ermine spots is weird.

50r-1 "Barry embowed to base gules and Or"? Demi-gurges?

50r-2 Curule chair? nut cracker? Per Bruce Draconarius: arms of vanden Wolde or von dem Wolde. Popoff and Pastoureau identify the charge as a "tréteau de table" - a table trestle

50r-3 They look like stick pins? anvils from above? probably empty spindles or yarn quills

50r-4 These could be hats or the head of a pole weapon.

55v Spiders could be a cant on COBham, but Rietstep thinks they're estoiles.

60v a turning cratch? quintin? Per Bruce Draconarius: Polish armory per Popoff and Pastoureau, in their edition of Bellenville, cite this as the arms of Jan Bielik, and blazon it (translating from the French) as "Gules, a Tau atop a point of three steps, the ends of the cross pieces garnished with a demi-roundel, all Or."

68v A hay rick. This is the first medieval one I think I've seen unless Bruce dug one out the last time we were discussing haystacks {| | |- | |}

Armorial Insignia

Nurnberg Sammelband, Book

c.1558 Armorial BSB272,

16th 16th Zacharias

1506-1509 Zurich

Insignia Bullrushes? Cattails? Hams? Maces? Flower cobs?
Siebmacher Wappen

Not quite a roundel scalloped?
File:BSB278 f94r scallopedroundel.jpg Insignia Dictionary of British Arms; Medieval Ordinary, Volume three, page 202, under "Patterned field 1 plain cross plain border" is Arg fretty Gu cross Arg border Sa, for one Sir Hew Bryce, from WK (Writhe's Book of Knights, temp. Henry VII) The Cornice

Sometimes you wear the crown and sometimes the crown wears you
Siebmacher Chief of allegiance to? Tierce nebuly? (and, of course, red on blue)Chief

Per the Neustifter Wappenbuch these are the arms of Reyssmaull, with the blazon: "In Rot wachsender silbern gekleideter Knabe mit silberner Kappe mit linker schwarzer Feder darauf, der mit beiden H{a:}nden die offenen Lippen waagrecht fletscht." Which may translate into "Gules, a boy argent rising (issuant? demi?) capped argent with a black feather in the cap to sinister, with both hands stretching his parted lips fesswise."
File:Arlberg 1548 knave.jpg Turban? Judenhutt? Devo?

On a pile inverted issuant from sinister argent a pile issuant from sinister sable?
A pile inverted from sinister sable fimbriated argent?
*Per chevron inverted couched from sinister chief gules and sable, a chevron inverted couched from sinister chief argent* See: [[1]]
Schembartbuch, Corpse on a bier/table/coffin (coffin meaning something different now than then?)

Film reels? Guide wheel? Norse cross wheel? Host? Monstrous? Lotus root? Or as Riestap calls it, "
De gueules, à la croix pattée alésée d'argent, sommée d'un croissant figuré montant du même." = cross paty pierced argent (the same thing as a cross formy) with the enlarged ends of the arms conjoined.

Zacharias {| | Mirror per Riestap? Aebelskiver pan? Egg poacher? Sedar dish? A baker's peel with manchets? |- |File:ZachariasBartsch1567 dievonHolnecth.jpg || Hand mill viewed from above |}


Pavilions issuant from sinister
Zacharias Butterchurn in the crest. Loaves of bread or lozenges on the bend sinister?
Zacharias Most likely hinges with the holes and break in the middle, but also resemble zules or chess rooks conjoined in base.


A roundel embattled of swallow-tailed merlons as a mark of Ghibelline allegiance?
A sun with swallow-tailed rays eclipsed azure and charged with a castle or a bridge of two towers?
BSB Passant over rampant? Or just rampants drawn funny to fill the space?
Scheibler'sches Arrows between demi-arrows?

"Gyronny of 8 gules and azure fimbriated Or" vs
"Gyronny of 8 gules and azure, a fillet cross and fillet saltire Or"
vs ?
Not necessarily SCA-legal, depending on the blazon.A roundel counter-changed charged with roundel gules charged with wing argent - would constitute 4 layers, non-registerable.A roundel gules fimbriated counterchanged charged with a wing argent - would be 3 layers.BSB

Feather duster? Feather fan? Cotton ball?
Palm tree? Artichoke/thistle?
A maunch? Mutant flaunch? A demi-fleur?Wappenbuch
A cross formy double-pommeled at the foot?Wappenbuch

Pommerian rune, Camminer cross, cross of Cammin

"an inverted F superimposed on a T"

" a Tau cross with the sinister cross-limb folded downward at the end, and the lower limb conjoined to a potent in dexter"

Insignia Bonaldo - moustaches? brackets? flint steels? horseshoes? spurs without the pokey bit? and note the orientation!

Bonanisegna #1 - Gules semy of bones? scrolls?, three bendlets argent.

Bonanisegna #2 - Bendy gules and argent, semy of passion nails (spear heads?) sable

Bonanisegna #3 - Gules semy of crutches (stirrups? spurs?), three bendlets argent. {| | |}

Bolt (canting name) Electron field? Oil press? Pestle? Double-handed pigment grinder? Lace bobbin?

Medieval winch? Hamster/dog wheel? Ships wheel? Yarn winder? Wind mill?File:Bellenville f70 14thC.jpg Horizontal butter churn ([[2]] )?
Cheese maker? Sausage grinder?
"In red, silver octagon, on it a silver hand/glove" according to Harwick Arch.

A roundel wavy?

Wappenbuch {| | Argent, a falcon rising atop a trimount azure between two barrulets embowed to chief gules, the trimount issuant from the lower barrulet. |}


A pointy cartouche? a fusil? a lense?

726 Ott Fleming: Sable, two batons headed of chevrons couped in saltire Or (vs. spear/unfletched arrows).

767 Jorg Zyl: Per pale azure and argent, two batons headed of chevrons couped in saltire counterchanged (vs. spear/unfletched arrows).

794: Cherboy: Sable, a cross between four batons headed of chevrons inverted argent (vs. broadheads).

794: Bursckrafft: Gules, two batons headed at each end of trefoils in saltire Or (vs. saltire/salterelle bottony).

841 Ammy: Gules, two batons headed of pomegranates/poppies/rosehips/onions in saltire argent.