Heraldic Art Resources: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 19:04, 12 January 2019

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.

SCA Graphic Libraries:

Effingham's Heraldic Avatars - [[1]] (Kingdom and SCA devices)

Viking Answer Lady - [[2]] (a goodly number of images)

Pennsic Traceable Art Project (with notations about images that are problematic).

Book of Traceable Heraldic Art - @http://heraldicart.org/ Unofficial successor to the PTAP. Includes over 2,000 images in SVG, PNG, and print-and-trace PDF formats for offline use. Material drawn from Viking Answer Lady, Pennsic Traceable Art Project, Edwardian-era texts like Fox-Davies, and period armorials.

Armory Blanks - http://coblaith.net/Heraldry/Printables/default.html (includes period mantling and doodle sheets)

HeraldicGraphics Yahoo! Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeraldicGraphics/ (group to share graphics, esp. vector graphics). Seems inactive.

Non-SCA Graphic Resoureces:

Fox-Davies' A Complete Guide to Heraldry// (wikisource.org) - http:en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_Complete_Guide_to_Heraldry

Free Heraldry Clipart - [[3]]

Parker's A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry// - http:karlwilcox.com/parker/

Wikimedia Commons: Heraldry - [[4]] (lots of graphics, includes some out-of-period art but everything is labeled so you know what is what)

Drawing Programs

(Programs mentioned by Heralds, in no particular order, no official endorsement implied, buyer beware, etc.)

Specific for Emblazoning:

Generic Drawing Programs:

  • Gimp (free, bitmap graphics)
  • Inkscape - http://inkscape.org/ (free, vector graphics)
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Paint.net
  • MS Paint
  • Paint Shop Pro
  • Microsoft Visio

Kingdom of Atenveldt Heraldic Submissions Page

(administered by the Brickbat Herald) [[5]]

> sought every year at the consult table at Pennsic. Some of the depictions are problematic or no longer registerable. These are noted on the PTAP index on this wiki, as linked above. > > -- > Free Heraldic Clipart, compiled by James Wolf Heraldry Many of the pieces come from Fox-Davies and Pimbley, both Victorian-era heraldic artists, and some depictions aren't quite accurate for our heraldic scope (for example, the "wavy" seen here is hardly wavy at all), but there are a lot of images, arranged alphabetically. > [[6]] > -- > Catalogue Of Period Devices, compiled by William CastilleThis book contains over 1300 blazons and emblazons of period devices taken from a number of period rolls of arms that found on Brian Timms early rolls of arms website (www.briantimms.com\era\early rolls of arms.htm). They are all black and white outline as the object of the collection is to give people an idea of what period style is. This book is supplied free of charge and may be freely copied and distributed. It is not to be sold for profit. Be Warned: the zipfile is over 6meg in size and expands to a pdf file. > [[7]] > -- > Brickbat's Armorial Stash//This is a growing number of armorial bits and pieces, taken from many sources (the Pictorial Dictionary, Fox-Davies, excellent depictions of charges that come through the SCA College of Arms, anything that might look useful "for later.") WARNING!!!! This is a 25MB file that expands into individual files.http:''atensubmissions.nexiliscom.com/ClipArt2.zip ||