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Administrative Handbook: Appendix H - Sources That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel

[from the Administrative Handbook - ] This is a list of "standard books" that do not require photocopies to be sent to Laurel. Note that the fact that a name element or armorial motif appears in these sources is no guarantee of registerability. The Laurel office and several kingdom heraldic offices have copies of all of these books; Laurel urges the Kingdom Colleges to acquire copies of any they do not have. Note: The LoI must contain the header name or page number and edition of the book in which the reference is found. Standard brief forms that are used to refer to them in commentary are given in brackets ([]); those books with no standard brief form must be cited with full name. -- No-Photocopy Books [Bahlow or Bahlow/Gentry] Bahlow, Hans. Deutsches Nameslexikon. (also the translation by Edda Gentry). Bahlow, Hans. Deutschland Geographiche Namenwelt. [Bardsley] Bardsley, Charles. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames. Bedingfeld and Gwynn-Jones. Heraldry. [Black] Black, George F. [surnames of Scotland, their origin meaning and history /] [Brault] Brault, Gerald J. Early Blazon. [Brechenmacher] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen. [Brooke-Little] Brooke-Little, J.P. An Heraldic Alphabet. [Pic Dic] Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio. A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry. [D&R or Dauzat and Rostaing] Dauzat, Albert and Rostaing, Charles. Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France. [Dauzat] Dauzat, Albert. Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prenoms de France. [De Felice Cognomi] De Felice, Emidio. dizionario dei cognomi italiani. [De Felice Nomi] De Felice. Emidio. dizionario dei nomi italiani. [Diez Melcon] Diez Melcon. R. P. Gonzalo. Apellidos Castellano-Leoneses. [Ekwall] Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names. [Foster] Foster, Joseph. The Dictionary of Heraldry: Feudal Coats of Arms and Pedigrees. Fox-Davies, A. The Art of Heraldry. [Fox Davies] Fox-Davies, A. The Complete Guide to Heraldry. [Fransson] Fransson, Gustav. Middle English Surnames of Occupation 1100-1350. [Geirr Bassi] Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. [Hitching & Hitching] Hitching, F. K. and S. References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602. [Johnston] Johnston, James R. Place-Names of Scotland. [Jonsjo] Jonsjo, Jan. Middle English Nicknames: I. Compounds. [LGPN] Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (Vol 1-4). On-line at [Lind] Lind, E. H. Norsk-Isländska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn från Medeltiden. [Lind Supplement] Lind, E. H. Samlade Ock Utgivna. Supplementband. [Lind Personbinamn] Lind, E. H. Norsk-Isländska Personbinamn Från Medeltiden Samlade Ock Utgivna Med Förklaringar. Mayer, L.A. Saracenic Heraldry. [Mills] Mills, A. D. A Dictionary of English Place-Names. [Mills London] Mills, A. D. A Dictionary of London Place-Names. [Morgan and Morgan] Morgan, T.J., and Prys Morgan. Welsh Surnames. [Morlet Dictionnaire] Morlet, Maire-Therese. Dictionnaire Étymologique de Noms de Famille. [Morlet Picardie] Morlet, Marie Therese, Étude d'anthroponymie picarde : les noms de personne en Haute Picardie aux XIIIe, XIVe, XVe siècles. [Morlet, specify volume] Morlet, Marie-Therese. Les Noms de Personne sur le Territoire de l'Ancienne Gaule du VI au XII Si. [Neubecker] Neubecker, Ottfried. Heraldry: Sources, Symbols and Meaning. [OC&M, Ó (or O) Corrain and Maguire] Ó Corrain, Donnchadh & Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names. [Papworth] Papworth. John W. Papworth's Ordinary of British Armorials. [Parker] Parker, James. A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry. [Wickenden] Paul Wickenden of Thanet, A Dictionary of Period Russian Names. [R&W or Reaney and Wilson] Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames. [Room] Room, Adrian. A Dictionary of Irish Place-Names. [Searle] Searle, William George. Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum. [Siebmacher] Siebmacher, Johann. Johann Siebmacher's Wappenbuch von 1605. Smith, A.H. English Place Name Elements. [Socin] Socin, Adolf. Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch. [MCMJ] Solveig Throndardottir. Name Construction in Mediaeval Japan. [SMP] Sveriges medeltida personnamn (SMP). [Thuresson] Thuresson, Bertil. Middle English Occupational Terms. [von Volborth] von Volborth, Carl-Alexander. Heraldry: Customs, Rules and Styles. [Watts] Watts, Victor, ed. Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names, Based on the Collections of the English Place-Name Society. [Withycombe] Withycombe, E.G. Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Woodward, John and Burnett, George. Woodward's Treatise on Heraldry British and Foreign. [Woulfe] Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish Names and Surnames. All KWHS Proceedings. -- No-Photocopy Dictionaries and Encyclopedias These are some dictionaries which are useful in researching period usage. A dictionary citation is not sufficient to document something as part of a name, but may be useful in documenting spelling or usage. Most are available both in print and online. [Bosworth and Toller] Bosworth, Joseph and T. Northcote Toller, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. 1911 Britannica Encyclopedia. The Catholic Encyclopedia. [Clark Hall] Clark Hall, John R., A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. [Cleasby and Vigfusson] Cleasby, Richard, and Gudbrand Vigfusson, An Icelandic-English Dictionary. [CORDE] Corpus Diacrónico del Español. [DSL] Dictionary of the Scots Language. [DOST] The Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue. [Lewis & Short] Lewis, Charlton T. and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary. [Liddell & Scott] Liddell, H.G. and Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon. [DIL] Royal Irish Academy. Dictionary of the Irish Language based mainly on Old and Middle Irish materials. [SND] The Scottish National Dictionary. [MED] The Middle English Dictionary. Oxford Dictionary of Saints. [OED] The Oxford English Dictionary. [Zoega] Zoëga, Geir, A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic. -- No-Photocopy Online Resources All resources found at All reports found in the Academy of Saint Gabriel Report Archive, <>.