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From the Standards of Evaluation of Names and Armory:#GP4D[edit | edit source]

D. Substantial, Distinct, and Significant: These terms are used in defining conflict. For armorial conflict, the terms substantial and distinct are both used to describe differences between items. Substantial changes (sometimes abbreviated as SC) are larger than distinct changes (sometimes abbreviated as DC). Generally a single substantial change is sufficient to bring two pieces of armory clear of conflict, while two distinct changes are required to do so. In prior precedent regarding armory, significant was used to mean much the same thing as distinct. In names, substantial and significant have previously been used somewhat interchangeably. In these rules, a single substantial change or two smaller changes create names that are clear of conflict. ___

From the Glossary of Terms:[edit | edit source]

Outdated Terms - see above. Change, Major.See// Major Change. Major Change.Used in the name registration process to describe a degree of change which the submitter may allow, or refuse to allow, to be made to the name in order to allow it to be registered. Major changes include dropping an element or phrase, changing the order of the name elements, and changing the language of an element. See also Minor Change.

Change, Minor.See// Minor Change. Minor Change.Used in the name registration process to describe a degree of change which the submitter may allow, or refuse to allow, to be made to the name in order to allow it to be registered. Minor changes include accents, punctuation, hyphenation, addition or deletion of a letter, upper-lower case changes, etc. See also// Major Change//.

Difference, Clear.(Also known as a CD.) In armory, a difference of type, number, tincture, arrangement, or posture that has been deemed equivalent in importance to a cadency step. Clear difference in armory is more fully defined in Part X.4. of the Rules for Submissions. See also Cadency, Conflict, Difference, Significant.

Difference, Significant.(1) In armory, a level of difference which would have been considered by heralds in period to be a cadency step; in most cases, this is a sufficient amount of difference to grant a clear difference. A significant difference is a lesser level of difference of charge type from substantial difference. For example, a pine tree// is significantly different from an //oak tree// (because they have widely differing shapes), but they are not substantially different from each other (because they are both trees). In precedent, a ruling that a change is a significant difference (or CD) should not necessarily be taken to indicate that the change is not a substantial difference. (2) In names, two name phrases are significantly different if they are readily distinguishable both in sound and appearance. Significant difference in names is more fully defined in Part V of the Rules for Submissions, while significant difference in armory is more fully defined in Part X of the Rules for Submissions. //See also Cadency; Difference, Clear; Difference, Substantial.

Difference, Substantial.In armory, a level of difference which would have been considered by heralds in period to be more than a cadency step; this is a sufficient amount of difference to apply Rules for Submissions X.2, X.4.a.ii, or X.4.j.ii. For example, a lion// is substantially different from a //sun//. In precedent, a ruling that a change is a Significant Difference (or CD) should not necessarily be taken to indicate that the change is not a Substantial Difference. //See also Cadency; Difference, Significant.
