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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.

Basic Information:[edit | edit source]

These are names based on water or bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, oceans, well, etc.

General Sources:[edit | edit source]

Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - [[1]] Database of medieval names (from the Medieval Names Archive) - http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/database/

Laurel Name Articles - http:heraldry.sca.org/laurel/

Period Forms:[edit | edit source]

Middle English: [edit | edit source]

  • <de Derwente> 1279 (s.n. Derwent), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <de Sowe> 1203 (s.n. Sow), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <Severne> 1362 (s.n. Severn), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <Gilpen> 1387 (s.n. Gilpin), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <Carne> (s.n. Carn), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <at {th}e Medeway> (s.n. Meadway), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <Doultyng> 1327 (s.n. Doutling), [Reany and Wilson]
  • <atte Sture> 1332 (s.n. Stower). [Reany and Wilson]
  • <Bartholomew de Crek> 1187, (s.n. Creek), Reany and Wilson]
  • <John de Creke> 1298, (s.n. Creek), Reany and Wilson]
  • <John Creek> 1365. (s.n. Creek), Reany and Wilson]

Middle English Dictionary entry for "creek" has multiple spellings including creke, "cryke", "crike", etc. (as well as versions starting with K instead of C). @http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=byte&byte=36523956&egdisplay=open&egs=36529758

French: [edit | edit source]

Baniaze ? (from the 1292 Paris census), names from the Rhein and Rhone (from Dauzat).

<de la Mare> is in article at @http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/paris1423.html

de la Riviere - 1421 French surname in 'French Surnames from Paris, 1421, 1423 & 1438' by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Uckelman)' @http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/paris1423surnames.html

German: [edit | edit source]

Sayn derived from the Seine [Source?]

Norse Placenames:[edit | edit source]

<Norðfjǫrðr> 'North fjord' is mentioned in the Landnámabók: @http://my.stratos.net/~bmscott/Landnamabok_Place-Names.html

"Norske Gaardnavne" @http://www.dokpro.uio.no/rygh_ng/rygh_felt.html vol.17, page.83 14. Nordfjord. has:

All of these are in in the dative case (ending in -i/j there, in Old Icelandic -í), so in nominative case, firdi ( firði) becomes fiordr (fjörðr), fyordhr or maybe fyordr

Precedents:[edit | edit source]

Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[2]] Morsulus Heralds Website - [[3]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents)

February 2008 LoAR - locatives based on Scots river names not documented: Kevin MacGregor of Kelwiny. Name and device. Gules, on a pile Or a mastiff statant sable, a bordure argent. Originally submitted as Kevin__ MacGregor of Kel__v__i__n...__// the only documentation provided for the byname of Kelvin was a river whose name was recorded as Kelvin in 1200. No documentation was submitted and none found to suggest that river names were used to form Scots locative bynames in period; barring such documentation, locative bynames based on Scots river names are not registerable. Black, //The Surnames of Scotland//, s.n. Kelwiny, dates the similar (though so far as we can tell unrelated) byname //de Kelwiny// to 1296. We have changed the name to //__Kevin__ MacGregor of Kel__w__i__ny in order to register it in a form close to the one originally submitted. http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2008/02/08-02lar.html

January 1996 LoAR - cloudy not used to describe dark or murky water:

Da'ud ibn Auda (2nd tenure, 2nd year) 1996.01 [returning the Shire of Cloudy River] The name was chosen on account of a `large, murky river' running through the shire; however, cloudy does not seem to have been used in this sense in period place-names. The Old English place-name elements fûl `foul, dirty, filthy', fennig `dirty, muddy, marshy', blæc `black, dark-colored, dark', êa `river, stream', and wæter `water, an expanse of water; lake, pool; stream, river' can be used to construct a variety of period-style place-names with basically the desired meaning. In likely Middle English forms some of these would be: Fuleye, Fulewatere, Fennywatere, Blakeye, and Blakewatere (actually attested from 1279). (Talan Gwynek, LoAR January 1996, p. 24)