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The Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory: The Rules for Submissions[edit | edit source]

As approved April 29, 2012

Introduction[edit | edit source]

This document contains the standards Laurel uses to evaluate all submissions of names and armory for registration. These are the authoritative standards – other documents may summarize or provide simplified versions, but submissions must meet the criteria as laid out here. However, these Rules are not a step-by-step procedure for devising names or armory. Policies for heralds and for the submissions process are in other documents, such as the Administrative Handbook, available on the Laurel website. This document is primarily for Laurel to use when making decisions on whether a name or piece of armory can be registered. Laurel evaluates each submission to ensure that it is period within the framework that these Rules requires, does not conflict with other registered items, and is not presumptuous or offensive. We make these Rules available so that anyone interested can read and learn about the standards. They are also used by the members of the College of Arms in advising Laurel on whether a submission meets these standards.We encourage submitters and newer heralds to use the training materials available on the Laurel website [in particular http:'' ]. These materials give instructions for creating medieval-style names and armory. They explain the processes for submitting those names and armory for registration. They give overviews of these rules that are sufficient to answer most questions. However, in the case of any differences between the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory and the other documents, the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory take precedence over other documents. These Rules are divided into four main sections, plus appendices. The General Principles section describes some of the fundamental principles that underlie these rules. It also defines some common terms used throughout these rules. The other three main sections each address the standards that each type of submission – personal names, non-personal names, and armory – must meet. Each main section first lays out the standards for content and style (how submissions must be put together). It then lays out the standards for avoiding conflict (being “too close” to registered items). Finally, it lays out the standards for avoiding presumption (claims that are not allowed) and offense. The appendices contain supplemental information that expands on the Rules. One appendix contains the table of languages that can be mixed in a name submission. Other appendices contain information which consolidates decades of Laurel rulings. These appendices will be updated regularly to keep the material up to date.

Table of Contents[edit | edit source]

GP. [Principles] GP.1. Principles of the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory. GP.2. Registration and Documentation. GP.3. Definition of Period. GP.4. Definitions of Terms Used in these Rules. PN. [Names] PN.1. [Names Content]. PN.2. [Names Style]. PN.3. [Names Conflict]. PN.4. [Names Presumption]. PN.5. [Names Offense]. NPN. [Names] NPN.1. [Names Content]. NPN.2. [Names Style]. NPN.3. [Names Conflict]. NPN.4. [Names Presumption]. NPN.5. [Names Offense]. A. [[2]] A.1. [Style Principles]. A.2. [Content]. A.3. [Style]. A.4. [Individually Attested Patterns]. A.5. [Conflict]. A.6. [Presumption]. A.7. [Offense]. Appendices Appendix A: [That Do Not Need Further Documentation by Language Group] Appendix B: [of Bynames] Appendix C: [Naming Groups and Their Mixes] Appendix D: [Transliteration Systems for Non-Latin Scripts] Appendix E: [Registerable Designators for Non-Personal Name Submissions] Appendix F: [Armorial Elements that Do Not Need Further Documentation] Appendix G: [Specific Elements that are a Step from Period Practice] Appendix H: [Complex Lines of Division] Appendix I: [Group Theory] Appendix J: [and Forbidden Arrangements of Charge Groups on Armory] Appendix K: [Arrangements for Charge Groups of Different Number] Appendix L: [Partial List of Postures and Orientations] Appendix M: [Resources for Conflict Checking]