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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content of SENA "searchable" and easier to find. If you think you find the information you seek here, go to the official home of SENA on the SCA Laurel Website to confirm the reference. [[1]]

PN. Personal Name Registration Personal names are names that identify a single human being (as opposed to a group of people, a branch, an order, and the like, which are non-personal names). To be registered, a personal name submission must meet the following standards:

  • Each name phrase (a complete given name or byname) must be demonstrated to be suitable for a specific time and place or otherwise meet the standards set out in [[2]].
  • The name as a whole must be demonstrated to be grammatically (structurally) correct and meet the standards for lingual and temporal compatibility set out in [[3]].
  • The name must be free of conflict and presumption as set out in PN.3 and PN.4.
  • The name must not be offensive as set out in [[4]].

#PN1PN.1 Personal Names Content #PN1AA. Definitions: Several terms are used in this section of the rules. A name phrase consists of a complete given name or byname with associated prepositions, articles and the like. The elements which make up a name phrase are referred to in these rules as name elements. Name elements may be words or pieces of words. A name phrase may consist of a single word or multiple words. For example, of//, //the// and //Dell// are all whole word name elements. Some examples of pieces of words which are name elements: //Arnulfs-// and //-dottir// or //Ælf-// and -//gar//. Some examples of name phrases: //Smith//, comprised simply of a single word, and //de la Torre//, comprised of //de//, //la//, and //Torre. There are many types of name phrases; in personal names, all name phrases can be categorized as one of two types: > #PN1A11. Given Name: A given name is the main personal name, often given at birth or in some kind of naming ceremony. In most European languages, the given name is usually the first name element; however, this is not true for all cultures or time periods. All personal name submissions are required to have a given name. > In some languages, a person may have two given names. For example, there are examples of people with two given names in late period English and Spanish. Other languages, such as Gaelic and Arabic, do not seem to have ever used multiple given names before 1600. A discussion of name formation patterns, including multiple given names, is found in Appendix A. > #PN1A22. Byname: A byname is a part of the name other than a given name. It may identify someone as the child of an individual, as being from a particular place, describe some distinctive physical or personality feature, describe their occupation, or place someone as a member of a family (as an inherited surname). > A discussion of types of bynames found in period Europe is found in Appendix B. Note that no single language has all the types of bynames discussed there. That is, any given language has only some types of bynames. A discussion of name formation patterns, including multiple bynames, is found in Appendix A. #PN1BB. Standards for Name Phrases: A registerable name phrase must meet the following standards: #PN1B11. Single Time and Place: A registerable name phrase must follow the rules of grammar and structure for a single time and place. It may not mix languages unless that mixing of languages within a name phrase is attested as a period practice. For example, the name phrase de London// is typical of medieval English documentary practice. Therefore, it is a registerable name phrase. However, //von Saxony//, which mixes the German //von// with the English version of the German place name, is not. It must be made completely German, as //von Sachsen//, or completely English, as //of Saxony//. For example, //inghean Áeda//, which mixes the Early Modern Irish Gaelic //inghean//, with the Middle Irish Gaelic //Áeda// , is not registerable. It must be made completely Middle Irish Gaelic, as //ingean Áeda//, or completely Early Modern Irish Gaelic, as //inghean Aodha. #PN1B22. Sources of Name Phrases: We allow registerable name phrases to be created in a variety of ways. The following types of name phrases may be registered: #PN1B2aa. Attested Name Phrases: Name phrases may be attested to period as a complete name phrase (i.e., found in a period document). A single example of an attested name phrase clearly dated to period is sufficient to demonstrate its use. Minor spelling variants are allowed when those spelling variants are demonstrated to be compatible with the spelling conventions of the time and place of the attested name. For example, in Renaissance English, the letters i// and //y// are frequently interchanged. Therefore, a name attested as //Annis// could also be spelled //Annys//. The letters //k// and //q//, on the other hand, are not interchangeable in Renaissance Scots. So, a name attested as //Kintyre// does not justify the spelling //Qintyre. #PN1B2bb. Constructed Name Phrases: Name phrases may be constructed from attested period name elements. To do this, documentation must be provided to demonstrate that the name phrase follows a period pattern. We generally require at least three examples to consider something a pattern, as sometimes a single name phrase can create the appearance of a pattern that does not actually exist. The examples should closely match the constructed name phrase. For example, taken alone, the English given name Rose// appears to originate from the name of the flower; however, research suggests that it originates from an Old English word //hros//, 'horse'. Therefore, it cannot be used to justify names like //Hyacinth. All of the elements and patterns for a constructed name phrase must come from a single time and place. We do not allow constructed name phrases that are created by using patterns from one time and place with elements from another time and place. Some examples of constructed names are: >>> #PN1B2b11. Diminutives Constructed from Given Names: In many languages, diminutive forms can be made from existing given names, often by adding endings or removing part of the name (and even both). >>> For example, in Italian, diminutives are regularly constructed by adding –ino// after dropping the final –//o// from an already existing given name. The diminutive //Urbanino// can be constructed from the attested given name //Urbano. >>> #PN1B2b22. Constructed Dithemic Given Names: In several Germanic languages, including Old English, given names are frequently composed of two pieces, a prototheme (first part) and a deuterotheme (second part). New names can be constructed from attested protothemes and deuterothemes. A new name cannot be constructed by combining other parts of the names or by combining elements other than a single prototheme and a single deuterotheme. >>> For example, the attested Old English name Ælfgar// has the prototheme //Ælf-// and the deuterotheme //-gar// and the attested Old English name //Eadmund// has the prototheme //Ead-// and the deuterotheme //-mund//. Therefore one could combine the prototheme //Ælf-// and the deuterotheme //-mund// to make the given name //Ælfmund//. However, //Garmund// or //Ælfead// are not documentable through this pattern, nor is //Ælfgarmund, as these do not combine a single prototheme with a single deuterotheme. >>> #PN1B2b33. Bynames Constructed from Given Name Elements: In many languages, bynames of relationship can be formed from attested given names. The specific pattern used to form the byname must be found in the language of the elements used to form it. >>> For example, in Old Norse, the standard patronymic byname for men consists of the possessive form of the father's name joined to the word 'son', so Sveinsson// is the son of //Sveinn//. For example, the attested Old Norse given name //Bjartmarr// could be used in this construction to create //Bjartmarsson//, even if this particular patronymic was not attested in period sources. For example, Gaelic also has patronymic bynames formed from the possessive form of the father's name, but they are prefaced with 'mac' instead of joined to 'son'. Thus, the attested Gaelic name //Donnchadh// could be used in this construction to create //mac Donnchaidh//; it could not be used to create //Donnchadhson. >>> #PN1B2b44. New Placenames Constructed from Attested Elements and Patterns: New placenames can be created by combining attested elements. >>> For example, the attested English place names Oxford//, //Swinford// and //Hartford// indicate a pattern of kinds of large hooved animals with -//ford//. Therefore, this pattern would support a similar name like //Sheepford//. This pattern would not, however, support constructing //Bookford// or //Duckford//, since neither //books// nor //ducks are large hooved animals. >>> For example, there is a pattern of adding family names to existing placenames in English. Following this pattern, the attested family name Peverel// can be added to the attested placename //Bercroft// to construct the compound placename //Bercroft Peverel. #PN1B2cc. Lingua Anglica// Allowance: We allow the registration of translations of attested and constructed descriptive and locative bynames into standard modern English. We call this the //lingua Anglica// rule. We allow this because the meanings of these bynames would have been clear to the speakers of these languages, but may be unclear to modern speakers. The translation of descriptive bynames must be a literal and plausible translation. Under //lingua Anglica, locative bynames use standard modern English forms rather than period spellings of the placenames. Under no circumstances will translations of the meanings of given names or placenames be registerable under this rule. For example, the Norse byname inn rauði// may be translated as //the Red//. It may not be translated as //the bloody//, //the scarlet//, or the like, as these are not literal translations. For example, the Middle English descriptive byname //le nymell// may be translated as //the Nimble, as the original term may be unclear to modern speakers, even though it is in an earlier form of English. For example, the Spanish byname de Castilla// may be translated as //of Castile//. The Arabic byname //al-Dimashqi// may be translated as //of Damascus// or //the Damascene//. However, while //Cairo// is derived from a word which means "the victorious", its //lingua Anglica// form is //of Cairo//, not //of The Victorious//, as "The Victorious" is a translation of the meaning. Additionally, while //al-Qahira// is the Egyptian spelling of the city, //of al-Qahira// is not registerable as the //lingua Anglica form, as it is not the standard modern English form either. #PN1B2dd. Borrowed Names: Name phrases may be borrowed from secular literature, from the Bible or other religious literature, or from the names of saints, either as whole name phrases or as name elements to construct a name phrase. In either case, the name phrase must be demonstrated to meet the following requirements. >>> #PN1B2d11. Linguistically Appropriate Form: The name phrase must be shown to be a form by which the character or person was known in that time and place. Generally this means finding it in the literature of that time (such as a Renaissance Italian Bible, or an English publication of an Arthurian romance). In the case of a saint, evidence for that saint's veneration through the naming of churches is generally allowed. Only the form of the name used in that culture is allowed under this allowance. >>> For example, the Arthurian character Lancelot// is found in Italian as //Lancilotto//. Therefore, //Lancilotto//, not //Lancelot//, is the form allowed in Italian context. Similarly, the saint known in her lifetime as //Æthelthryth// was venerated by late period English people as //Audrey//. So //Audrey is the form allowed in late period English context. >>> #PN1B2d22. Pattern of Borrowing Names: The culture must be shown to have a pattern of using name phrases from that type of source. Demonstrating such a pattern requires at least two independent examples of normal people using such name phrases in the target time and place. >>> The type of name phrase must match. Evidence of given names from a literary source does not demonstrate the use of bynames from that source. The demonstrated pattern must also address the type of character. The use of the given names of major characters does not demonstrate the use of the given names of minor characters. So, the pattern of using the given names of major Arthurian characters in medieval England would justify the name Bedivere// even if it were not attested. It would not justify a name from the Bible or the name of a minor Arthurian character like //Gwinas, who is only mentioned once. As there is no similar pattern of borrowing in Gaelic, the Gaelic forms of Arthurian characters cannot be registered under this allowance. >>> Certain kinds of borrowed names were rarely used. These will only be allowed if a pattern explicitly includes the use of name phrases of that type. These include: ' allegorical names (like Everyman) ' the names of characters mentioned only briefly in stories ' names from stories that take place in legendary time ' the names of superhuman characters (including gods and monsters, but also characters that interact with gods or engage in superhuman acts of prowess) ' the names of characters from the life stories of saints (like the parents and siblings of saints) ' the names of literary places #PN1B2ee. Legal Name Allowance: Name phrases from the submitter's legal names may be used. To do this, the submitter must demonstrate the name phrase on a legal document, such as a birth certificate, driver's license, or the like. Only the full name and the nature of the document must be visible; identification numbers and the like may be obscured. Official religious documents are considered evidence for religious names (Hebrew names, confirmation names), which are also allowed under this allowance. Birth names and maiden names, when documented, are also allowed under this allowance. In some cases, providing a photocopy of the document may not be possible; in such cases, a herald or heralds may attest that they have seen the document and this can be sufficient documentation. The name phrase must be used in precisely the way that it is spelled on the legal document. As some legal documents obscure capitalization (by using all capitals) or omit punctuation (and markings like accents, such changes may be allowed on a case by case basis. Name phrases must be used in their entirety, including any prepositions and articles. Thus, nicknames that do not appear on legal documents cannot be registered. For example, the legal name Ruby// justifies //Ruby//, but not //Rubie// or //Rube//. The legal name //Smith// justifies //Smith//, but not //the Smith//. This is true even though one can find occupational bynames in English both with and without articles. The legal name //von Volvorth// justifies //von Volvorth//, not //Volvorth// or //de Volvorth, though one can find examples of bynames formed from German placenames using those forms. Name phrases documented in this way are categorized as given names and bynames based on type (surnames are a type of byname). They may be used in any way that a given name or byname of that type may be used. Modern "middle names" are a special case. Some people in the modern world have middle names derived from given names. Others have middle names derived from surnames, through shifts in naming practice, through marriage, or for other reasons. Therefore, middle names are registerable based on the type of name they are: given names or surnames. Middle names which originated as surnames but are modernly used as given names may be used as given names. For example, someone whose legal middle name is Elizabeth// may use it as a given name, because //Elizabeth// is a given name by type. However, someone whose legal middle name is //MacGregor// may not use it as a given name, because it is a surname by type. The name //Madison//, while it originated as a surname, is modernly used as a given name. Therefore, someone whose legal middle name is //Madison may also use it as a given name through the legal name allowance. This rule can allow a name phrase which is not attested in period, but the name as a whole must still meet the other requirements for names. This includes issues with overall construction, conflict, presumption, and offense. For example, Earl is a modern given name, but it is also a title of rank within the SCA. Therefore, we would not register it, even if documented as the submitter's legal given name. '#PN1B2ff. Branch Name Allowance: Name phrases may be created from the registered forms of SCA branches. Only the exact registered form of the branch name may be used, and they are registered in the lingua Anglica// form, 'of //Branchname. Translated forms will not be registered under this allowance, even if it matches the intended origin of the submission or of the branch. For example, this would allow the bynames of the East// or //of Fontaine dans Sable//, as these are the expected //lingua Anglica// forms. However, this would not allow //von Osten// as a German translation of "of the East", even if the given name was German. It would also not allow //de la Fontaine dans Sable// as a fully French version of "of Fontaine dans Sable" under this rule as it is not the //lingua Anglica// form of the branch name, even though the branch name is French. If //Fontaine dans Sable// can also documented as an attested or constructed French name, //de Fontaine dans Sable could be used in forming a fully French name; however that would not be through the use of the branch name allowance. #PN1B2gg. The Grandfather Clause: In a new personal name submission, an individual may use name phrases already registered to them, even if that name phrase would no longer be allowed under the current rules. Only the exact, actual name phrase from the registered form may be used, not variants, patterns, etc. The use of the grandfather clause does not allow the submitter to evade new style problems (as discussed in [[5]] below). It only allows the submitter to keep style problems that already exist with the registered name. A name phrase from a registered name of an individual may also be registered by a close legal relative (such as parent, spouse, child, sibling, etc.). To do this, the submitter must demonstrate the relationship through legal documents or through attestation of relationship from the individual whose name is already registered. Documentation under the grandfather clause does not exempt a name or name phrase from conflict, presumption, or offense rules, unless that rules violation is itself grandfathered.

#PN2PN.2. Personal Names Style #PN2AA. Definitions: A name phrase is a complete given name or byname with associated prepositions, articles and the like. It is defined more thoroughly in [[6]] above, which deals with the construction of name phrases. A naming pool refers to the group of name phrases that are in use in a particular time and place. These naming pools are organized into regional naming groups, each of which includes a group of naming pools that are geographically and culturally linked. These regional naming groups are used to determine whether name phrases can be combined in a registerable name. The list of established regional groups is listed in Appendix C. #PN2BB. Name Phrase Requirements: A registerable personal name must be made up of at least two name phrases: a given name and at least one byname (which may appear to be a second given name). While it is easy to document individuals who are identified only with a single given name, we do not allow the registration of single element personal names. Individuals may use those names, but may not register them. Each name phrase must be grammatically correct for its position in a name. In some languages, spelling changes are used to indicate aspects of relationships in bynames. Some languages capitalize some bynames, but consistently use lower case for others. For example, because of the way Gaelic grammar works, the byname mac Fearchair// 'son of Fearchar' must be changed to //mhic Fhearchair// when it occurs after another byname of the form //mac X// (i.e., when your father was the son of Fearchar). So, the son of //Donnchadh mac Fearchair// would be //Fionn mac Donnchaidh mhic Fhearchair//. For example, most Norse descriptive bynames are consistently in lower case. Thus, //Halla// the skald would be //Halla skaldkona//, not //Halla Skaldkona. #PN2CC. Name Requirements: A name submission must be consistent with the standards laid out in this section for temporal and geographical compatibility. The position of each name phrase in the overall name must be shown to be appropriate for that type of name phrase in its language and cultural tradition. Some patterns for name grammar in important European languages can be found in Appendix A. Any pattern found there does not need further documentation; a reference to Appendix A will be sufficient. Other patterns require documentation. For example, there is evidence for names in Spanish with two bynames in certain patterns. One pattern is a patronymic byname followed by a placename, as in Ruy Diaz de Bivar//. That would justify //Juan Perez de Madrid//, but would not support the registration of //Juan de Madrid Perez. In addition, the name as a whole must follow a period pattern for personal names. Any name must follow the pattern described in one of the two sections below. #PN2C11. Culturally Uniform Names: A culturally uniform name matches a pattern of the grammar of names for a single time and place, such as fourteenth century England. This requires that the overall pattern be documented to a particular time and place, in addition to each name phrase meeting the standards set out in PN.1 and PN.2.B above. This documentation may be a reference to Appendix A. #PN2C22. Culturally Mixed Names: Names that mix name phrases from different times and/or places are allowed if the name meets one of the following conditions. >> #PN2C2aa. The name mixes name phrases found in a single regional naming group as listed in Appendix C that are dated to within 500 years of one another. >> #PN2C2bb. The name mixes name phrases from two regional naming groups that are listed in Appendix C as combinable and those name phrases are dated to within 300 years of one another. >> Names that combine more than two regional naming groups or that combine two regional naming groups that are not listed as combinable will not be allowed under this rule (though they may be registered under the allowances in sections c and d below). >> #PN2C2cc. The name mixes name phrases from naming pools that can be documented as having been used together in the personal names of real people; for such combinations, the name phrases must be within 300 years of one another (and within 300 years of the documented examples). For such documentation, at least three period examples must be included in which the names can only be understood as combining from separate naming pools. The borrowing of names from one naming pool into another is not sufficient to demonstrate this, nor is the translation of names into another language. >> #PN2C2dd. A name which includes name phrases documented under the legal name allowance, the grandfather clause, or the branch name allowance follows special rules. These name phrases are treated as neutral in language and time. Such name phrases may be combined with name phrases from a single regional naming group dated to within 500 years of one another. They may not be combined with name phrases from two or more regional naming groups. If a name phrase can also be documented as either an attested or constructed name, it may be treated in whichever way is more favorable for registration. >> In addition, if a grandfathered name phrase was found in a registered name that combined languages from two or more regional naming groups, the new submission may combine those same regional naming groups. If this allowance is used, then no new regional naming group may be added. #PN2DD. Names Not Recorded in a Latin Script: Names will only be registered in the Latin script, so that both heralds and the populace can easily read them. Thus, we will not register Norse names in runes, Russian names in Cyrillic, Japanese names in kanji, and so on. Submitters are encouraged to use those names in the original scripts for other purposes. Names and name phrases that would not have been written in a Latin script are treated for purposes of registration as if they are created in the relevant script (Norse, Arabic, Russian, etc.). They are then transcribed for registration into the Latin script following a single orthographic system, which may include common diacritics such as ó (o with an acute accent), ligatures such as æ (ash, representing {ae}), and other characters such as þ (thorn, representing the unvoiced {th} sound). Names that mix two orthographic systems for transcription are not allowed because some systems use the same letters to represent different sounds, which creates confusion. This includes the use (or lack) of accents in a name – their usage should be consistent. A list of acceptable transliteration systems for some languages can be found in Appendix D. The use of a transliteration system not listed there must be justified with the submission. For example, the Arabic given name often transliterated as Amina// can be equally well transliterated as //Aminah// (ending in //–ah­// instead of just //–a//). In combination with the Arabic locative meaning 'of Hamdan', which is either //al-Hamadaniyya// or //al-Hamadaniyyah//, either //Amina al-Hamadaniyya// or //Aminah al-Hamadaniyyah// is registerable. However, neither //Aminah al-Hamadaniyya// or //Amina al-Hamadaniyyah is registerable, as these two mix the transliteration systems. For example, the Irish Gaelic given name Tomás//, when combined with the Irish Gaelic descriptive byname //Mór//, can be rendered either as //Tomas Mor// or as //Tomás Mór//. However, it cannot be rendered as //Tomás Mor// or //Tomas Mór, as these use the accents inconsistently. #PN2EE. Obtrusive Modernity: No name will be registered that either in whole or in part is obtrusively modern. Something is said to be obtrusively modern when it makes a modern joke or reference that destroys medieval ambience and drags the average person mentally back to the present day. Obtrusiveness can be either in the written form or when spoken. A period name that has a modern referent will not generally be considered obtrusively modern. Only extreme examples will be returned. For example, names that have been ruled obtrusively modern and hence returned include Porsche Audi//, //Artemisian Tank Corps//, and //Geky Herald// (pronounced like "Geeky Herald"). Names like //Edmond Fitzgerald//, //Red Boke Herald//, //Drew Steele//, and //Mould de Cheder have been allowed.

#PN3PN.3. Personal Names Conflict #PN3AA. Definitions: Conflict, as it is used in these rules, is a modern concept which derives from the requirement in the Governing Documents that names have sufficient difference to avoid undue confusion. To be registered, a new submission must be clear of conflict with all registered personal names; this means that it must avoid undue confusion with them. There are two types of confusion which must be avoided: being too close to a registered personal name itself, and claiming to be a close relative of a registered personal name. These are described in these rules as "identity conflict" and "relationship conflict". For identity conflict, a name submission is in conflict with a registered name when they are too similar either in sound or in appearance. A name submission that is substantially different in sound and substantially different in appearance from a registered personal name is clear of conflict with it. For relationship conflict, a name that makes an unmistakable claim of close relationship to a registered personal name is in conflict with it. This section of the rules sets the standards for how names can be substantially different. #PN3BB. Individuals Protected from Conflict: A new personal name submission must be clear from conflict with all registered personal names. Non-personal names and personal names do not conflict. A name is registered and protected from the moment it is listed as accepted on a published Letter of Acceptances and Returns. Registered names will be listed in the Ordinary and Armorial as soon as possible, but they are protected as soon as the Letter of Acceptances and Return is published. We also protect the names of important people outside the SCA; they are addressed in [[7]] Presumption below. #PN3CC. Standards for Identity Conflict: To be clear of identity conflict, two names must be substantially different in both sound and appearance. Because conflict is a modern concept, we consider matters such as meaning, language, etymological origin, etc. to be irrelevant for conflict. Only sound and appearance are considered for difference. Thus, the Latinized form of a name may be clear of conflict with the vernacular form. While we do not go out of our way to consider variant pronunciations, we do consider important period and modern pronunciations of name elements. To be substantially different, a pair of names must be different in sound and appearance under the standards laid out below. Names may be different in sound under one standard and appearance under another standard. Names are compared as complete items, so that Lisa Betta Gonzaga// conflicts with //Lisabetta Gonzaga, although the elements are different. > #PN3C11. Changes to Two Syllables: Names are substantially different if changes in sound and appearance affect at least two syllables (including adding, removing, or reordering them). If the changes only affect adjacent letters or sounds, they must affect more than two letters or sounds to be considered under this allowance. Change in spacing is a change in appearance, but is not considered a change in sound. Changes to any part of the name count, including articles and prepositions. > For example, Alana Red// is substantially different from //Elena Reed//, because at least two syllables change in both sound and appearance. //Maria Smith// is substantially different from //Miriam Smith//, because it removes one syllable and changes another in both sound and appearance. //Richard Loudeham// is substantially different from //Richard Loveman, because two syllables have changes to them. > For example, Anne Jones London// is substantially different from //Anne Joan of London//, because it changes one syllable in both sound and appearance and removes another. //John de Aston// is substantially different from //John Asson//, because it adds one syllable and changes another in both sound and appearance. //William Underthecliff// is substantially different from //William Cliff//, because it adds three syllables. //Margaret atte Mor// is substantially different from //Margaret de la Mor; because it changes two syllables in both sound and appearance. > #PN3C22. Substantial Change to One Syllable: Names are substantially different if a single syllable between them (excluding articles and prepositions, such as de// and //the) is changed in both sound and appearance as described here. The addition or removal of a syllable makes two names substantially different in sound. Two names are also substantially different if a syllable is substantially changed in sound and appearance. This means that the vowel and the consonant (or group of consonants) on one side of the vowel is different between the two names. In either case, the change in spelling (including addition or removal of letters) must affect at least two letters in that syllable to be substantial. > For example, both Maria Jones// and //Miriam Jones// are substantially different in sound from either //Mary Jones// or //Marie Jones//, because those names add a syllable. //Miriam Jones// is also substantially different in appearance from both //Mary Jones// and //Marie Jones//. However, //Maria Jones// is not substantially different in appearance from //Marie// //Jones//, because only one letter is changed. Also, //Mary Jones// is not substantially different in sound from //Marie Jones. While the most common modern pronunciation of the given names is different, one important late period and modern pronunciation makes both names the same (as \MA-ree\). Thus they conflict. While we do not go out of our way to consider variant pronunciations, we do consider important period and modern pronunciations of name elements. > For example, Connor MacRobert// is substantially different from //Conan MacRobert// or //Conall MacRobert//, because the second syllable of the given names is substantially different in both sound and appearance. Likewise, //Colin L'Estrange// is substantially different from //Colin Strange//, because a syllable of the byname is removed. //Colin L'Estrange// is not substantially different from //Colin Lestrange, because the change in sound is negligible, and the change in appearance does not substantially change the syllable. > #PN3C33. Substantial Change of Single-Syllable Name Phrase: Two names with a comparable single-syllable name phrase are eligible for this rule. A pair of name phrases are said to be comparable if they both have the same position in the name, such as given name or first byname. Comparable single-syllable name phrases are generally substantially different in sound if a group of adjacent vowels or of adjacent consonants within a word are completely changed, so that it shares no sound in common. In rare cases, the sound may still be too similar for this rule to clear the conflict. The change of a single letter is sufficient for two eligible name phrases to be different in appearance, as such name phrases are quite short. On a case by case basis, two-syllable names phrases may be eligible for this rule, such as Harry// and //Mary. > For example, John Smith// is substantially different from //Jane Smith//. //Anne Best// is substantially different from //Anne West//. //Ellen Lang// is substantially different from //Ellen Long//. //James Ed// is substantially different from //James Lead. In each case, an adjacent group of vowels or consonants is completely changed in sound and appearance. > For example, Matthew Joan// is not substantially different from //Matthew Jones// because the //n// and //nz// groups share a sound and a letter. //Richard Blott// is not substantially different from //Richard Lot// because the //bl// and //l// group share a sound and a letter. //Katerine de la Mar// is not substantially different from //Katerine de la Mor because they don't have comparable single-syllable name phrases and cannot use this rule. #PN3DD. Standards for Relationship Conflict: To be clear of relationship conflict, the submitted name must not unmistakably imply close relationship with a protected person. This includes, but is not limited to, a claim to be the parent, child, or spouse of a protected person. An unmistakable implication generally requires the use of the entirety of a protected name. The relational marker does not need to be in the new submission for conflict to apply. That is, if a registered item includes a relational marker followed by a complete name and the new submission is the same as that complete name, it is in conflict. Names are still protected from relationship conflict even if grammar requires that the name be modified in order to demonstrate the relationship. Adding an element not in the protected name is generally enough to remove relationship conflict. For example, Miryam bint Da'ud// is not an unmistakable claim to be the child of //Da'ud ibn Auda//, but //Miryam bint Da'ud ibn Auda// is. //Felicia uxor Willemi le Tailor// is an unmistakable claim to be the wife of a registered //Willemus le Tailor//, even though there is a change in appearance of the given name, because the change is necessitated by the grammar. However, //Felicia uxor William Taylor// is not an unmistakable claim to be the wife of //Willemus le Tailor//, as //William Taylor// and //Willemus le Tailor// are different enough to be clear of identity conflict under our rules. Similarly, //Llewelyn ap Owen// is an unmistakable claim to be the father of a registered //Morgan ap Llewelyn ap Owen. For example, Mary Elizabeth Smith// is an unmistakable claim to be the daughter of //Elizabeth Smith// even though a relational marker is not included. This type of relationship conflict occurs only in languages, such as English, where unmarked patronymics or matronymics are used. However, //Giulia Maddelena di Giacomo// is not an unmistakable claim to be the daughter of //Maddelena di Giacomo//, as Italian did not mix marked (//di Giacomo//) and unmarked (//Maddelena//) relationships in the same name. Thus, in this case, //Maddelena must be considered a second given name. #PN3EE. Registration with Permission to Conflict: The owner of a registered item may grant permission to conflict to a new submission for either identity conflict or relationship conflict. Such permission may be granted either individually through a letter of permission to conflict or universally through a blanket letter of permission to conflict. For identity conflict, any change to appearance and sound is sufficient to allow the registration of a personal name with a letter of permission to conflict. A submission identical to the registered item will not be registered even with permission to conflict. For relationship conflict, a letter of permission to claim relationship from the owner of the registered item is sufficient to allow the registration of a personal name. This does not require demonstrating that the individual has that legal relationship. You can give a stranger permission to have a name that appears to be the name of your child, parent, or spouse.

#PN4PN.4. Personal Names Presumption #PN4AA. Definitions: Presumption is a false claim. This includes claims of restricted rank or powers that the submitter does not possess within the Society or that we do not allow anyone to claim. It also includes claims of identity or close relationship with a person outside the SCA who is considered quite important by many people within and outside the Society. Presumption is not dependent on intent; even if such a claim was not intended, the appearance of such a claim is not allowed. Items which presume will not be registered, even if a letter of permission could be obtained. #PN4BB. Claim to Rank: Names may not contain a claim to a protected and/or restricted rank that the submitter does not have within the Society. This includes the following: > #PN4B11. Use of Elements that Appear to Be Titles: Names may not contain an element or group of elements that create the appearance of a claim to have a specific protected rank or title that the submitter does not possess within the Society, even if that name element or elements are attested. Those titles which are so protected can be found in the List of Alternate Titles. > Attested bynames which are identical to titles used in the Society are generally not allowed for individuals who do not have that rank. Relatively minor changes to the form of the byname can remove the appearance of a claim to rank. > For example, only a knight can register the byname Knight// or //Chevalier//, as both are titles used in the Society for a knight. However, while the family name //Visconti// is derived from the word for viscount (//visconte//) it is not actually the restricted title. Thus the byname //Visconti is not a claim to be a viscount, and can be registered. > Bynames using titles not used within the SCA cannot be considered a claim to a rank. Nonetheless, such names will only be registered if they were used as bynames by normal people who did not have that rank. > For example, Pope is a surname also used by normal people. Therefore, it can be registered in a personal name. > Attested given names that are identical to titles and forms of address may be registered in contexts that make it clear that they are given names and not titles. > For example, a given name like Regina// may be registered in a name like //Regina the Laundress// or //Regina Smith//. Names like //Regina of England// or //Regina Juliana of York// will not be registered. They create the appearance of a claim to the restricted title //Queen//. Similarly, //Miles// is the approved Latin alternate for knight; however, //Miles// is also used as an English given name in period. Thus, //Miles Martin// would not create the appearance of a claim to the restricted title //Miles. > Attested bynames incorporating the names of Society peerage orders and real-world knightly orders are not considered a claim to rank or membership in those orders. > For example, the use of an attested byname de la Rose// or //atte Pelican, both derived from inn-sign names, is not a claim to be a member of the order. > Submitters may register names that create a claim to rank that they do possess within the Society. Only permanent ranks may be used in names. Documentation must be provided that the submitter is entitled to this rank. > For example, no submitter may register a byname meaning king// or //princess//, as those are not permanent ranks. Landed barons who are not court barons may not register a byname meaning //baron. > #PN4B22. Dynastic Names: Names may not contain a byname uniquely used by a single dynasty. Dynastic names used by both a royal family and normal people are acceptable. While some kingdom names were originally used primarily or exclusively by royalty, those names came to be used so widely that they are not considered a claim to rank. > For example, the byname Hohenstaufen// was used only by a single ruling dynasty, and thus cannot be used for SCA names, as it makes a claim to be a member of that specific dynasty. We do not limit the use of bynames like //Tudor//, //Stuart//, or //Bourbon, as these bynames were used by many people who were not part of those ruling dynasties. > #PN4B33. Combination of Family Name and Location: Names may not contain both a family name used by an important noble family and the area from which that family derives their title or the seat of the family. Such a combination is considered a claim to rank. Generally this name pattern is limited to Scottish clan chiefs and to barons, counts, and other members of the high nobility. > For example, a name submission cannot use the byname combinations Campbell of Argylle// or //Tudor of England//. The bynames //Campbell//, //of Argylle//, //Tudor//, and //of England are each registerable individually. > #PN4B44. Honorific Names: Name phrases that were only granted as an honor or award by rulers cannot be registered. Such names are a claim to rank. > For example, the Arabic titles Salah al-Din// or //Saif al-Mulk were always honors given by a ruler, and thus are a claim to rank. > #PN4B55. Combination of Occupational and Locative Bynames: Names may not combine an occupational byname and a locative byname in a way that seems to be a claim to rank or official position. Most such combinations do not have this appearance. This should not be understood to suggest that the Crown cannot make such appointments; however, as they are not necessarily permanent, such appointments may not be used as justification for registered names. > For example, a name submission cannot use the combinations the Bard of Armagh// or //Abbot of Saint Giles// or //Champion of Ealdormere//. However, //the Seamstress of York is unlikely to be understood to be the only seamstress, or an official seamstress and so would be registerable. #PN4CC. Claim of Powers: Names may not contain an unmistakable claim of superhuman abilities, magical powers, or divine origin. In general, a name phrase used by normal human beings during our period is not considered to be a claim to superhuman abilities or divine origin. For example, we will register Odinson//, because Odin was used as a human given name in Middle English and in Norwegian. Similarly, we will register an English byname //Devil//, because it is attested as a human descriptive byname in medieval England. On the other hand, we will not register a name like //Lokassson// as a patronymic constructed from the name //Loki//, because the only known use of //Loki is as the name of an Old Norse god. Such a name would be a claim to a divine origin. There are examples of attested given names and bynames that are claims to magical abilities or other superhuman abilities. Such names will not be registered unless they can be demonstrated to have been used in contexts that are not claims to magical abilities. Use of them by multiple individuals is often sufficient to do so, unless they all were understood to have the same magical power. One example is the Norse byname sundafyllir, which is a reference to a story in which the owner filled a strait with fish through magic. Such a name would not be registerable. #PN4DD. Claim of Identity or Close Relationship with an Important Non-SCA Person: A personal name may not be too close to the name of a protected individual or make claims to be a direct relative of a protected individual. A name is said to presume on a protected name if it is not substantially different in sound and appearance from it or creates an unmistakable claim to close relationship with that protected individual in any of the forms we protect. The standards for substantial difference and unmistakable relationship claims are set out in [[8]] above as "identity conflict" and "relationship conflict" respectively, except that such items are not registerable, even with permission. People from all periods of history including the present may be important enough to protect. Given the nature of the Society, people who lived within the scope of our period are somewhat more likely to be considered important enough to protect than people from other places and times. For individuals important enough to protect, we protect all forms in which their name was known, including in other languages, but not hypothetical forms. We only protect names that are used either today or in the time when they were alive to refer to these protected persons. For example, we protect Christopher Columbus//, //Cristobal Colon//, //Christophorus Columbus//, etc. as these were known forms of the name of the famous explorer. However, while //Carlos V of Spain// was also the count of Barcelona, we do not protect him as //Carlos of Barcelona, as his name was not recorded or referenced in this form. > #PN4D11. Non-SCA People Protected from Presumption: A personal name submission is only considered to presume on protected personal names. Names of important non-SCA individuals are protected from presumption. People who are not important enough to have an entry in a standard print encyclopedia, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, are generally not important enough to protect. Newly famous individuals may rarely be considered important enough to protect even if they have not yet appeared in a print encyclopedia. Individuals who do have an entry must be further considered.People are considered important enough to protect if they meet the following standards. > Sovereign rulers of significant states are generally important enough to protect. Some historical city-states are not considered significant states. Provinces or regions integrated into larger units like the Holy Roman Empire are not generally considered significant states. Sovereigns of small states that did not give rise directly to modern countries will not be protected under this clause, nor will legendary kings of any state (though these kings may be individually important enough to protect). > Individuals whose names are recognized by a significant number of people in the Society without having to look them up in a reference are generally important enough to protect. Individuals recognized only by specialists in a subject are unlikely to be important enough to protect. Individuals who are only recognized with the assistance of reference books are unlikely to be important enough to protect. > Individuals whose work and/or life are still influential today are generally important enough to protect. Those whose work significantly shaped the course of world history, science, or the arts are generally important enough to protect. This is generally measured by examining measures like the length of encyclopedia articles about the person and his/her work, numbers of search engine hits for the individual, and the like. > Fictional characters may also be considered important enough that their names need to be protected. Fictional characters are generally important enough to protect when two conditions are met. They are: a) a significant number of people in the Society recognize the character's name without prompting and b) the use of the name would generally be considered by those people a clear reference to that character. > Even if a piece of armory is not considered important enough to protect from presumption, the use of a piece of historical armory combined with the family name of the holder may be presumptuous. For details, see [[9]], Presumption below.

#PN5PN.5. Personal Names Offense #PN5AA. Definitions: No name that is offensive to a large segment of members of the SCA or the general public will be registered. Offense is a modern concept; just because a name was used in period does not mean that it is not offensive to the modern observer. Offense returns are rare because the bar for determining offensiveness is quite high; it has not been unusual for years to pass between returns for offense. Offense is not dependent on intent. The fact that a submitter did not intend to be offensive is not relevant. The standard is whether a large segment of the SCA or the general public would be offended. Similarly, offense is not dependent on clarity. A foreign language name that has an offensive meaning may be considered offensive, even if many English-speaking listeners would not understand the term without explanation. #PN5BB. Types of Potentially Offensive Names: Several types of names are defined as potentially offensive: > #PN5B11. Vulgar Names: Names which include pornographic or scatological terms will not be registered. While some documented bynames refer to body parts, those which refer in explicit ways to genitals will not be registered, such as certain Old Norse bynames. Bynames which refer to other body parts are not generally vulgar and may be registered. Likewise, names that have been used as euphemisms for genitals are not considered vulgar and may be registered. > Names that will be understood by the modern English listener to be offensively vulgar will be considered vulgar even if the meaning in the original language is not vulgar. Relatively small changes to name elements can remove the appearance of vulgarity. > #PN5B22. Offensive Religious Terminology: Names which include religious terms used in a way that mock the beliefs of others will not be registered. This includes both incongruous combinations and combinations that are excessively religious and may be offensive to believers and non-believers alike. Most religious terminology is not offensive. Names with non-offensive religious terminology may be registered. > For example, the incongruous combinations Muhammad the Pope// or //Mary the Harlot of Babylon would not be registerable. > #PN5B33. Derogatory Stereotypes: Names which include ethnic, racial, or sexuality-based slurs and references to derogatory stereotypes will not be registered. This is not dependent on the period associations of the usage. It is an issue based on modern understandings of the offensiveness of terms. General references to ethnic, racial, or sexual identities are not offensive and may be registered. > #PN5B44. Offensive Political Terminology: Names which include terms specifically associated with social or political movements that are offensive to a particular race, ethnicity, religion or similar group will not be registered. Likewise, names with references to events or ideas that are offensive to a similar group will not be registered. Even if used without prejudice in period, such terms are offensive by their modern context. > For example, name phrases that suggest participation in pogroms or repressive movements, such as Judenfeind, a period German name meaning "enemy of the Jews," will not be registered. #PN5CC. Names as a Whole: Even when no name phrase is itself offensive, an entire name may be offensive. A name that mocks a public person or another member of the Society by adding an element like "le Idiot" is not allowed. In general, such a reference must be unmistakable; this generally requires multiple elements from a protected name. Likewise, a name that creates an offensive idea through a combination of words is not allowed.