SENA, Non-Personal Names: Difference between revisions

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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content of SENA "searchable" and easier to find. If you think you find the information you seek here, go to the official home of SENA on the SCA Laurel Website to confirm the reference. [[1]]

NPN. Non-Personal Names - Non-personal names are names other than personal names. They include branch (local group) names, award and order names, household and association names (including guilds), and heraldic titles. To be registered, a non-personal name submission must meet the following standards:

  1. The designator and substantive element must be demonstrated to be suitable for the type of item. Each type of element must be suitable for a specific time and place or must otherwise meet the standards set out in [[2]].
  2. The name as a whole must be demonstrated to be grammatically (structurally) correct. This means meeting the standards for lingual and temporal compatibility set out in [[3]].
  3. The name must be free of conflict and presumption as set out in NPN.3 and NPN.4.
  4. The name must not be offensive as set out in [[4]].