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Appendix L: A Partial List of Postures and Orientations This is a list of postures and orientations that can be used to determine whether two charges or groups of charges conflict or whether there is a distinct change for posture/orientation. Animate Charges #AppendixLAA. Quadrupeds: The postures listed within each group generally conflict, though a distinct change may be given for facing to dexter or to sinister.

  • rampant, segreant, salient, sejant erect, statant erect
  • passant, statant, courant
  • sejant, sejant erect
  • couchant, dormant
  • sejant erect affronty, sejant affronty

#AppendixLBB. Birds: The postures listed within each group generally conflict, though a distinct change may be given for facing to dexter or to sinister.

  • close, naiant
  • displayed, migrant
  • volant
  • rousant, rising, striking

#AppendixLCC. Insects and Other Tergiant-Default Creatures: This category is for insects and other creatures whose default is tergiant. The postures listed within each group generally conflict.

  • tergiant
  • tergiant inverted
  • bendwise
  • bendwise sinister

#AppendixLDD. Fish: The postures listed within each group generally conflict, though a distinct change may be given for facing to dexter or to sinister.

  • haurient, urinant
  • naiant

#AppendixLEE: Humanoids: This category is for humans and humanoid monsters. The postures listed within each group generally conflict.

  • statant
  • statant affronty
  • mounted on a horse or other creature

#AppendixLFF. Sea creatures and other Erect-Default Creatures: This category is for sea creatures and other creatures whose default is erect. The postures listed within each group generally conflict.

  • erect

G. Other Animate Charges: Animate charges with postures that do not fit into these categories, including the body parts of animate charges, may be classified into one of those categories on a case by case basis, or may be ruled to receive complete change of posture against none of them. The posture is also changed if the orientation is changed from one of these to another (noting that some of these postures are not allowed for some creatures):

  • head to chief
  • bendwise
  • bendwise inverted
  • bendwise sinister
  • bendwise sinister inverted
  • fesswise
  • fesswise contourny
  • head to base

#AppendixLInanimateInanimate Charges Inanimate charges are split into two types: compact charges and long charges. #AppendixLCompactCompact charges of different types do not have a distinct change for orientation changes. Compact charges that are radially symmetric, like roses, mullets, and suns, do not have a distinct change for orientation changes under any circumstances. Compact charges with a clear top and bottom may have a distinct change for changes when the two orientations are different and on this list:

  • top to chief
  • bendwise
  • bendwise inverted
  • bendwise sinister
  • bendwise sinister inverted
  • fesswise
  • fesswise reversed
  • top to base

#AppendixLLongLong charges of different types may have a distinct change for changes that alter the orientation of the long axis of the charge, so

  • palewise (upright or inverted)
  • bendwise (upright or inverted)
  • bendwise sinister (upright or inverted)
  • fesswise (to dexter or reversed)

Long charges of identical types may also receive a DC for facing – the change from dexter facing to sinister facing and from upright to inverted – if they have a clearly defined point or head. There is a DC between a sword palewise// and //a sword palewise inverted. Long charges may also receive a DC for facing if they have another clearly defined axis, like right and left or up and down. Thus there is a DC between a bow fesswise and a bow fesswise inverted.