RfS Part IV, Offensive Names: Difference between revisions

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#4PART IV - OFFENSIVE NAMES Offensive names may not be registered, as is required by General Principle 2 of these rules. Names may be innately offensive from their content, like John Witchburner . A name element can also be offensive because of its usual associations or the context in which it is placed. Names may be considered offensive even if the submitter did not intend them to be. This section defines the categories of names that are generally considered offensive. > #4.11. Vulgar Names. - Pornographic or scatological terms will not be registered. > Obscene terminology, sexually explicit material, bathroom or toilet humor, etc. are considered inherently offensive by a large segment of the Society and general population. > #4.22. Offensive Religious Terminology. - Magical or religious terminology that is excessive or mocks the beliefs of others will not be registered. > Magical or religious words are not usually inherently offensive, but may offend by context. For example, although the name Muhammad// is common in Arabic, the juxtaposition of it with reference to other religions, like //Muhammad the Pope, could be considered a mockery. Use of an unusual number of religious elements might disturb both devotees and opponents of a particular religion. > #4.33. Stereotypical Names. - Allusions to derogatory ethnic, racial, or sexual stereotypes will not be registered. > Such stereotypes, even if documented from period sources, are innately offensive. This is true whether the stereotype is inherent in the usage, such as Pedro the Dago , or created by context. > #4.44. Offensive Political Terminology. - Terminology specifically associated with social or political movements, or events that may be offensive to a particular race, religion, or ethnic group will not be registered. > Even if used without prejudice in period, such terms are offensive by their modern context. Thus, names that suggest participation in pogroms or repressive movements, like Judenfeind// , which is a period German name meaning //enemy of the Jews , may not be used.