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Latest revision as of 19:45, 3 April 2019

Glossary of Terms:[edit | edit source]

A decision by Laurel regarding a submission that may be applied to other similar submissions. Only expressly stated Laurel decisions should be considered precedents; registrations without comment do not necessarily set precedent. The accumulated precedents of the Laurel office, filed by topic, are available to the public both through Free Trumpet Press and through the Laurel web site.


Outside Links:[edit | edit source]

[Sought Precedents]- collected by Master Modar Neznanich, Volk Herald Extraordinaire

Morsulus Heralds Web Site[edit | edit source]

Links used to search the LoARs and Precedents of the SCA: [[2]]

  • The "compiled precedent" search (second box) doesn't contain any SENA-era precedents. The first box is the one you want.
  • It helps to use the search key "AROUND" to focus the search results. So, for example, looking for a precedent that indicates whether changing the tincture of wings gives a DC, you can use something like "wings AROUND tincture AROUND DC".
  • Another example: hanging AROUND(6) standing - This will find the word "hanging" within 6 words of the word "standing".

Alexander, Stentor, has regularized versions of the Precedents to 2002 online so they can be browsed or searched at: @ For the Precedents, see the yellow box on the dexter side - sorted by category, tenure, and date. There is a search page as well, with instructions in the "Search Help" link. In general, you would put the word you are looking for after "Contains" - the help will give you other suggestions.