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Glossary of Terms[edit | edit source]

The owner of any registered item may allow the registration of a specific submission that would otherwise conflict by writing a letter of permission to conflict, or may direct Laurel to reduce the level of protection of that item with a blanket letter of permission to conflict. Permission to conflict can be granted for either name or armory submissions. Provisions for permission to conflict are detailed in the Administrative Handbook, parts III.C.3 & 4 of the Administrative Handbook, and a sample letter of permission to conflict can be found in Appendix D of the Administrative Handbook. See also Permission to Presume. [[1]]

Suggested Standard Form Letters:[edit | edit source]

Web App to automatically generate Letters of Permission to Conflict -

Permission to Conflict (specific arms)[edit | edit source]

For Name[edit | edit source]

I, [Name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) give [Name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) permission for [his/her] name "[Submitted Name]" to be similar to, but not identical to, my name, "[Registered Name]". I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [name of submitter]'s name is registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Armory[edit | edit source]

I, [Name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) give [Name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) permission for [his/her] armory "[Blazon of submission]" to look similar to, but not identical to, my armory, "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [name of submitter]'s armory is registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

Blanket Permission to Conflict[edit | edit source]

For Name[edit | edit source]

I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered name "[Registered name]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register a name that is (not identical to/at least a syllable different from) my registered name. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Fielded Armory[edit | edit source]

I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is (not identical to|at least one countable step different from) my registered armory. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Fieldless Armory:[edit | edit source]

I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is not identical to my registered armory. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]] Note that a blanket permission to conflict will under no circumstances allow the registration of identical names or armory.

Administrative Handbook Update:[edit | edit source]

August 2014 - electronic permission to conflict:[edit | edit source]

From Palimpsest: Electronic Permission to Conflict and You The Laurel office has long been known for its requirement to get it in writing - so much so that 'non scripta, non est' is the motto of the College of Arms - and has held to the requirement of a physical signature as its standard for letters and other attestations by submitters and the owners of registered items. These days, however, it is sometimes difficult to get the owner of a registered item to physically sign a piece of paper to give permission to conflict and send it somewhere. When they can rightly point out that they have already given permission by email and that email conversations can be legally binding in the real world, our paper-only stance is increasingly outdated and difficult to defend. One difference, however, is that in those real world, binding conversations, all parties can be confirmed by someone reliable. That is to say, they are known to each other directly, or their email addresses are verified to each other by someone else. It is this vetting and verification that allows these conversations to proceed and be binding upon the participants. In the case of heraldic submissions, the parties which are known to Laurel are the kingdom Principal and Submissions Heralds, and so they are the ones who can confirm. This item was originally discussed in the August 31, 2013 Palimpsest Rules Letter, item 2. The current relevant portion of AH IV.C.3 reads: > 3. Permission to Conflict - If permission to conflict has been granted, a written statement of permission must be included, signed by the owner of the registered conflicting item with both Society Name and name used outside the Society. (See Appendix D for a standard form for granting permission to conflict.) The physical signature (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner is required; electronic permission does not remove this requirement. If a blanket permission to conflict exists, reference to this must be included on the Letter of Intent. In no case will permission to conflict be granted to identical submissions. We are changing this portion of AH IV.C.3., effective immediately, to read: > 3. Permission to Conflict - If permission to conflict has been granted, a statement of permission from the owner of the registered conflicting item is required. The statement must be dated and include the Society Name and legal name of said owner, the Society Name and legal name of the submitter, and the name or blazon of the conflicting items. (See Appendix D for a standard form for granting permission to conflict.) > The physical > legal signature (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner is preferred. If this is not available, an emailed statement of permission is permitted, but the identity of the person giving that permission via e-mail must be confirmed through the personal knowledge of a Kingdom Principal Herald or a Kingdom Submissions Herald. In general, that means face to face or voice contact with the person giving permission.If a blanket permission to conflict exists, reference to this must be included on the Letter of Intent. In no case will permission to conflict be granted to identical submissions. For those of you who like seeing the deletion/insertion version: > 3. Permission to Conflict - If permission to conflict has been granted, a > written statement of permission must be included, signed byfrom the owner of the registered conflicting item is required. The statement must be dated and include thewith both Society Name and legal name of said owner, the Society Name and legal name of the submitter, and the name or blazon of the conflicting used outside the Society. (See Appendix D for a standard form for granting permission to conflict.)[paragraph break]The physical signature (or a facsimile thereof) of the owner is > preferredrequired; electronic permission does not remove this requirement. If this is not available, an emailed statement of permission is permitted, but the identity of the person giving that permission via e-mail must be confirmed through the personal knowledge of a Kingdom Principal Herald or a Kingdom Submissions Herald. In general, that means face to face or voice contact with the person giving permission.[paragraph break]If a blanket permission to conflict exists, reference to this must be included on the Letter of Intent. In no case will permission to conflict be granted to identical submissions. The remainder of AH IV.C.3. remains unchanged.