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List of Kingdom Orders of Precendence at the Laurel Website: http:heraldry.sca.org/lists.html#OOP

Simple Order of Precedence Template I. Sitting Royalty

  1. Monarch & Consort (King & Queen)
  2. Coronet & Consort (Territorial Prince & Princess; if multiple Principalities, ordered by Kingdom law and custom)

II. Heirs

  1. Kingdom Heirs (Crown Prince & Crown Princess)
  2. Principality Heirs (varies by Kingdom; if multiple, ordered by Kingdom Law and custom)

III. Landed Barons in State (in some Kingdoms; may be placed elsewhere)[1] IV. Peerage (Patent Orders) (The Crown may establish the order of precedence within the Peerage according to the laws and customs of the Kingdom. However, the Chivalry, the Laurel, and the Pelican are of equal precedence and must be considered as one group.) v Royal Peerage (The titles assumed by former Crowns and Coronets may convey Patents of Arms if the laws and customs of the kingdom so provide. Orders listed here in order of precedence; individuals ordered by date of recognition within each Order)

  1. Ducal Rank (Duke & Duchess; reigned over a Kingdom two or more times)
  2. County Rank (Count & Countess; reigned over a Kingdom once)
  3. Viscounty Rank (Viscount & Viscountess; reigned over a Principality)

v Peers of the Realm (Always conveys a Patent of Arms; Orders are co-equal, listed here alphabetically; individuals ordered by date of first recognition across all Orders)

  • Order of Chivalry

Knights Masters and Mistresses of Arms Order of the Laurel Order of the Pelican v Order of the Rose (The Order of the Rose consists of former Royal Consorts of a kingdom. It may be non-armigerous or it may convey a Patent of Arms, according to the laws and customs of the kingdom.) V. Landed Barons (in some Kingdoms; may be placed elsewhere; ordered by Kingdom Law and custom)[2] VI. Grants of Arms

  1. Recognitions[3] conveying a Grant of Arms (typically co-equal)
  2. Grants of Arms without additional recognition
  3. Awards of Arms
    1. Recognitions conveying an Award of Arms (typically co-equal)
    2. Awards of Arms without additional recognition
    3. Court Baronage (Per Corpora, conveys right to bear arms; AoA or GoA determined by Kingdom; reorder into appropriate class as determined by Kingdom law and custom)

IX. Non-Armigerous Recognitions

  1. Other non-armigerous recognitions as found in Kingdom law and custom

Portions of this document are abstracted from the Governing Documents of the SCA, Inc. ([[1]]), April 2001, revised December 2006 containing the Corpora, By-Laws, Corporate Policies, and Articles of Incorporation © 2012Albrecht Waldfurster (Alan S. Dowd)Barony of Nordskogen (Saint Paul, MN, USA) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [[2]] or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. Simple Order of Precedence Template by Albrecht Waldfurster is licensed under a [Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License].

[1] In this template, the Landed Baronage precedes the Peerage Orders, when sitting in Court in their own lands. Otherwise they are frequently ordered after the Peerage Orders and ahead of Grants of Arms. [2] In this template, the Landed Baronage follows the Peerage Orders, when not sitting in Court in their own lands. [3] In this template, “recognition” means Royal acknowledgement of an individual (or group) with a singular Award or companionship in an Order, with possible right to bear arms by Award or Grant.