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From the October 2012 Cover Letter:

From Pelican and Wreath: Blanket Letters of Permission to Conflict: Pick One!

Appendix D of the Administrative Handbook has suggested standard form letters for a variety of things. For the Blanket Permission to Conflict for both names and fielded armory, there is a choice in the form letter that needs to be made.

Specifically, the text of the Blanket Permission to Conflict for names contains the sentence "I grant permission to any future submitter to register a name that is (not identical to/at least a syllable different from) my registered name." There is a difference between a name that is "not identical to" and a name that is "at least a syllable different from". To avoid confusion, please make sure only one of these option is selected, not both.

Likewise, the text of the Blanket Permission to Conflict for fielded armory contains the sentence "I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is (not identical to|at least one countable step different from) my registered armory." There is a difference between armory that is "not identical to" and armory that is "at least one countable step different from". For the latter, we count a single Distinct Change (DC), but for the former, we count any blazonable difference, regardless of whether the difference is worth a DC or not. To avoid confusion, please make sure only one of these options is selected, not both.

Administrative Handbook, Appendix D - Suggested Standard Form Letters -

Permission to Conflict For Name I, [Name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) give [Name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) permission for [his/her] name "[Submitted Name]" to be similar to, but not identical to, my name, "[Registered Name]". I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [name of submitter]'s name is registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Armory I, [Name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) give [Name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) permission for [his/her] armory "[Blazon of submission]" to look similar to, but not identical to, my armory, "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [name of submitter]'s armory is registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

Blanket Permission to Conflict For Name I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered name "[Registered name]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register a name that is (not identical to/at least a syllable different from) my registered name. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Fielded Armory I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is (not identical to|at least one countable step different from) my registered armory. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

For Fieldless Armory: I, [Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] waive the full protection of my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is not identical to my registered armory. I understand that this permission can be withdrawn by written notice to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms, but that conflicting items registered while it is in force will remain registered. [Date] [Signature of [Name]] Note that a blanket permission to conflict will under no circumstances allow the registration of identical names or armory.

Heraldic Will I [Legal name of owner], known in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) as [SCA name of owner] leave to [legal name of heraldic heir], known in the SCA as [SCA name of heraldic heir, if any] my (name/armory) registered in the SCA, ([name to be transferred]/blazoned as [blazon of armory to be transferred]. I [Legal name of owner], known in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) as [SCA name of owner] release the following names and armory registered to me in the SCA [insert list of all names or armories to be released] [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

I [Legal name of owner], known in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated (SCA) as [SCA name of owner] wish to make the following determinations to my name(s) and/or armory upon my death as below: [select options as desired; items may be split amongst multiple people or released entirely] - transfer to [legal name of heraldic heir], known in the SCA as [SCA name of heraldic heir, if any] my [name/armory] registered in the SCA, [insert name or "blazoned as [insert blazon of armory]]. - release the following [name/armory] registered to me in the SCA [insert list of all names or armories to be released] [Date] [Signature of [Name]]

Petition for Registration of Group Name and Device We the undersigned members and officers of ([Society branch name]) affirm that we approve of the submission of the branch name ([Society branch name submitted]) and device, ([blazon]), pictured below. [Date] [Signatures of Crowned Head, if applicable] [Date] [Signatures of Officers and/or Populace]

Letter of Transfer (Name)A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient. I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do transfer to [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], the following [household/personal] name "[Registered name]". I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made. [Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Acceptance of Transfer (Name)A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient. I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as ([Society name]) do accept the transfer from [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as ([Society name of submitter]) the following [household/personal] name "[Registered name]". I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made. [Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Transfer (Armory)A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient. I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do transfer to [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], the following armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made. [Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Acceptance of Transfer (Armory)A transfer of a name or item of armory requires both a letter of transfer from the owner and a letter of acceptance of transfer from the recipient. I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do accept the transfer from [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], the following armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that this transfer cannot be withdrawn once made. [Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter Documenting Legal Relationship for Grandfather Clause I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], do attest that [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], is my legal [father/mother/wife/husband/son/daughter/brother/sister]. I understand that this letter cannot be withdrawn once [Legal name of submitter]'s name or device is registered. [Date] [Signature of [Legal name]]

Letter of Permission to Presume I, [Legal name], known in the SCA as [Society name], give [Legal name of submitter], known in the SCA as [Society name of submitter], permission for my Society name to be used in part of [his/her] Society name in order to indicate a relationship. I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [Legal name of submitter]'s name is registered. [Date] [Signature of [Legal Name]]

Letter of Release I, [Legal Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] hereby release my registered name "[registered name]". I understand that release of registration is permanent.[Date] [Signature of [Legal Name]]

I, [Legal Name], known in the SCA as [Society name] hereby release my registered armory "[Blazon of registered armory]". I understand that release of registration is permanent.[Date] [Signature of [Legal Name]]