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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.

Period Forms:[edit | edit source]

Database of medieval names (from the Medieval Names Archive) - http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/database/

Irish:[edit | edit source]

From the introduction to Irish Names by Ó Corrain, Donnchadh & Maguire (OCM):

  • The Irish, as most peoples, distinguish sharply between male and female names... With few exceptions, all names ending in -án, -éne, and -ine are masculine. [-ine should have an accent on the i]. These may be frequently turned into female names by substituting -nat or -sech. Quite a number of female names are compounds containing the (element) word flaith as a second element.

Italian:[edit | edit source]

"old" March 2004 LoAR - feminizing masculine names:[edit | edit source]

Raffaella di Contino. Name and device. Argent, a sheaf of peacock feathers proper and on a chief sable two rapiers in saltire proper. Submitted as Raph__aella di Contin__i, the submitter requested authenticity for mid-1400 to 1500 Venice and allowed any changes. No documentation was presented and none was found to support a -ph-// spelling of the given name in Italian, even modernly. Lacking such evidence, we have changed this to the undated feminine form //Raffaella// found in De Felice, //Dizionario dei nomi Italiani (p. 311 s.n. Raffaelle). No evidence was found that a feminine form of Raffaello// was used in Italian in period. However, the documented examples of the masculine given name forms//Raffaello// and //Raffaele//, combined with the period examples of feminine names ending in //-a// sharing the same root as masculine names ending in //-o//, is sufficient to give the submitter the benefit regarding the plausibility of //Raffaella in period. Lacking dated period examples of this given name, we were unable to make this name authentic for the submitter's requested time and culture. http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2004/03/04-03lar.html

Polish:[edit | edit source]

#53Seraphinowa Maslowska. Submitted as Seraphina Maslowska//, insufficient evidence was found to support //Seraphina// as a Polish feminine given name in period. While //Seraphin// was documented as a masculine given name in Polish, a pattern of creating feminine names by adding an //-a to the end of a masculine name was not documented for this language... Eastern Crown found examples of Polish feminine names that were formed by using an -owa// ending with a masculine name in Zofia Abramowicz, Lila Citko, and Leonarda Dacewicz, //S{l/}ownik Historycznych Nazw Osobowych Bia{l/}ostocczyzny (XV-XVII w.)//, vol. 2. These examples include: //Pawe{l/}owa// 1551 and //Pawllowa//1571 (from the masculine //Pawe{l/}//); //Piotrowa//, 1551, 1571, 1640-1 (from the masculine //Piotr//); //Piechowa//, 1551 (from the masculine //Piech//); //Pie{c'}kowa//, 1571 (from the masculine //Pie{c'}ko//); and //Szymonowa//, 1558 (from the masculine //Szymon). Based on these examples, and the documented use of Seraphin// as a masculine given name in Polish, //Seraphinowa is a reasonable Polish feminine given name in late period. We have changed the name to this form in order to register this name. http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2010/04/10-04lar.html

Russian:[edit | edit source]

#53Seraphinowa Maslowska. Name and device. Gules, a Latin cross clechy Or, overall a rose argent barbed and seeded proper. Submitted as Seraphina Maslowska//, insufficient evidence was found to support //Seraphina as a Polish feminine given name in period... The commenters found that Serafina// is a plausible Russian feminine given name in our period based on a documented pattern of forming Russian feminine forms from Russian masculine names by adding //-a// to the end of the masculine name, combined with the name //Serafin Pietryzkowski// dated to 1560 in Paul Wickenden's//Dictionary of Period Russian Names (3rd ed.) s.n. Serafin... http://heraldry.sca.org/loar/2010/04/10-04lar.html

Sources:[edit | edit source]

Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - [[1]] (copies required) Archive of St. Gabriel reports - [[2]] ("no copy")

Academy of St. Gabriel "working" bibliography - http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-documents/biblio.html

Laurel Name Articles - http:heraldry.sca.org/laurel/

IGI Searches, batches beginning with C, J, K, M (except M17 and M18), or P are acceptable - [[3]]

Omniglot On-line Encyclopedia of Writing Systems and Languages - [[4]]

Precedents:[edit | edit source]

Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[5]] Morsulus Heralds Website - [[6]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents) Restatement Wiki - [[7]] (restatements of Precedents) Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.

Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (May 2005 - July 2008) - The 2nd Tenure of François la Flamme (October 2004 - May 2005) - The Tenure of Shauna of Carrick Point (May 2004 - August 2004) - The Tenure of François la Flamme (August 2001 - April 2004) - The Tenure of Elsbeth Anne Roth (June 1999 - July 2001) - The Tenure of Jaelle of Armida (June 1996 - June 1999) - The 2nd Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (November 1993 - June 1996) - The Tenure of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (June 1992 - October 1993) - The 1st Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (June 1990 - June 1992) - The Tenure of Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (September 1986 - June 1990) - The Tenure of Baldwin of Erebor (August 1984 - August 1986) - The Tenure of Wilhelm von Schlüssel (August 1979 - August 1984) - The Tenure of Karina of the Far West (December 1975 - June 1979) - The Early Days (June 1971 - June 1975) -

Registerability: From the <month> <year> LoAR:
