Editorial Projects: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:57, 3 April 2019

Projects that Sofya is working on:

  • Distributing links to the [Armory Precedents] into the appropriate articles
  • Extracting information from the on-line Parker heraldry reference
  • Extracting useful information from heraldry email forums
  • Extracting relevant portions of SENA into individual articles
  • Distributing Pennsic Traceable Art Project links into individual articles
  • [[1]]
  • Updating formats - "Revised Jul 7, 2013 3:16 pm." and "Created May 8, 2012 7:21 pm."
  • Highlighting particularly important precedents and information - #c0cdf2

Projects that Rayya has been working on:

  • Kingdom information pages

Projects that Domhnall has been working on:

  • Kingdom award information

Projects that Jibra'il is working on:

Other ideas:

  • Get illustrations from Brickbat's Armorial Stash into the relevant articles
  • Mining Modar University - [[2]]
  • Mining the Wittsend Chained Library - [[3]]

moving to [[4]]

Editorial Projects (tag "editorial projects"):