Collected Armory and Name Precedents 1986-1992: Difference between revisions

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Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane 1st Da'ud ibn Auda - 1st part 1st Da'ud ibn Auda - 2nd part Bruce Draconarius
(September 1986 - June 1990) (June 1990 - June 1991) (July 1991 - June 1992) (June 1990 - December 1992)
[and Tower]
[Difference of Charge]
[- Mundane]
[- S.C.A.]
Cup and Goblet CHARGE GROUPS
[-- Compatible]
[-- Documentable]
[-- Maintained]
[-- Overall]

[-- Restricted and Reserved] [GROUP] [[41]] [[42]] [(Japanese Gong)] [[43]] [[44]] [MATCH] [[45]] [[46]] [STAR] [and COUNTER-COMPONY] [[47]] [[48]] [[49]] [HANK] [[50]] [[51]] [[52]] [[53]] {| | |- | =D-E= || || || |- | [[54]] |- |[[55]] |- |[[56]] |- |[[57]] |- |[[58]] |- |[[59]] |- |[[60]] |- |[[61]] |- |[Technical vs. Visual] |- |[Practice(s)] |- |[[62]] |- |[[63]] |- |[[64]] |- |[[65]] |- |[[66]] |- |[[67]] |- |Estoile || DEFAULT |- |[- Armory] |- |[- Names] |- |DIFFERENCE - Permission to Conflict || DEFAULT |- |[- Armory] |- |[- Names] |- |[- Permission to Conflict] |- |ERMINE SPOT || DIFFERENCE -- Armory, Arrangement |- |[-- Armory, Misc] |- |[-- Armory, Substantial] |- |[-- Armory, Type] |- |[-- Armory, Visual Test] |- |[-- Names] |- |[[68]] |- |[[69]] |- |[SPOT] |- |[[70]] |- |[[71]] |- |[[72]] |- | =F= || || || |- | [[73]] |- |[Division] |- |[Treatment] |- |[[74]] |- |[Principles] |- |[[75]] |- |[- Crab] |- |[- Dolphin] |- |[- Octopus] |- |[[76]] |- |[[77]] |- |[[78]] |- |[[79]] |- |[- Fleur-de-lys] |- |[- Foil] |- |[- Rose] |- |[- Thistle] |- |[[80]] |- |[[81]] |- |[[82]] |- |[[83]] |- |[[84]] |- |[[85]] |- |[- Apple] |- |[[86]] |- |Fur - Ermine and Ermine Variants || FIELD DIVISION |- |[TREATMENT] |- |[[87]] |- |[[88]] |- |[[89]] |- |[VEGETABLE and SPICE] |- |FUR || FIELD DIVISION |- |[TREATMENT] |- |[and FLAME] |- |[[90]] |- |[[91]] |- |[[92]] |- |[[93]] |- |[[94]] |- |FUR || FEATHER |}

[-- Ermined] [DIVISION -- Barry] [DIVISION -- Bendy] [DIVISION -- Chaussé] [DIVISION -- General] [DIVISION -- Gyronny] [DIVISION -- Lozengy] [DIVISION -- Paly] [DIVISION -- Per Chevron] [DIVISION -- Per Chevron Inverted] [DIVISION -- Per Fess] [DIVISION -- Per Pale] [DIVISION -- Quarterly] [DIVISION -- Vairy] [DIVISION -- Vêtu] [ONLY ARMORY] [TREATMENT -- General] [TREATMENT -- Masoned] [TREATMENT -- Semé] [and VOIDED CHARGES] [[95]] [-- Dolphin] [-- Lobster and Crab] [-- Misc] [-- Starfish] [-- Whale] [[96]] [[97]] [-- Fleur-de-lys] [-- Foil] [-- Misc] [-- Rose] [-- Thistle] [[98]] [[99]] {| | |- | =G-I= || || || |- | [[100]] |- |[[101]] |- |[and Gusset] |- |[Clause] |- |[[102]] |- |[[103]] |}

[and Gauntlet] [Clause] [[104]] [[105]] [[106]] [Figure]

[[107]] [[108]] [[109]] [[110]] [[111]] [- Ant] [- Knife] [- Musical] [- Musical - Harp] [- Musical - Horn] [- Musical - Violin/Fiddle] [Charge] Irreverent Comments (Humor) {| | GORE AND GUSSET |- |[[112]] |}

[AND GAUNTLET] [[113]]

[[114]] [[115]] INSTRUMENTS {| | GORE and GUSSET |- |[[116]] |- |[[117]] |}

[AND GAUNTLET] [[118]] [[119]]

[[120]] [[121]] INSTRUMENT {| | GARB |- |[AND DOOR] |- |[[122]] |- |[[123]] |- |[CLAUSE] |- |[[124]] |- |[[125]] |}

[[126]] [-- Beast, Bear] [-- Beast, Boar] [-- Beast, Cattle] [-- Beast, Dog and Wolf] [-- Beast, Horse] [-- Beast, Lion and Cat] [-- Beast, Sheep] [-- Jessant-de-lys] [-- Misc] [-- Monster, Dragon] [-- Monster, Tyger] [-- Monster, Unicorn] [-- Reptile, Lizard] [[127]] [[128]] [DEFAULTS] [-- Animal] [or HUMANOID FIGURE]

[[129]] [-- Bee] [-- Ladybug] [-- Locust] {| | |- | =J-L= || || || |- | [Charges] |- |[[130]] |- |[Call] |}

[[131]] [[132]] [[133]] [[134]] [[135]]

[[136]] [[137]] [of Toyota] [[138]] [[139]] [and Runes] [[140]] [of Division] [[141]] Lozengy {| | KNOT |}


[[142]] [[143]] [AND FOOT] LINES OF PARTITION {| | JEWELRY |}

[[144]] [[145]]

[[146]] [OF PERMISSION] [RUNES AND SYMBOLS] [[147]] [OF DIVISION -- Bevilled] [OF DIVISION -- Doubly Enarched] [OF DIVISION -- Dovetailed] [OF DIVISION -- Embattled] [OF DIVISION -- Enarched] [OF DIVISION -- Engrailed and Invected] [OF DIVISION -- General] [OF DIVISION -- Indented and Dancetty] [OF DIVISION -- Nebuly and Wavy] [OF DIVISION -- Urdy] [OF DIVISION -- Wavy Crested] [[148]] {| | |- | =M= || || || |- | [[149]] |- |[[150]] |- |[[151]] |- |[[152]] |- |[[153]] |- |[- Snail] |- |[[154]] |- |[[155]] |- |[- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[- Minotaur] |- |[- Pithon] |- |[- Salamander] |- |[- Senmurv and Simurgh] |- |[- Sleipnir] |- |[- Unicorn] |- |[- Yale] |- |[[156]] |- |[[157]] |- |[[158]] |- |[[159]] |- |Mushroom || MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES |- |[STYLE] |- |[[160]] |- |[[161]] |- |[[162]] |- |MUSICAL INSTRUMENT || MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES |- |[STYLE - Armory] |- |[[163]] |- |[[164]] |- |MUSICAL INSTRUMENT || MARSHALLING |- |[and RUSTRE] |- |[[165]] |- |[-- Bog Beast] |- |[-- Chimera and Schimaere] |- |[-- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[-- Enfield] |- |[-- Griffin] |- |[-- Harpy] |- |[-- Misc] |- |[-- Musimon] |- |[-- Orm] |- |[-- Pegasus] |- |[-- Phoenix] |- |[-- Salamander] |- |[-- Sea] |- |[-- Unicorn] |- |[-- Winged] |- |[-- Ypotril] |- |[[166]] |- |[[167]] |- |[[168]] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Bagpipe] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Drum] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Dulcimer] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Hautboy] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Horn] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Jew's Harp] |- |[INSTRUMENT -- Recorder] |- | =Names= || || || |- | [- Abbreviations] |- |[- Anglo-Saxon] |- |[- Basque] |- |[- Branch] |- |[- Change of] |- |[- Coined] |- |[- Conflict] |- |[- Cross-gender] |- |[- Diminutive] |- |[- Documentation] |- |[- Elvish] |- |[- English] |- |[- Epithet] |- |[- Fantasy Name Allowance] |- |[- Finnish] |- |[- Flower] |- |[- French] |- |[- Gaelic] |- |[- General] |- |[- Geographic] |- |[- German] |- |[- Given] |- |[- Group] |- |[- Hebrew and Yiddish] |- |[- Holding] |- |[- Household] |- |[- Irish] |- |[- Japanese] |- |[- "Joke"] |- |[- Latin] |- |[- Mundane Name Allowance] |- |[- Non-Human] |- |[- Norse and Scandinavian] |- |[- Offensive] |- |[- Patronymic] |- |[- Placename] |- |[- Polylingual] |- |[- Presumptuous] |- |[- Russian] |- |[- Spanish] |- |[- Spelling Variants] |- |[- Surnames] |- |[- Unique] |- |[- Use] |- |Names - Welsh || NAMES - Arabic |- |[- Bynames (including Surnames, Epithets, Locatives etc.)] |- |[- Chinese] |- |[- German] |- |[- Given] |- |[- Groups [including Households]] |- |[- Holding] |- |[- Irish and Scots] |- |[- Mundane Name Allowance] |- |[- Russian] |- |[- Style] |- |[- Swedish] |- |NAMES - Welsh || NAMES - Arabic |- |[- Bynames] |- |[- Egyptian] |- |[- Elvish] |- |[- German] |- |[- Given] |- |[- Group] |- |[- Indian] |- |[- Irish and Scots] |- |[- Jewish] |- |[- Mundane Name Allowance] |- |[- Old English] |- |[- Russian] |- |[- Scandinavian] |- |[- Style] |- |NAMES - Welsh || NAMES -- Anglo-Saxon |- |[-- Arabic] |- |[-- Bynames] |- |[-- Coined] |- |[-- Compatible] |- |[-- Deity] |- |[-- Designation] |- |[-- Diminutives] |- |[-- Documentation] |- |[-- Dutch] |- |[-- English] |- |[-- Epithets] |- |[-- Feminine] |- |[-- Finnish] |- |[-- French] |- |[-- Generic] |- |[-- German] |- |[-- Given] |- |[-- Grammar] |- |[-- Greek] |- |[-- Group] |- |[-- Guild] |- |[-- Holding] |- |[-- Household] |- |[-- Irish] |- |[-- Italian] |- |[-- Japanese] |- |[-- Jewish] |- |[-- Joke] |- |[-- Latin] |- |[-- Legal] |- |[-- Mongolian] |- |[-- Non-Roman Alphabets] |- |[-- Norse] |- |[-- Occupational] |- |[-- Order] |- |[-- Patronymic] |- |[-- Persian] |- |[-- Place Names] |- |[-- Roman] |- |[-- Russian] |- |[-- Scottish] |- |[-- Spanish] |- |[-- Spelling Variants] |- |[-- Surnames] |- |[-- Titles] |- |[-- Two Element Requirement] |- |[-- Unique] |- |[-- Welsh] |- |[-- Yiddish] |- | =N-P= || || || |- | [Charge] |}

[[169]] [[170]] [[171]] [[172]] [[173]] [Conflict] [Charge]

[[174]] [[175]] [[176]] [[177]] [[178]] [[179]] [[180]] [[181]] [Rule] [[182]] [[183]] [[184]] [[185]] [[186]] [Charge] "Proper" {| | NATIONAL STYLE |}

[- Armory] [- Names]

[[187]] [[188]] [[189]] [[190]] [- Armory] [- General] [- Names] [- Names in conjunction with Armory] [[191]] PROTECTED ITEMS {| | NATIONAL STYLE |}

[- Armory] [- Names]

[[192]] [[193]] [[194]] [- Armory] [- Names] [- Names in Conjunction with Armory] [[195]] PROTECTED ITEMS {| | NEEDLE |- |[[196]] |}

[[197]] [and TRESSURE]

[[198]] [[199]] [[200]] [-- Aloe Vera] [-- Fern] [-- Mandrake] [-- Sprig] [-- Wheat] [[201]] [[202]] [[203]] [or PRESUMPTION] [[204]] [ITEMS] {| | |- | =Q-R= || || || |- | [Arms] |- |[[205]] |- |[[206]] |- |[[207]] |- |[of Branch Armory] |- |[[208]] |- |[[209]] |- |[- Serpent] |- |[- Snake] |- |[Charge] |- |[[210]] |- |[[211]] |- |[of Excessive Anomaly] |- |[of Thumb] |- |Rule of Tincture || REGISTERABLE ITEMS |- |[[212]] |- |[CHARGES AND TITLES] |- |[[213]] |- |RULES CHANGES || REGISTERABLE ITEMS |- |[[214]] |- |[SOURCES] |- |[CHARGES AND TITLES] |- |[[215]] |- |RULES CHANGES || RAINBOW |- |[-- Norse Serpent] |- |[-- Serpent] |- |[-- Turtle] |- |[OF AESCULAPIUS] |- |[[216]] |- |[ARMORY] |- | ==S== || || || |- | [[217]] |- |[[218]] |- |[Charge] |- |[[219]] |- |[[220]] |- |[[221]] |- |[[222]] |- |[[223]] |- |[[224]] |- |[Heraldry] |- |[[225]] |- |[[226]] |- |[Variant] |- |[[227]] |- |[[228]] |- |[[229]] |- |[[230]] |- |Symbols || SALTIRE |- |[[231]] |- |[[232]] |- |[[233]] |- |SWORD || SEMY |- |[[234]] |- |[[235]] |- |[[236]] |- |[[237]] |- |[[238]] |- |SYMMETRY || SADDLERY |- |[[239]] |- |[AND SHEARS] |- |[[240]] |- |[[241]] |- |[[242]] |- |[PART] |- |[ARMORY] |- |[[243]] |- |[-- Misc] |- |[-- Modern] |- |[-- National] |- |[-- Period] |- |[-- Simplicity or Complexity] |- |[[244]] |- |[[245]] |- | =T-Z= || || || |- | [Charge] |- |[Heraldry] |- |[[246]] |- |[[247]] |- |[and Charge Limit] |- |[Alternate] |- |[Heraldic] |- |[[248]] |- |[and Branch] |- |[[249]] |- |[Aspect] |- |[[250]] |}

[[251]] [[252]] [Weight] [[253]] [[254]]

[Crest] [[255]] [Heraldic] [[256]] [[257]] Wreathing {| | THIN-LINE HERALDRY |- |[[258]] |}

[[259]] WREATH {| | [HE]RALDRY |- |[[260]] |}

WREATH {| | T'AI CHI |- |[(Japanese Whirlpool)] |- |[-- Angle] |- |[-- Astrolabe] |- |[-- Embroider's Broach] |- |[-- Spindle] |- |[-- Winch] |- |[[261]] |- |[[262]] |- |[[263]] |}


[[265]] [BOUGET] [[266]] [[267]] [TEETH] [[268]] [[269]] ||