Collected Armory Precedents 2004-2011: Difference between revisions

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2nd François la Flamme 1st Elisabeth de Rossignol 2nd Elisabeth de Rossignol
(October 2004 - May 2005) (May 2005 - July 2008) (April 2011 - August 2011)
Ark of the Covenant see [[1]]
[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#CASTLE|CASTLE and TOWER]
[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#M&S|CHARGE -- Maintained and Sustained]
[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#CHARGEMisc|CHARGE -- Miscellaneous]
[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#CHARGEOverall|CHARGE -- Overall]

[GROUP] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[2]] [[3]] [STAR and SUN] [[4]] [[5]] [[6]] [[7]] [[8]] [[9]] CROSS {| | CANDLESTICK |- |[[10]] |- |[[11]] |- |[PIQUE] |- |[[12]] |- |[[13]] |- |[[14]] |- |[[15]] |- |[- Maintained and Sustained] |- |[- Miscellaneous] : Flower Petals, Handkerchief, Lauburu, Ribbon |- |[- Overall] |}

[- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP] Cheese see [[16]] [PIECE] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[17]] Claw see [and JAMBE] Clew of Yarn see [[18]] CLOTHING - Belt see [[19]] CLOTHING - Glove see [and GAUNTLET] CLOTHING - Mantle see [[20]] [[21]] [[22]] [[23]] [ROSE] [STAR and SUN] Complex lines of division with low contrast see [[24]] [[25]] [[26]] [[27]] [and TRADEMARK] Coral see [BRANCH] [[28]] [[29]] Counting Differences see [- Counting] [and THROUGHOUT] Cover Letters: [Wreath: On Willows and Weeping Willows [06/2005 CL]] [Wreath: On Gurges and Schnecken [07/2005 CL]] [Wreath: Gyronny Arrondi [07/2005 CL]] [Wreath: Counting Differences [07/2005 CL]] [Wreath: On Whales [08/2005 CL]] [Wreath: Wings That Hold [08/2005 CL]] [Wreath - On Ibexes [01/2006 CL]] [Wreath: Period Bottles [03/2006 CL]] [Wreath: Augmentations of Arms [04/2006 CL]] [Wreath: On Pinecones [04/2006 CL]] [Wreath: On Rising [04/2006 CL]] [Wreath: Abstract Symbols [05/2006 CL]] [LAUREL - A Clarification [08/2006 CL]] [JML: regarding circular chains] [Wreath: Concerning Chevrons and Per Chevron Fields [09/2006 CL]] [Wreath: Panthers [11/2006 CL]] [Wreath: On Fishhooks [01/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Invected and Engrailed [03/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Concerning Peacocks [04/2007 CL]] [Laurel - On the Cross of Caid [05/2007 CL]] [Wreath - Concerning Wells [05/2007 CL]] [Wreath - Concerning Maltese Crosses [05/2007 CL ]] [Wreath: Steps from Period Practice [06/2007 CL]] [Wreath: OSCAR and Mini-Emblazons [07/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Sunflowers Proper [07/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Bleu-Celeste and Other Tinctures [08/2007 CL]] [Wreath: On Falcons and Ravens [08/2007 CL]] [Wreath: On Bridges [09/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Linden Trees [09/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Poplar Trees [09/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Reblazoning Defaults [10/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Color Emblazons [10/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Charged Sails [10/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Eyes Proper [11/2007 CL]] [Laurel: OSCAR and Comments [12/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Hummingbirds Volant, Rising, and Hovering [12/2007 CL]] [Wreath: Maintained Charges and Marshalled Armory [12/2007 CL]] [Wreath: The Red Hand of Ulster [01/2008 CL]] [Laurel: Some Badges [02/2008 CL ]][JML: regarding badges for former territorial barons and baronesses] [Laurel: Order of the Pelican [02/2008 CL]] [Wreath: Drawing Piles [02/2008 CL]] [Wreath: On Sheaves [02/2008 CL]] [Wreath: On Grenades and Fireballs [02/2008 CL]] [Wreath: Strawberries Proper [03/2008 CL]] [Wreath: Saltorels [03/2008 CL]] [Wreath: Computer Colorizing [04/2008 CL]] [Wreath Emeritus: Fimbriated Ordinaries and Overall Charges [06/2008 CL]] [Wreath Emeritus: On Permission to Conflict and Difference [06/2008 CL]] [Wreath Emeritus: Concerning the Heads of Dogs, Wolves, and Similar Beasts [07/2008 CL]] [[30]] [[31]] Cresset see [[32]] Crests see [or PRESUMPTION - Crests and Supporters] [[33]] [- Difference Between] [[34]] [and CHALICE] Cylinder Sundial see TOOL - Astronomical {| | CASTLE |- |[[35]] |- |[- Overall] |}

[- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[36]] [STAR and SUN] [[37]] [[38]] [[39]] Counting Differences see [- Counting] Cover Letters:

[Wreath: A Four-Pointed Problem [04/2011 CL]] [Wreath: Chevrons, Per Chevron, and Their Inversions [05/2011]] [Wreath Emeritus: Lamps [06/2011]] [Wreath: On Demons [08/2011]] [[40]] [- Difference Between] [[41]] [and CHALICE] {| | |- | =D-E= || || |- | [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#Diff|DIFFERENCE -- Substantial] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#DOCS|DOCUMENTATION] |- |DOLPHIN see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FISH|FISH and DOLPHIN] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#EMBLAZON|EMBLAZON] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#EmblazonColor|EMBLAZON -- Coloring Problems] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#ENFILE|ENFILE] |- |ERMINE see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FUR|FUR] |- |ERMINE SPOT || DEFAULTS |- |[[42]] |- |[- Counting] |- |[- Group] |- |[[43]] |- |[EXCEPTION] |- |Eel see [- Snake] |- |[[44]] |- |[- Coloring Problems] |- |Enflamed see [[45]] |- |Entwined charges see [GROUP] |- |ERMINE SPOT see also FUR |- |[[46]] |- |[[47]] |- |[[48]] |- |[[49]] |- |EYE || DIFFERENCE - Counting |- |[- Group] |- |[[50]] |- |[- Coloring Problems] |- |Enflamed see [[51]] |- |Entwined charges see [GROUP] |- | =F= || || |- | [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FEATHER|FEATHER] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FESS|FESS and BAR] |- |FIELD TREATMENT -- Semy see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#SEMY|SEMY] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDBar|FIELD DIVISION -- Barry] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDChape|FIELD DIVISION -- Chapé and Chaussé] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDCheck|FIELD DIVISION -- Checky and Party of Six] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDGyronny|FIELD DIVISION -- Gyronny] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDMisc|FIELD DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDPC|FIELD DIVISION -- Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDPF|FIELD DIVISION -- Per Fess] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDQuarterly|FIELD DIVISION -- Quarterly] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#PRIMARY|FIELD PRIMARY ARMORY] |- |FIELD TREATMENT -- Ermined see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FUR|FUR] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIELDLESS|FIELDLESS and TINCTURELESS ARMORY] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FIMBRIATE|FIMBRIATED and VOIDED CHARGES] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FISH|FISH and DOLPHIN] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLAMES|FLAMES and FIRE] |- |FLAUNCH see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#TIERCE|TIERCE and FLAUNCH] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FDL|FLEUR-DE-LYS] |- |FLOWER -- Camellia see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLOWERRose|FLOWER -- Rose] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLOWERLily|FLOWER -- Lily] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLOWERMisc|FLOWER -- Miscellaneous] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLOWERRose|FLOWER -- Rose] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLOWERThistle|FLOWER -- Thistle] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FLOWERTrillium|FLOWER -- Trillium] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FOIL|FOIL] |- |FORD see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#CHARGEPeripheral|CHARGE -- Peripheral] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#FRET|FRET and FRETTY] |- |FUR || FEATHER |- |[[52]] |- |[and BAR] |- |[DIVISION - Barry] |- |[DIVISION - Bendy and Bendy Sinister] |- |[DIVISION - Chapé and Chaussé] |- |[DIVISION - Checky] |- |[DIVISION - Cheveronelly] |- |[DIVISION - Gyronny] |- |[DIVISION - Miscellaneous] |- |[DIVISION - Paly] |- |FIELD DIVISION - Party of Six see [DIVISION - Checky] |- |[DIVISION - Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] |- |[DIVISION - Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] |- |[DIVISION - Per Fess] |- |[DIVISION - Per Pale] |- |[DIVISION - Per Pall and Per Pall Inverted] |- |FIELD DIVISION - Per Saltire see [DIVISION - Miscellaneous] |- |[DIVISION - Quarterly] |- |[DIVISION - Vêtu] |- |[PRIMARY ARMORY] |- |FIELD TREATMENT - Ermined see FUR see also ERMINE SPOT |- |[TREATMENT - Miscellaneous] |- |FIELD TREATMENT - Semy see [[53]] |- |[[54]] |- |[and VOIDED CHARGES] |- |[[55]] |- |FISH - Dolphin see [[56]] |- |FISH - Lobster see [- Lobster] |- |FISH - Ray see [[57]] |- |FISH - Skate see [[58]] |- |FISH - Whale see [[59]] |- |Fish Skeleton see [[60]] |- |[[61]] |- |[[62]] |- |Flame see [[63]] |- |Fleece see [- Goat] |- |[[64]] |- |FLOWER - Amaryllis see [- Trumpet shape] |- |FLOWER - Apple Blossom see [- Rose] |- |FLOWER - Clover see [- Quatrefoil] |- |FLOWER - Columbine see [- Trumpet shape] |- |[- Cup shape] |- |FLOWER - Daffodil see [- Trumpet shape] |- |FLOWER - Daisy see [- Multipetaled] |- |FLOWER - Dogwood see [- Few petals] |- |[- Few petals] |- |FLOWER - Forget-me-knot see [- Rose] |- |FLOWER - Fraise see [- Rose] |- |FLOWER - Frangipani Blossom see [- Rose] |- |FLOWER - Gillyflower see [- Multipetaled] |- |FLOWER - Hemlock Blossom see [- Multifloreted] |- |[- Iris] |- |[- Lily] |- |[- Multifloreted] |- |[- Multipetaled] |- |FLOWER - Periwinkle see [- Rose] |- |FLOWER - Plumeria Blossom see [- Rose] |- |[- Rose] |- |[- Thistle] |- |FLOWER - Shamrock see [- Trefoil] |- |FLOWER - Sunflower see [- Multipetaled] |- |FLOWER - Teazel see [- Thistle] |- |FLOWER - Thistle see [- Thistle] |- |FLOWER - Trillium see [- Few petals] |- |[- Trumpet Shape] |- |FLOWER - Tulip see [- Cup shape] |- |FLOWER - Wolfsbane Blossom see [- Trumpet shape] |- |FOIL - Cinquefoil see [- Rose] |- |[- Quatrefoil] |- |[- Sexfoil] |- |[- Trefoil] |- |Foot see [and JAMBE] |- |[[65]] |- |[[66]] |- |Forced Move see [- Forced Move] |- |Fountain see [[67]] |- |Fountain - Natural see [[68]] |- |[and FRETTY] |- |[- Apple] |- |FRUIT - Artichoke see [- Other] |- |[- Berry] |- |FRUIT - Cherry see [- Other] |- |FRUIT - Chili Pepper see [- Other] |- |FRUIT - Grapes see [- Berry] |- |FRUIT - Hazelnut see [- Nut] |- |FRUIT - Mushroom see [[69]] |- |[- Nut] |- |[- Other] |- |FRUIT - Pineapple see [- Other] |- |[- Pinecone] |- |[- Pomegranate] |- |[- Strawberry] |- |FRUIT - Turnip see [- Other] |- |FRUIT - Walnut see [- Nut] |- |[[70]] |- |[[71]] |- |FURISON || FIELD DIVISION - Gyronny |- |[DIVISION - Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] |- |[DIVISION - Per Saltire] |- |[DIVISION - Quarterly] |- |[DIVISION - Vêtu] |- |[and VOIDED CHARGES] |- |[[72]] |- |[[73]] |- |FISH - Dolphin see [[74]] |- |[- Cup shape] |- |FLOWER - Dogwood see [- Few petals] |- |[- Few petals] |- |[- Iris] |- |[- Rose] |- |[- Trumpet Shape] |- |FLOWER - Trillium see [- Few petals] |- |FLOWER - Tulip see [- Cup shape] |- |FLOWER - Twinflower see [- Trumpet Shape] |- |FLOWER - Water Lily see [- Cup shape] |- | =G-I= || || |- | GORE see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#CHARGEPeripherla|CHARGE -- Peripheral] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#GOUTTE|GOUTTE] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#GRANDFATHER|GRANDFATHER CLAUSE] |}

[and GAUNTLET] [-- Beast] [-- Bird] [-- Human] [-- Monster] [[75]] [[76]]

IDENTIFIABILITY {| | Garter see CLOTHING |- |Gate see [[77]] |- |Gorging or Gorged see [[78]] |- |[CLAUSE] |- |[and FIREBALL] |- |Gridiron see [- Other] |- |[and SCHNECKEN] |- |Gyron see [DIVISION - Gyronny] |}

[[79]] [and GAUNTLET] Handprint see [and GAUNTLET] [[80]] [- Beast] [- Bird] [- Human] [- Jessant-de-lys] [- Monster] [[81]] [and HELMET] [- Creature] [[82]] [[83]] [[84]]

Iceberg see [[85]] [[86]] Ink Pot see [[87]] INKHORN {| | Gate see ARCHITECTURE |- |[and FIREBALL] |- |[and SCHNECKEN] |- |[and GAUNTLET] |- |[- Human] |- |[[88]] |- | =J-L= || || |- | [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#KNOTS|KNOTS] |}

LANCE see [and OTHER WEAPONS] [[89]] [of DIVISION -- Jagged] [of DIVISION -- Long] [of DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [of DIVISION -- Square] [of DIVISION -- Wavy] LOZENGE {| | JAPANESE MON and CHARGES |- |[[90]] |}

[[91]] Keystone see [[92]] [[93]]

[[94]] [[95]] [and JAMBE] Lighthouse see [[96]] [BOLT] LINES of DIVISION - Dancetty see [of DIVISION - Jagged] LINES of DIVISION - Dovetailed see [of DIVISION - Square] LINES of DIVISION - Embattled see [of DIVISION - Square] LINES of DIVISION - Engrailed see [of DIVISION - Jagged] LINES of DIVISION - Fleury see [of DIVISION - Miscellaneous] LINES of DIVISION - Grady see [of DIVISION - Jagged] LINES of DIVISION - Indented see [of DIVISION - Jagged] LINES of DIVISION - Invected see [of DIVISION - Jagged] [of DIVISION - Jagged] [of DIVISION - Long] [of DIVISION - Miscellaneous] LINES of DIVISION - Nebuly see [of DIVISION - Wavy] LINES of DIVISION - Raguly see [of DIVISION - Square] LINES of DIVISION - Rayonny see [of DIVISION - Long] [of DIVISION - Square] [of DIVISION - Wavy] Lizard see [- Lizard] Location see [[97]] LOZENGE {| | LAUBURU |- |[[98]] |- |[[99]] |- |[BOLT] |- |LINES of DIVISION - Embattled see [of DIVISION - Square] |- |LINES of DIVISION - Indented see [of DIVISION - Jagged] |- |[of DIVISION - Jagged] |- |[of DIVISION - Long] |- |[of DIVISION - Miscellaneous] |- |LINES of DIVISION - Nebuly see [of DIVISION - Wavy] |- |LINES of DIVISION - Rayonny see [of DIVISION - Long] |- |[of DIVISION - Square] |- |[of DIVISION - Wavy] |- |[[100]] |- |[[101]] |- | =M= || || |- | MAINTAINED see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#M&S|CHARGE -- Maintained and Sustained] |- |MARSHALLING see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#PRETENSE|PRETENSE or PRESUMPTION] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERGriffin|MONSTER -- Griffin] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERHuman|MONSTER -- Humanoid] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERMer|MONSTER -- Merfolk] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERMisc|MONSTER -- Miscellaneous] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERPegasus|MONSTER -- Pegasus] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERPhoenix|MONSTER -- Phoenix] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERPithon|MONSTER -- Pithon] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERSea|MONSTER -- Sea] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERUnicorn|MONSTER -- Unicorn] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#MONSTERWing|MONSTER -- Winged] |- |MOTH see [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#ARTHROPOD|ARTHROPOD -- Miscellaneous] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#Mount|MOUNT and MOUNTAIN] |}

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS {| | Maintained see CHARGE - Maintained and Sustained |- |Marshalled Arms see [or PRESUMPTION - Marshalling] |- |[[102]] |- |MONSTER - Amphisbaena see [- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[- Antelope] |- |[- Calygreyhound] |- |[- Chimera] |- |[- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |MONSTER - Firebird see [- Phoenix] |- |[- Griffin] |- |[- Humanoid] |- |MONSTER - Lion-Dragon see [- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[- Merfolk] |- |MONSTER - Mermaid see [- Merfolk] |- |[- Miscellaneous] |- |MONSTER - Oriental Dragon see [- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |MONSTER - Panther see also BEAST - Cat, Lion, and Tiger |- |[- Pegasus] |- |[- Phoenix] |- |[- Pithon] |- |MONSTER - Satyr see [- Humanoid] |- |MONSTER - Sea-Bull see [- Sea] |- |[- Sea] |- |MONSTER - Sea-Dog see [- Sea] |- |MONSTER - Seahorse see [- Sea] |- |MONSTER - Sea-Lion see [- Sea] |- |MONSTER - Sea-Unicorn see [- Sea] |- |MONSTER - Sea-Wolf see [- - Sea] |- |MONSTER - Seraph see [- Humanoid] |- |MONSTER - Tyger see [- Miscellaneous] |- |[- Unicorn] |- |MONSTER - Vegetable Lamb see [- Miscellaneous] |- |[- Winged] |- |MONSTER - Winged Serpent see [- Pithon] |- |MONSTER - Wyvern see [- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |MONSTER - Yale [- Antelope] |- |Moon see [[103]] |- |MOUNTAIN see also BASE |}

[ARMORY] MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS {| | Marshalled Arms see PRETENSE or PRESUMPTION - Marshalling |- |[- Snail] |}

MONSTER - Cockatrice see [- Dragon and Wyvern] [- Dragon and Wyvern] [- Humanoid] MONSTER - Oriental Dragon see [- Dragon and Wyvern] [- Phoenix] [- Pithon] MONSTER - Wyvern see [- Dragon and Wyvern]

[ARMORY] {| | |- | =N-P= || || |- | [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#NUMBER|NUMBER] |}

[MODERNITY] ORIENTATION see POSTURE categories ORLE see [-- Peripheral]

[[104]] [and PILE INVERTED] [[105]] [and POINT POINTED] [-- Animate Charges] [-- Inanimate Charges] [or PRESUMPTION] PROPER {| | Nami see JAPANESE MON and CHARGES |- |[[106]] |- |Norse Sun Cross see [[107]] |}

Oar see [- Part] [MODERNITY] [[108]] [[109]] Orb see [[110]] ORIENTATION see POSTURE categories

Pagoda see [[111]] [[112]] [and PALL INVERTED] PAW PRINT for PAWS see LEG and JAMBE [BOX] Permission to Conflict see ADMINISTRATIVE - Permission to Conflict and PROTECTED and PROTECTABLE ITEMS [and PILE INVERTED] [[113]] Plummet see [- Carpentry] POLYGON see also [[114]] and LOZENGE [[115]] [- Animate Charges] [- General] [- Inanimate Charges] [or PRESUMPTION] [or PRESUMPTION - Charge and Name Combination] [or PRESUMPTION - Crests and Supporters] [or PRESUMPTION - Marshalling] Prickspur see [[116]] [[117]] PROTECTED and PROTECTABLE ITEMS {| | PAW PRINT |- |[[118]] |- |[- Animate Charges] |- |[- General] |- |[or PRESUMPTION] |- |[or PRESUMPTION - Marshalling] |- | =R-T= || || |- | [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#RELIGIOUS|RELIGOUS SYMBOLISM] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#REPTILELizard|REPTILE -- Lizard] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#REPTILESnake|REPTILE -- Snake] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#RESERVED|RESERVED and RESTRICTED CHARGES] |- |[liana/sca/armoryprec.html#RfSXj|RfS X.4.j.ii] |}

SCROLL see[and SCROLL] SEEBLATT see[[119]] [[120]] [[121]] [MACHINE] [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE (SFPP)] [[122]] SUN -- see [STAR and SUN] SUSTAINED see [-- Maintained and Sustained] [and OTHER WEAPONS] ["SWORD AND DAGGER"] [[123]]

[and FLAUNCH] [[124]] [-- Eating] [-- Textile] [[125]] [BRANCH] TRIQUETRA {| | RAINBOW |- |[[126]] |- |[- Lizard] |- |[- Snake] |- |RfS X.4.g see [- Forced Move] |- |[X.4.j.ii] |- |[[127]] |- |Rune see [[128]] |}

[[129]] Sail see [- Part] Salamander see [- Lizard] [[130]] Scroll see [[131]] Seeblatt see [[132]] [[133]] Seraph's Wings see [and VOLS] SFPP see [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] [[134]] [and SCISSORS] [[135]] [[136]] [- Part] [[137]] [WEAPON] Slow Match see [[138]] [[139]] Snake see [- Snake] Sparks see [[140]] [[141]] [[142]] [[143]] Sprig see [[144]] Spool of Thread see [[145]] Spur Rowel see [[146]] [[147]] [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] Strike see [[148]] Supporters see [or PRESUMPTION - Crests and Supporters] [[149]] [[150]] "Sword and dagger rule" see [GROUP] [[151]] [[152]] [[153]] Thoughout see [and THROUGHOUT] [and FLAUNCH] [[154]] Tinctureless see [[155]] [- Artistic] [- Astronomical] [- Carpentry] [- Eating] [- Other] [- Textile] Torch see [[156]] Trademark see [and TRADEMARK] [[157]] [BRANCH] [[158]] [[159]] [[160]] [and TRISKELION] TROUSERS of NOBILITY {| | ROUNDEL |- |Rune see [[161]] |}

Sail see [- Part] Saltcellar see [and CHALICE] Scroll see [[162]] [[163]] SFPP see [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] [[164]] [- Part] Sparks see [[165]] [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] [[166]] [[167]] [[168]]

[[169]] Tassel see [[170]] [- Textile] [[171]] [[172]] [[173]] [and TRISKELION] {| | |- | =U-Z= || || |- | [liana/sca/armoryprec.html#VISUAL|VISUAL COMPARISON] |}

WEIRDNESS -- see[FROM PERIOD PRACTICE (SFPP)] [[174]] [and VOLS] [TEETH] WREATH {| | Valknut see TRIANGLE |- |Vegetable Lamb see [- Miscellaneous] |- |Vine see [[175]] |- |[COMPARISON] Organized by the owner of the registered armory in question |}

Wall see FESS and BAR and FIELD DIVISION - Per Fess Weirdness see [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] [[176]] [[177]] Wind see [[178]] Windmill see [[179]] [OBJECTS] [and VOLS] [TOOTH] Word see [[180]] WREATH {| | Valknut see TRIANGLE |- |[COMPARISON] Organized by the owner of the registered armory in question |}

Wall see [and BAR] Weirdness see [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] Windmill see [[181]] [[182]] ||