Collected Armory Precedents 1999-2004: Difference between revisions

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Shauna of Carrick Point 1st François la Flamme Elsbeth Anne Roth
(May - August 2004) (August 2001 - April 2004) (June 1999 - July 2001)
[and Tower]

[[5]] [Maintained and Sustained] [Miscellaneous] [Overall]

[Restricted or Reserved] [Tertiary] [Group]

[Piece] [and Chevron Inverted] [[6]] [[7]] [[8]] [Star and Sun] [[9]] [[10]] [and Trademark] [and Crown] [[11]] [[12]] [and Erased] [and Throughout] [[13]] [[14]] Cup and Chalice {| | CANDELABRA |- |[[15]] |- |[PIQUE] |- |[and TOWER] |}

[-- Maintained and Sustained] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Overall]

[-- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP]

[PIECE] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[16]] [[17]] [[18]] [STAR and SUN] [[19]] [[20]] [and TRADEMARK] [and CROWN] [[21]] [[22]] [and ERASED] [and THROUGHOUT] [[23]] [[24]] [and BOW] CUP and CHALICE {| | CARD PIQUE |- |[and TOWER] |- |[and CUP] |}

CHARGE -- Miscellaneous see the index for a list of charges included in this category [-- Overall]

[-- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP]

[PIECE] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[25]] [ROSE] [STAR and SUN] [[26]] [[27]] [[28]] [[29]] [[30]] [[31]] [[32]] {| | |- | =D-E= || || |- | [[33]] |- |[[34]] |- |[[35]] |- |[[36]] |- |[Substantial] |- |[Groups] |- |[[37]] |- |[Exception] |- |Dolphin see [and Dolphin] |- |[Spindle] |}

[[38]] [Coloring Problems] [[39]] Erased and Couped see [and Erased] Ermine see [[40]] [Spot] [[41]] Estoile {| | DEFAULTS |- |[[42]] |- |[[43]] |- |[-- Substantial] |- |[-- Groups] |- |[[44]] |- |[EXCEPTION] |- |DOLPHIN see [and DOLPHIN] |}

[[45]] [-- Coloring Problems] [[46]] ERASED and COUPED see [and ERASED] ERMINE see [[47]] [SPOT] [[48]] ESTOILE {| | DOCUMENTATION |- |[and WHALE] |}

[[49]] [[50]] {| | |- | =F= || || |- | [[51]] |}

[Division] [Barry] [Bendy and Bendy Sinister] [Chapé] [Checky and Party of Six] [Chevronelly] [Gyronny] [Miscellaneous] [Paly] [Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] [Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] [Per Fess] [Per Pale] [Per Pall and Per Pall Inverted] [Quaterly] [Vêtu] [Primary Armory] [Treatment] -- Ermined see [[52]] -- Fret/Fretty see [and Fretty] -- Semy see [[53]] [[54]] [and Voided Charges] [and Dolphin] [and Fire] Flaunch see [and Flaunch] [[55]] [[56]] [Lily] [Miscellaneous] [Rose] [Thistle] [Trillium] [[57]] [[58]] [and Fretty] [[59]] Fur {| | FEATHER |}

[DIVISION -- Barry] [DIVISION -- Bendy and Bendy Sinister] [DIVISION -- Chapé] [DIVISION -- Checky and Party of Six] [DIVISION -- Chevronelly] [DIVISION -- Gyronny] [DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [DIVISION -- Paly] [DIVISION -- Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] [DIVISION -- Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] [DIVISION -- Per Fess] [DIVISION -- Per Pall and Per Pall Inverted] [DIVISION -- Quarterly] [DIVISION -- Vêtu] [PRIMARY ARMORY] FIELD TREATMENT -- Ermined see [[60]] [TREATMENT -- Honeycombed] [TREATMENT -- Mailly and Other Field Treatments] [TREATMENT -- Masoned] [TREATMENT -- Miscellaneous] FIELD TREATMENT -- Semy see [[61]] [[62]] [and VOIDED CHARGES] [and DOLPHIN] [and BANNER] [and FIRE] FLAUNCH see [and FLAUNCH] [[63]] [-- Lily] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Rose] [-- Thistle] [-- Trillium] [-- Tulip] [[64]] [and FRETTY] [[65]] FUR {| | FIELD DIVISION -- Chapé |- |[DIVISION -- Chaussé] |- |[DIVISION -- Checky] |- |[DIVISION -- Gyronny] |- |[DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] |- |[DIVISION -- Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] |- |[DIVISION -- Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] |- |[DIVISION -- Per Pale] |- |[PRIMARY] |- |[TREATMENT -- Honeycomb] |- |[TREATMENT -- Masoned] |- |FIELD TREATMENT -- Semy see [[66]] |- |[[67]] |- |[and VOIDED CHARGES] |- |[[68]] |- |[and FIRE] |- |[-- Miscellaneous] |- |[-- Rose] |- |[-- Thistle] |- |[[69]] |- |[[70]] |- |[and FRETTY] |- | =G-L= || || |- | [[71]] |- |[Clause] |- |[and Fireball] |- |[[72]] |}

[and Gauntlet] [[73]] [[74]] -- Beast see also Couped and Erased [Human] [Monster] [[75]] [and Helmet] [[76]]

[[77]] [[78]]


[[80]] [[81]] [and Jambe] [Bolt] Lines of Division see [Division] Location see [[82]] Lozenge/Mascle {| | GOUTTE |- |[CLAUSE] |- |[and FIREBALL] |- |[[83]] |}

[and GAUNTLET] [[84]] HEAD -- Beast see also COUPED and ERASED HEAD -- Bird see also COUPED and ERASED [-- Human] [-- Monster] [[85]] [and HELMET] [[86]]




[[89]] [[90]] [and JAMBE] [BOLT] [of DIVISION -- Jagged] [of DIVISION -- Long] [of DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [of DIVISION -- Square] [of DIVISION -- Wavy] LOCATION see [[91]] LOZENGE {| | GRANDFATHER CLAUSE |- |[[92]] |}

[[93]] [[94]] [and SEEBLATT]

[[95]] [[96]]


[and LANTERN] [[98]] [of DIVISION -- Bevilled] [of DIVISION -- Embattled] [of DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [of DIVISION -- Potenty] [of DIVISION -- Wavy] {| | |- | =M-O= || || |- | Maintained and Sustained, see [-- Maintained and Sustained] |- |[[99]] |- |[[100]] |- |[[101]] |- |[Chimera] |- |[Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[Griffin] |- |[Humanoid] |- |[Miscellaneous] |- |[Panther] |- |[Pegasus] |- |[Phoenix] |- |[Pithon] |- |[Sea] |- |[Winged] |- |[and Mountain] |- |[[102]] |- |[Armory] |- |[Instrument] |}


[Modernity] Orientation see [[104]] Orle see Charge -- Peripheral {| | MAUNCH |- |[-- Snail] |- |[-- Chimera] |- |[-- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[-- Griffin] |- |[-- Humanoid] |- |[-- Merfolk] |- |[-- Miscellaneous] |- |[-- Panther] |- |[-- Pegasus] |- |[-- Phoenix] |- |[-- Pithon] |- |[-- Sea] |- |[-- Winged] |- |[and MOUNTAIN] |- |[[105]] |- |[ARMORY] |- |[INSTRUMENTS] |}


[MODERNITY] [[107]] ORIENTATION see POSTURE categories ORLE see CHARGE -- Peripheral {| | MACE |- |[[108]] |- |[-- Dragon and Wyvern] |- |[-- Griffin] |- |[-- Mantyger] |- |[-- Miscellaneous] |- |[-- Phoenix] |- |[-- Pithon] |- |[-- Sea] |- |[[109]] |- |[INSTRUMENT] |}

[[110]] [[111]] {| | |- | =P-R= || || |- | [[112]] |- |[and Pall Inverted] |- |[[113]] |- |[and Pile Inverted] |- |[[114]] |- |[[115]] |- |[[116]] |- |[Animate Charges] |- |[General] |- |[Inanimate Charges] |- |[or Presumption] |- |[[117]] |- |[and Protectable Items] |}

Reconstructibility see [Citations -- RfS VII (Reconstructibility)] [[118]] [Lizard] [Snake] [[119]] [Citations] [RfS VII.7.a (Identification)] [RfS VII.7.b (Reconstructibility)] [RfS VIII.1.a (Tincture and Charge Limit)] [RfS VIII.1.c.ii (Layer Limit)] [RfS VIII.3 (Armorial Identifiability)] [RfS X.2 (Substantially Different Charges)] [RfS X.4.j.i (Changes to Charges on Charges -- Two or more visually significant changes)] [RfS X.4.j.ii (Changes to Charges on Charges -- Changing all of a type in simple cases)] -- RfS XI.2 (Charge and Name Combinations {| | PALE |- |[and PALL INVERTED] |- |[Rolls of Arms and Armorials (discussion)] |- |[[120]] |- |[and PILE INVERTED] |- |[[121]] |- |[[122]] |- |[-- Animate Charges] |- |[-- General] |- |[-- Inanimate Charges] |- |[or PRESUMPTION] |- |[or PRESUMPTION -- Crests and Supporters] |- |PROPER see also PROPER -- Brown Precedent |- |[-- Brown Precedent] |- |[and PROTECTABLE ITEMS] |}

[[123]] [[124]] [-- Lizard] [-- Snake] [X.4.j.ii] [[125]] ROUNDEL {| | PALL |- |[[126]] |- |[and PILE INVERTED] |- |[[127]] |- |[[128]] |- |[[129]] |- |[or PRESUMPTION] |- |[[130]] |}

[[131]] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Serpent] [[132]] {| | |- | =S-T= || || |- | [[133]] |- |[[134]] |- |Shakefork see [and Pall Inverted] |- |[[135]] |- |[[136]] |- |[[137]] |- |Sun see [Star and Sun] |- |Sustained see [-- Mantained and Sustained] |- |[[138]] |- |[[139]] |- |[[140]] |}

[and Flaunch] [[141]] Trademark see [and Trademark] [[142]] [Branch] [[143]] [[144]] Triskele and Triskelion {| | SALTIRE |- |[[145]] |- |[[146]] |- |SHAKEFORK see [and PALL INVERTED] |- |[[147]] |- |[[148]] |- |[[149]] |- |[[150]] |- |[[151]] |- |[[152]] |- |SUN see [STAR and SUN] |- |SUSTAINED see [and SUSTAINED] |- |[[153]] |- |[[154]] |}

[and FLAUNCH] [[155]] [-- Astronomical] [-- Textile] TRADEMARK see [and TRADEMARK] [[156]] [BRANCH] [[157]] [[158]] [and TRISKELION] TROUSERS of NOBILITY {| | SALTIRE |- |[[159]] |- |SEEBLATT see [and SEEBLATT] |- |[[160]] |- |[[161]] |- |[[162]] |- |[[163]] |- |SUN see [STAR and SUN] |- |[[164]] |- |[[165]] |- |[[166]] |}

TIERCE see [-- Peripheral] [[167]] [[168]] || || =U-Z= || || || || [Comparison] [[169]] [Objects] [and Vols] [Teeth] [[170]] Wreath || VISUAL COMPARISON [[171]] [OBJECTS] [and VOLS] WREATH || VISUAL COMPARISON [[172]] [OBJECTS] [[173]] [Rule Change] [[174]] ||