Collected Armory Precedents 1993-1999: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 21:14, 3 April 2019

2nd Da'ud ibn Auda 2nd Da'ud ibn Auda Jaelle of Armida
(November 1993 - June 1994) (July 1994 - June 1996) (June 1996 - June 1999)
[/ Throughout]

[(CD)] [(Substantial)] Documentation {| | Candlestick |- |Castle, see [[7]] |- |[Group] |- |Chalice, see [[8]] |- |[Piece] |- |Column, see [[9]] |- |[Rose] |- |Compass Star, see [Compass Star, & Estoile] |- |Conflict, see [beginning with Difference-Insignificant] |- |Conflict-Visual, see [Conflict] |- |[[10]] |- |[[11]] |- |[[12]] |- |[[13]] |- |[[14]] |- |[[15]] |- |[[16]] |}

[[17]] [[18]] [[19]] [[20]] [[21]] [Conflict] Documentation {| | Caltrap |- |[& Candlestick] |- |[& Tower] |- |Chapé |- |Charge Groups |- |[[22]] |- |Cheese see [[23]] |- |Chess Piece |- |Chevron see [[24]] |- |Chief see [[25]] |- |[[26]] |- |[[27]] |- |[[28]] |- |[[29]] |- |[[30]] |- |[[31]] |- |[[32]] |- |[[33]] |- |Crown see [[34]] |- |[[35]] |- |Cypher Heraldry |}

[[36]] [[37]] [[38]] [[39]] Domain of the Society {| | |- | =E-G= || || |- | [[40]] |}

[Division] [Treatment] [and Flame] [[41]] [/ Fretty] [and Vegetables] [[42]] {| | Enflamed, see Flames & Enflamed |- |#E[[43]] |- |[[44]] |- |Estoile, see [Compass Star, & Estoile] |}

#F[[45]] Fimbriation & Voiding [[46]] Flames & Enflamed [[47]] [[48]] [[49]]

#G[[50]] [Clause] Grillage, see [[51]] Gurges {| | Ermine |- |Estoile see [& Estoile & Sun] |}

Field Division see Line of Division [& Voiding, & Piercing] [[52]] [[53]] [[54]] [[55]] Flaunches see [[56]] [[57]] [[58]] [[59]] [[60]] [[61]] Foot see [[62]] [[63]] [& Fretty]

Gateway see [[64]] [[65]] Groups see Charge Groups Grandfather Clause [[66]] {| | |- | =H-L= || || |- | [[67]] |- |[[68]] |}

[[69]] [[70]]


[[72]] [and Symbols] Lines of Partition {| | Hat |- |[[73]] |- |[[74]] |- |[[75]] |- |[[76]] |- |[[77]] |- |Identifiability & Reproducibility |- |Insect & Arachnid |}


[[79]] [Wreath] [[80]] Line of Division {| | [[81]] |- |Hardship cases |- |[[82]] |- |[[83]] |- |[[84]] |- |[[85]] |- |[[86]] |- |[[87]] |}

[& Reproducibility] [[88]]

[[89]] [[90]]

Laurel Wreath see [[91]] [[92]] [[93]] Lightning Bolt Line of Division {| | |- | =M-O= || || |- | [Charges] |- |[[94]] |- |[[95]] |- |* #O |- |Offense || Marshalling |- |[& Rustre] |- |[Symbols] |- |Modest Proposal, see [B: NON-SCA ARMORY] |- |[[96]] |- |[Compass Star, & Estoile] |- |[Instrument] |- |[Note] |}

[[97]] [[98]]

[[99]] [[100]] [[101]] {| | Modest Proposal |- |[[102]] |- |[[103]] |- |[& Wyvern] |- |[[104]] |- |[[105]] |- |[[106]] |- |[[107]] |- |[[108]] |- |[[109]] |- |[[110]] |- |[[111]] |- |[[112]] |- |[[113]] |- |Mosque see [[114]] |- |[& Estoile & Sun] |- |Musical Note |}

[[115]] [[116]] Ordinary see also Cross {| | |- | =P-R= || || |- | [[117]] |- |[[118]] |- |[[119]] |- |[[120]] |- |* #R |- |[[121]] |- |Restricted Charges || Pawprint |- |[[122]] |- |Permission to Conflict |- |Phoenix, see [[123]] |- |[[124]] |- |Pretense & Presumption. See also [[125]] |- |[[126]] |}

Reproducibility, see Identifiability & Reproducibility #R[[127]] [[128]] Rules Changes, see [A: RULES CHANGES] Rustre, see [& Rustre] {| | Paw print |- |Permission to Conflict see [RULINGS] |- |Piercing see [Voiding, & Piercing] |- |Pile see [[129]] |- |[[130]] |- |[& Pretense] |- |Pretzel see [[131]] |- |[[132]] |}

Rastrillo see [[133]] [[134]] Reproducibility see [& Reproducibility] [[135]] {| | |- | =S-Z= || || |- | [[136]] |- |[(Artistic)] |- |[(Balance)] |- |[(Design)] |- |[(Modern)] |- |[(Regional)] |- |[[137]] |}


[and Fimbriation]

[[139]] [objects] Wreath {| | Saw |- |[[140]] |- |[[141]] |- |[[142]] |- |Skull, see [[143]] |- |Sloth, see [[144]] |- |[[145]] |- |[[146]] |- |[[147]] |- |[[148]] |- |Style-MiscellaneousSee also Marshalling |- |Style-Pictorial & Naturalistic |- |[[149]] |}

#T[[150]] Tankard, see [[151]] [[152]] [[153]]

Unicorn, see [[154]]

Visual Conflict, see [Conflict] Voiding, see Fimbriation & Voiding


[[155]] Wreath-Laurel, see Laurel Wreath {| | [[156]]Semy |- |[[157]] |- |Simple Armory |- |Skull see [[158]] |- |Starfish see [& Estoile & Sun] |- |[[159]] |- |[[160]] |- |Style-Obtrusive Modernity |- |[[161]] |- |[[162]] |- |Style-Slot Machine |- |[- "Sword & Dagger"] |- |[[163]] |- |Sun see [& Estoile & Sun] |}

[[164]] [[165]] Tower see [& Tower] [[166]] [[167]]

[[168]] [[169]] Visual Conflict Voiding & Voidable Charge see [Voiding, & Piercing] [[170]] Wolf's Teeth [[171]]

[[172]] ||