Collected Armory Precedents, Editorial Project: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 21:15, 3 April 2019

2nd Elisabeth de Rossignol Shauna of Carrick Point 1st Francois la Flamme Elsbeth Anne Roth
[- Petitions]

ARCHITECTURE see also [[1]] and CASTLE [[2]] [and ARROWHEAD] [- Lobster] ARTHROPOD - Scorpion see [- Lobster] [[3]] [[4]]

[[5]] [[6]] [[7]] [- Badger] [- Camel] [- Cat] [- Dog] [- General] BEAST - Llama see [- Camel] BEAST - Tiger see [- Cat] BEAST - Wolf see [- Dog]

[- Cock and Hen] [- Crane-shaped] BIRD - Duck see [- Swan-shaped] [- Falcon] BIRD - Hen see [- Cock and Hen] BIRD - Heron see [- Crane-shaped] BIRD - Hummingbird see [- Miscellaneous] [- Owl] [- Peacock] BIRD - Penguin see [- Miscellaneous] [- Raven] BIRD - Simurgh see [- Peacock] BIRD - Swan see [- Swan-shaped] [- Swan-shaped] BIRD - Wren see [- Miscellaneous] [[8]] [[9]] [[10]]

[[11]] [[12]] [- Overall] [- Peripheral] [- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[13]] [STAR and SUN] [[14]] [[15]] [[16]] Counting Differences see [- Counting] Cover Letters:

[Wreath: A Four-Pointed Problem [04/2011 CL]] [Wreath: Chevrons, Per Chevron, and Their Inversions [05/2011]] [Wreath Emeritus: Lamps [06/2011]] [Wreath: On Demons [08/2011]] [[17]] [- Difference Between] [[18]] [and CHALICE] [- Counting] [- Group] [[19]] [- Coloring Problems] Enflamed see [[20]] Entwined charges see [GROUP] [and BAR] [DIVISION - Gyronny] [DIVISION - Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] [DIVISION - Per Saltire] [DIVISION - Quarterly] [DIVISION - Vêtu] [and VOIDED CHARGES] [[21]] [[22]] FISH - Dolphin see [[23]] [- Cup shape] FLOWER - Dogwood see [- Few petals] [- Few petals] [- Iris] [- Rose] [- Trumpet Shape] FLOWER - Trillium see [- Few petals] FLOWER - Tulip see [- Cup shape] FLOWER - Twinflower see [- Trumpet Shape] FLOWER - Water Lily see [- Cup shape] Gate see [[24]] [and FIREBALL] [and SCHNECKEN] [and GAUNTLET] [- Human] [[25]] [[26]] [[27]] [[28]] [BOLT] LINES of DIVISION - Embattled see [of DIVISION - Square] LINES of DIVISION - Indented see [of DIVISION - Jagged] [of DIVISION - Jagged] [of DIVISION - Long] [of DIVISION - Miscellaneous] LINES of DIVISION - Nebuly see [of DIVISION - Wavy] LINES of DIVISION - Rayonny see [of DIVISION - Long] [of DIVISION - Square] [of DIVISION - Wavy] [[29]] [[30]] Marshalled Arms see [or PRESUMPTION - Marshalling] [- Snail] MONSTER - Cockatrice see [- Dragon and Wyvern] [- Dragon and Wyvern] [- Humanoid] MONSTER - Oriental Dragon see [- Dragon and Wyvern] [- Phoenix] [- Pithon] MONSTER - Wyvern see [- Dragon and Wyvern] [[31]] [ARMORY] [PRINT] [[32]] [- Animate Charges] [- General] [or PRESUMPTION] [or PRESUMPTION - Marshalling] [[33]] Rune see [[34]] Sail see [- Part] Saltcellar see [and CHALICE] Scroll see [[35]] [[36]] SFPP see [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] [[37]] [- Part] Sparks see [[38]] [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] [[39]] [[40]] [[41]] [[42]] Tassel see [[43]] [- Textile] [[44]] [[45]] [[46]] [and TRISKELION] Valknut see [[47]] [COMPARISON] Organized by the owner of the registered armory in question Wall see [and BAR] Weirdness see [FROM PERIOD PRACTICE] Windmill see [[48]] WREATH {| | Amphibian |- |[[49]] |- |[[50]] |- |[[51]] |- |[Conjoined] |- |[Forced Move] |- |[Three Charges] |- |[and Arrowhead] |- |[[52]] |- |[Bee] |- |[Spider] |- |[[53]] |- |[[54]] |}

[[55]] [[56]] [Badger] [Bat] [Bear] [Boar] [Cat, Lion and Tiger] [Deer] [Dog and Wolf] [Elephant] [Miscellaneous] [Mouse] [Rabbit] [Weasel] [and Bend Sinister]

[[57]] [Crane-shaped] [Poultry-shaped] [Regular-shaped] [Swan-Shaped] [[58]] [[59]] [[60]]

[[61]] [[62]] [[63]] [[64]] [and Tower] [[65]] [Maintained and Sustained] [Miscellaneous] [Overall] [Peripheral] [Restricted or Reserved] [Tertiary] [Group] [Piece] [and Chevron Inverted] [[66]] [[67]] [[68]] [Star and Sun] [[69]] [[70]] [and Trademark] [and Crown] [[71]] [[72]] [and Erased] [and Throughout] [[73]] [[74]] [and Chalice] [[75]] [[76]] [[77]] [[78]] [Substantial] [Groups] [[79]] [Exception] Dolphin see [and Dolphin] [Spindle] [[80]] [Coloring Problems] [[81]] Erased and Couped see [and Erased] Ermine see [[82]] [Spot] [[83]] [[84]] [[85]] [and Bar] [Division] [Barry] [Bendy and Bendy Sinister] [Chapé] [Checky and Party of Six] [Chevronelly] [Gyronny] [Miscellaneous] [Paly] [Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] [Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] [Per Fess] [Per Pale] [Per Pall and Per Pall Inverted] [Quaterly] [Vêtu] [Primary Armory] [Treatment ] -- Ermined see [[86]] -- Fret/Fretty see [and Fretty] -- Semy see [[87]] [[88]] [and Voided Charges] [and Dolphin] [and Fire] Flaunch see [and Flaunch] [[89]] [[90]] [Lily] [Miscellaneous] [Rose] [Thistle] [Trillium] [[91]] [[92]] [and Fretty] [[93]] [[94]] [[95]] [Clause] [and Fireball] [[96]] [and Gauntlet] [[97]] [[98]] -- Beast see also Couped and Erased [Human] [Monster] [[99]] [and Helmet] [[100]] [[101]] [[102]] [[103]] [[104]] [[105]] [and Jambe] [Bolt] Lines of Division see [Division] Location see [[106]] [[107]] Maintained and Sustained, see [-- Maintained and Sustained] [[108]] [[109]] [[110]] [Chimera] [Dragon and Wyvern] [Griffin] [Humanoid] [Miscellaneous] [Panther] [Pegasus] [Phoenix] [Pithon] [Sea] [Winged] [and Mountain] [[111]] [Armory] [Instrument] [[112]] [Modernity] Orientation see [[113]] Orle see [-- Peripheral] [[114]] [and Pall Inverted] [[115]] [and Pile Inverted] [[116]] [[117]] [[118]] [Animate Charges] [General] [Inanimate Charges] [or Presumption] [[119]] [and Protectable Items] Reconstructibility see [Citations -- RfS VII (Reconstructibility)] [[120]] [Lizard] [Snake] [[121]] [Citations] [RfS VII.7.a (Identification)] [RfS VII.7.b (Reconstructibility)] [RfS VIII.1.a (Tincture and Charge Limit)] [RfS VIII.1.c.ii (Layer Limit)] [RfS VIII.3 (Armorial Identifiability)] [RfS X.2 (Substantially Different Charges)] [RfS X.4.j.i (Changes to Charges on Charges -- Two or more visually significant changes)] [RfS X.4.j.ii (Changes to Charges on Charges -- Changing all of a type in simple cases)] [RfS XI.2 (Charge and Name Combinations] [[122]] [[123]] Shakefork see [and Pall Inverted] [[124]] [[125]] [[126]] Sun see [Star and Sun] Sustained see [-- Mantained and Sustained] [[127]] [[128]] [[129]] [and Flaunch] [[130]] Trademark see [and Trademark] [[131]] [Branch] [[132]] [[133]] [and Triskelion] [Comparison] [[134]] [Objects] [and Vols] [Teeth] [[135]] Wreath {| | ADMINISTRATIVE |- |[-- Comments and Commenting] |- |[-- A Cautionary Word Regarding "Conflict Tables"] |- |[-- Devices for Consorts and Royal Heirs] |- |[-- Generic Identifiers] |- |[-- Permission to Conflict] |- |[-- Registration Limit] |}

[[136]] [[137]] [[138]] [[139]] [-- Conjoined] [-- Forced Move] [and ARROWHEAD] [-- Bee] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Spider] [[140]] [[141]]

[[142]] [[143]] [-- Badger] [-- Bat] [-- Bear] [-- Beaver] [-- Boar] [-- Cat, Lion and Tiger] [-- Deer] [-- Dog and Wolf] [-- Elephant] [-- General] [-- Goat] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Mouse] [-- Rabbit] [-- Weasel] [and BEND SINISTER]

[-- Cock and Hen] BIRD -- Corbie see [-- Raven] [-- Cornish Chough] [-- Dove] [-- Duck] [-- Eagle] [-- Falcon and Hawk] [-- Generic] [-- Goose] [-- Loon] [-- Martlet] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Owl] [-- Peacock] [-- Quail] [-- Raven] [-- Ravens and Similar Birds] [-- Sparrow] [-- Swan] [-- Vulture] BIRDS and SUBSTANTIAL DIFFERENCE see also APPENDIX A -- Some birds and the postures in which they are found in period English heraldry [[144]] [[145]] [[146]]

[[147]] [[148]] [PIQUE] [and TOWER] [-- Maintained and Sustained] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Overall] [-- Peripheral] [-- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP] [PIECE] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[149]] [[150]] [[151]] [STAR and SUN] [[152]] [[153]] [and TRADEMARK] [and CROWN] [[154]] [[155]] [and ERASED] [and THROUGHOUT] [[156]] [[157]] [and BOW] [and CHALICE] [[158]] [[159]] [[160]] [-- Substantial] [-- Groups] [[161]] [EXCEPTION] DOLPHIN see [and DOLPHIN] [[162]] [-- Coloring Problems] [[163]] ERASED and COUPED see [and ERASED] ERMINE see [[164]] [SPOT] [[165]] [[166]] [[167]] [and BAR] [DIVISION -- Barry] [DIVISION -- Bendy and Bendy Sinister] [DIVISION -- Chapé] [DIVISION -- Checky and Party of Six] [DIVISION -- Chevronelly] [DIVISION -- Gyronny] [DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [DIVISION -- Paly] [DIVISION -- Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] [DIVISION -- Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] [DIVISION -- Per Fess] [DIVISION -- Per Pall and Per Pall Inverted] [DIVISION -- Quarterly] [DIVISION -- Vêtu] [PRIMARY ARMORY] FIELD TREATMENT -- Ermined see [[168]] [TREATMENT -- Honeycombed] [TREATMENT -- Mailly and Other Field Treatments] [TREATMENT -- Masoned] [TREATMENT -- Miscellaneous] FIELD TREATMENT -- Semy see [[169]] [[170]] [and VOIDED CHARGES] [and DOLPHIN] [and BANNER] [and FIRE] FLAUNCH see [and FLAUNCH] [[171]] [-- Lily] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Rose] [-- Thistle] [-- Trillium] [-- Tulip] [[172]] [and FRETTY] [[173]] [[174]] [[175]] [CLAUSE] [and FIREBALL] [[176]] [and GAUNTLET] [[177]] HEAD -- Beast see also COUPED and ERASED HEAD -- Bird see also COUPED and ERASED [-- Human] [-- Monster] [[178]] [and HELMET] [[179]] [[180]] [MON and CHARGES] [[181]] [[182]] [[183]] [and JAMBE] [BOLT] [of DIVISION -- Jagged] [of DIVISION -- Long] [of DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [of DIVISION -- Square] [of DIVISION -- Wavy] LOCATION see [[184]] [[185]] [[186]] [-- Snail] [-- Chimera] [-- Dragon and Wyvern] [-- Griffin] [-- Humanoid] [-- Merfolk] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Panther] [-- Pegasus] [-- Phoenix] [-- Pithon] [-- Sea] [-- Winged] [and MOUNTAIN] [[187]] [ARMORY] [INSTRUMENTS] [[188]] [MODERNITY] [[189]] ORIENTATION see POSTURE categories ORLE see [-- Peripheral] [[190]] [and PALL INVERTED] [Rolls of Arms and Armorials (discussion)] [[191]] [and PILE INVERTED] [[192]] [[193]] [-- Animate Charges] [-- General] [-- Inanimate Charges] [or PRESUMPTION] [or PRESUMPTION -- Crests and Supporters] PROPER see also PROPER -- Brown Precedent [-- Brown Precedent] [and PROTECTABLE ITEMS] [[194]] [[195]] [-- Lizard] [-- Snake] [X.4.j.ii] [[196]] [[197]] [[198]] [[199]] [[200]] SHAKEFORK see [and PALL INVERTED] [[201]] [[202]] [[203]] [[204]] [[205]] [[206]] SUN see [STAR and SUN] SUSTAINED see [and SUSTAINED] [[207]] [[208]] [and FLAUNCH] [[209]] [-- Astronomical] [-- Textile] TRADEMARK see [and TRADEMARK] [[210]] [BRANCH] [[211]] [[212]] [and TRISKELION] [of NOBILITY] [COMPARISON] [[213]] [OBJECTS] [and VOLS] WREATH {| | ADMINISTRATIVE |}

[[214]] [[215]] [[216]] [[217]] [[218]]

[-- Antelope and Yale] [-- Cat, Lion and Tiger] [-- Deer] [-- Dog and Wolf] [-- Ferret] [-- Horse and Zebra] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Reremouse] [and BEND SINISTER]

[-- Chicken] [-- Eagle] [-- Falcon] [-- Hawk] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Owl] [-- Precedent on Difference] [-- Raven] [-- Swan] [[219]]

[PIQUE] [and TOWER] [and CUP] CHARGE -- Miscellaneous see the index for a list of charges included in this category [-- Overall] [-- Peripheral] [-- Restricted or Reserved] [GROUP] [PIECE] [and CHEVRON INVERTED] [[220]] [ROSE] [STAR and SUN] [[221]] [[222]] [[223]] [[224]] [[225]] [[226]] [[227]] [[228]] [and WHALE] [[229]] [[230]] [[231]] [DIVISION -- Chapé] [DIVISION -- Chaussé] [DIVISION -- Checky] [DIVISION -- Gyronny] [DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [DIVISION -- Per Bend and Per Bend Sinister] [DIVISION -- Per Chevron and Per Chevron Inverted] [DIVISION -- Per Pale] [PRIMARY] [TREATMENT -- Honeycomb] [TREATMENT -- Masoned] FIELD TREATMENT -- Semy see [[232]] [[233]] [and VOIDED CHARGES] [[234]] [and FIRE] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Rose] [-- Thistle] [[235]] [[236]] [and FRETTY] [CLAUSE] [[237]] [[238]] [[239]] [and SEEBLATT] [[240]] [[241]] [[242]] [and LANTERN] [[243]] [of DIVISION -- Bevilled] [of DIVISION -- Embattled] [of DIVISION -- Miscellaneous] [of DIVISION -- Potenty] [of DIVISION -- Wavy] [[244]] [[245]] [-- Dragon and Wyvern] [-- Griffin] [-- Mantyger] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Phoenix] [-- Pithon] [-- Sea] [[246]] [INSTRUMENT] [[247]] [[248]] [[249]] [[250]] [and PILE INVERTED] [[251]] [[252]] [[253]] [or PRESUMPTION] [[254]] [[255]] [-- Miscellaneous] [-- Serpent] [[256]] [[257]] [[258]] SEEBLATT see [and SEEBLATT] [[259]] [[260]] [[261]] [[262]] SUN see [STAR and SUN] [[263]] [[264]] [[265]] TIERCE see [-- Peripheral] [[266]] [[267]] [COMPARISON] [[268]] [OBJECTS] [[269]] [Rule Change] [[270]] ||