Shofar: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 19:31, 22 June 2019

[Illustration from period source]

[Illustration from PicDic]

Illustration/s from Brickbat's Armorial Stash - [[1]]:

Pennsic Traceable Art Project:

Period Images (found by Christie Ward):[edit | edit source]

(1) 6th c. "Shalom al Yisrael" mosaic floor from a synagogue in Jericho showing a shofar. (

(2) 13th c. Machzor Shows a Shofar Blower (

(3) 13th-14th c. Trumpeter blowing the Shofar at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, manuscript according to the German rite. ( -Hashanah-and-Yom-%C3%A2%C2%80%C2%A6?img=0&search=XIII-XIV%20siecle)

(4) 1393 - Shofar in a Biblical and Halakhic Miscellany. Germany, ms 652. (

(5) 1560 - The return of the Messiah at the gates of Jerusalem heralded by the shofar of the prophet Elijah. (

(6) 1609 - The return of the Messiah at the gates of Jerusalem heralded by the shofar of the prophet Elijah. Venice. (

Registered or Submitted Images:[edit | edit source]

The kudu-horn shofar is thought to be post period hence the simpler rams-horn version on Yitzchak of Marinus' device.


Precedents:[edit | edit source]

The [[2]]:[edit | edit source]