Italian Names: Difference between revisions

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Name Pattern Search Form for registered items -<br>
Name Pattern Search Form for registered items -<br>

* Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - (copies required)
Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - (copies required)<br>
* Archive of St. Gabriel reports - ("no copy")
Archive of St. Gabriel reports - ("no copy")<br>
* Academy of St. Gabriel "working" bibliography -
Academy of St. Gabriel "working" bibliography -

* Database of Medieval Names ("index" of the St. Gabriel articles) -
* Database of Medieval Names ("index" of the St. Gabriel articles) -

Revision as of 08:07, 14 September 2019

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.


Laurel Name Articles - ("no copy" source)
On-line System for Commentary and Response (OSCAR) - (mine previous submissions, need copies)
Morsulus LoAR/Precedent Searches - ("no copy")
Name Pattern Search Form for registered items -

Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - (copies required)
Archive of St. Gabriel reports - ("no copy")
Academy of St. Gabriel "working" bibliography -

Dizionario Onomastico della Sicilia - 2-volume 1800 page book on Sicilian names by Girolamo Caracausi

Florio's 1611 Italian-English Dictionary - (also a 1598 version at the same site)
Rules Useful in Constructing Italian Phrases Appropriate to the 16th century (based on above) -

St. Gabriel Report #3052 (on Italian "wife of" names) -

Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence, medieval manuscripts including the Codex Amiatinus. -


"Italia: Mercator Place Names in 1554" by Maridonna Benvenuti (@

SENA Appendix A - Patterns That Do Not Need Further Documentation...


Double Given Names Locative Patronymic Other relationship Descriptive/Occupational Dictus Double Bynames Order
Italian Yes; triple names very late Phrase (see notes), unmarked, Latinized Marked (as di B), multi-generational, unmarked, Latinized Family names (see notes), matronymics (as di B) Yes; rarely use articles Early, Latinized only Yes; patronymic bynames in these patterns are generally marked with di given+byname

given+pat+pat given+pat+family given+pat+locative given+family+locative


Italian is incredibly variable in period, with names from Venice, Tuscany, and the south all significantly different. For Venice, see Juliana de Luna, "Names from 16th Century Venice" ( For Tuscany see Juliana de Luna, "Names in 15th Century Florence and her Dominions: the Condado" ( and Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Names from Arezzo, Italy, 1386-1528" ( For the south, see Aryanhwy merch Catmael "Names from 15th Century Naples" ( Latinized patronymic bynames usually are just the father's name in the genitive form, without filius/filiaI.

Locative bynames in the northern and central areas normally take the form da X, but de X and di X are rarely found. Generic toponymics take the form della/dalla/dello/dallo Y. In the south, de X and di X are far more common.

Family names typically modify a patronym or byname by removing the last vowel (if there is one) and adding –i. Unmodified forms are found as well.

Appendix C: Regional Naming Groups and Their Mixes

Regional Groups: By Time Period: Languages Included In This Group: Can Be Combined With Groups:
Italian 550-1100 Italian, Sicilian, Venetian, etc. Arabic

French German Greek Iberian (per June 2012 Cover Letter) South Slavic

1100-1600 Italian, Sicilian, Venetian, etc. Arabic

French German Greek Iberian (per June 2012 Cover Letter) South Slavic Turkish (per Sept 2012 CL)

Iberian (per June 2012 Cover Letter) South Slavic {| | |- |^ || 1100-1600 || Italian, Sicilian, Venetian, etc. || Arabic |- |French |- |German |- |Greek |}

Iberian (per June 2012 Cover Letter) South Slavic Turkish (per Sept 2012 CL) {| | |- | |- |---- |- |===Precedents:=== |- |Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[1]] |- |Morsulus Heralds Website - [[2]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents) |- |Restatement Wiki - [[3]] (restatements of Precedents) |- |Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents. |}

Collected Name Precedents: Italian - [[4]]

Sept 2012 CL - Appendix C Mismatches:

From Palimpsest and Pelican: Mismatches in Appendix C [[5]] A couple enterprising heralds pointed out to me that there were further mismatches in Appendix C of SENA beyond the two repaired in the June 2012 Cover Letter. After consultation with Pelican, it is clear that in all cases of mismatch, they should be resolved by making them compatible in both directions. Appendix C has been updated to resolve all the mismatches. For reference, the updates are as follows (all are listed by Regional Group name): Hungarian/Romanian is added as compatible to German and South Slavic for both 550-1100 and 1100-1600; Mongol is added as compatible to Arabic, Hungarian/Romanian, Russian/East Slavic, and Turkish for 1100-1600; Persian is added as compatible to Arabic and Turkish for 1100-1600; and Turkish is added as compatible to Italian for 1100-1600. Please note that these compatibilities were already listed in Appendix C in the other direction; their omission was an oversight uncaught in proofreading. [[6]]

June 2012 CL - Appendix C Typos:

From Palimpsest and Pelican: Tidying up Some Typos: It has come to our attention that there are two minor errors in the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory. As these were unintentional errors that do not seriously affect the Standards or their implementation, we are simply correcting them. First, in the Table of Regional Naming Groups and Their Mixes in Appendix C, Italian is shown as a compatible Naming Group for Iberian, but the reverse is not true. This is an oversight, and Iberian should be listed as a compatible Naming Group for Italian for both time periods. Second, in Appendix F, under A Partial List of Registerable Tinctures, it says that the "main heraldic tinctures are listed in A.4.B.1". This is a pure typo, and it should instead refer to A.3.B.1. [[7]]

#83"old" March 2004 LoAR - feminizing masculine names:

Raffaella di Contino. Name and device. Argent, a sheaf of peacock feathers proper and on a chief sable two rapiers in saltire proper. Submitted as Raph__aella di Contin__i, the submitter requested authenticity for mid-1400 to 1500 Venice and allowed any changes. No documentation was presented and none was found to support a -ph-// spelling of the given name in Italian, even modernly. Lacking such evidence, we have changed this to the undated feminine form //Raffaella// found in De Felice, //Dizionario dei nomi Italiani (p. 311 s.n. Raffaelle). No evidence was found that a feminine form of Raffaello// was used in Italian in period. However, the documented examples of the masculine given name forms//Raffaello// and //Raffaele//, combined with the period examples of feminine names ending in //-a// sharing the same root as masculine names ending in //-o//, is sufficient to give the submitter the benefit regarding the plausibility of //Raffaella in period. Lacking dated period examples of this given name, we were unable to make this name authentic for the submitter's requested time and culture.