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'''WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.'''
'''WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.'''
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*<span style="background-color: #ffffff;">Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Heraldry Archive" - </span>http://www.s-gabriel.org/heraldry/
* Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Heraldry Archive" - http://www.s-gabriel.org/heraldry/
*Archive of St. Gabriel reports - [[http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/archive.cgi]]
*Archive of St. Gabriel reports - http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/archive.cgi
*Laurel Armory Articles - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/armory_articles.html
*Laurel Armory Articles - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/armory_articles.html
*[[Period Armorials]]
*[[Period Armorials]]
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*Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html]]
*Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html
*Morsulus Heralds Website - [[http://www.morsulus.org/]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents)
*Morsulus Heralds Website - http://www.morsulus.org/ (to search the LoARs and Precedents)
*Restatement Wiki - [[http://yehudaheraldry.com/restatement/index.php?title=Main_Page]] (restatements of Precedents)
*''Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.''
*''Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.''


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[[Category:Armory]] [[Category:Need Work]]

Revision as of 18:56, 19 August 2020

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.


Period source/s:

Livro [[BSB270_088r_crosspurpure.JPG [[Manesse-299r_VonWissenlo_possible-purpure.jpg
Livro do Armeiro Mor, 1506-09, Portugal, f134v, purpure, sheep, rope BSB270, Insignia Nobilium Mediolanensium, 1550-55, cross purpure Manesse Codex, c. 1304-41, purpure flowers on azure fess

Seibmacher_p058_possible-purpure.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10805689_429693793847613_8761363096421317398_n.jpg?oh=fcec1415210b0da8af33d874a042c71c&oe=553E6DF5&gda=1426781225_7698c9d32ceb455a763f0255abee8b95
Siebmacher, 1605, plate 58k, sable cow on purpure or azure field BSB 276, Insignia Veronensium, f45r, 1550-55, purpure in Italian (same folio has azure and sable for comparison, see also f6 Bauga with both azure and purpure in same arms)




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