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Antroponimia în Transilvania medievală (secolele XI-XIV)  
Antroponimia în Transilvania medievală (secolele XI-XIV)  
* [ Volume 1]
* [ Volume 1]
* [ Volume 2]
* [ Volume 2 - large table of dated names!]

Antroponimia feminină din Transilvania în secolul al XIII-lea. Opinii introductive / Feminine Anthroponymy in Thirteenth-Century Transylvania. Preliminary views
Antroponimia feminină din Transilvania în secolul al XIII-lea. Opinii introductive / Feminine Anthroponymy in Thirteenth-Century Transylvania. Preliminary views

Revision as of 21:52, 13 June 2024

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources (generally linked) to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Contact the editor-in-chief, Sofya la Rus, if there are copyright concerns or other issues.  sofya at calontiri dot info 

This naming group includes: Hungarian, Romanian


Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" -
Database of medieval names (from the Medieval Names Archive) -
Archive of St. Gabriel reports -

Laurel Name Articles -

IGI Searches, batches beginning with C, J, K, M (except M17 and M18), or P are acceptable -

Omniglot On-line Encyclopedia of Writing Systems and Languages -


Fehértói doesn't go into etymologies...

  • Fehértói, Katalin. 1969a. A 14. századi magyar megkülönböztető nevek. Nyelvtudományi

Értekezések 68. Budapest.

  • Fehértói, Katalin. 1969b. “Társadalmi-gazdasági tényezők a 14. századi jobbágyság kételemű

neveinek kialakulásában”. In: M. Kázmér − J. Végh (eds.), Névtudományi előadások, 153- 156. Budapest.

  • Fehértói, Katalin. 1973, 1975. “Helynevek mint családnevek de praepositio vagy -i képző

nélkül”. Magyar Nyelv 69, 197-203 and Magyar Nyelv 71, 113-117.

  • Fehértói, Katalin. 2004.Arpad-kori szemelynevtar [Onamastican of given names from the Arpadian age.] Akademiai Kiado. Budapest.

Kálmán's "World of Names" modernizes all spellings and offers very few or no clear dates for anything, so it should not be relied on as sole documentation.

Kiss Lajos (the placenames tome) derives many of the "old native" names from Turkic elements/borrowings.

Personal names and society in medieval Hungarian cities and market-towns by Gulyás László Szabolcs


Antroponimia în Transilvania medievală (secolele XI-XIV)

Antroponimia feminină din Transilvania în secolul al XIII-lea. Opinii introductive / Feminine Anthroponymy in Thirteenth-Century Transylvania. Preliminary views -

Antroponimia feminină din Transilvania în secolul al XIV-lea / Female Anthroponymy in Fourteenth-Century Transylvania -

From Victor V. Vizauer's profile:

Names of Slavic Origin in the Medieval Romanian Anthroponomy

SENA Appendix A: Patterns... (as of 12 October 2013)


Double Given Names Locative Patronymic Other relationship Descriptive/Occupational Dictus Double Bynames Order
Hungarian Adjectival (vernacular), phrase (de X), unmarked (Latinized) Unmarked, rarely marked (as B-fi) metronymics (late period); wife (see notes) Yes; without articles byname+given (vernacular)

given+byname (Latinized)

Romanian Phrase, adjectival (see article) See notes Yes given+byname


Hungarian: Women often have marital bynames that add -ne to her husband's complete name. See Walraven van Nijmegen, "Hungarian Names 101" ( or various articles by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia in the KWHSS Proceedings for more details.

Romanian: See Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Names from the Royal Lines of Moldavia and Wallachia" ( for more details. The article does not document patronymic bynames, but that appears to be an artifact of the (royal) data.

Appendix C: Regional Naming Groups...

Regional Groups: By Time Period: Languages Included In This Group: Can Be Combined With Groups:
Hungarian/Romanian 550-1100 Hungarian, Romanian, etc. German

North Slavic

South Slavic

1100-1600 Hungarian, Romanian, etc. German

Mongol (per Sept 2012 CL)

North Slavic

South Slavic


Precedents of the SCA College of Arms -

Morsulus Heralds Website - (to search the LoARs and Precedents)

Restatement Wiki - (restatements of Precedents)

Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.

Collected Name Precedents: Hungarian -
Collected Name Precedents: Romanian -

January 2021 Hungarian Alternate Titles

Ursula Palimpsest proposed changes to the list of alternate titles at on the Letter of Intent dated August 31, 2020. This proposal modifies titles in the Hungarian Titles table based on research done by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia.

We are making the following changes based on this research:

  • For "Viscounty Masculine" and "Viscounty Feminine", no evidence could be found to support analogues to these titles prior to 1650. The current titles of Viscomte and Viscomte felesége are therefore released.
  • For "Peerage Order Masculine" and "Peerage Order Feminine", Tanár and Tanárnö are released as they are post-period.
  • For "Knight (title) Masculine" and "Knight (title) Feminine", no evidence could be found for titles limited to this rank in Hungarian. Uram is not even a feminine title at all. We hereby release the title Uram. See below for the disposition of Ur.
  • For "Award or Grant of Arms Masculine", the current title of Gyula is a given name in Hungarian. As a title, its origins are Bulgar-Turkic. Therefore, this title is released. In its place, we hereby add Ur since this masculine title was used for noble men of all ranks in period in Hungary. This rank is used with the pattern <given name> Ur.

We wish to thank Julia for her hard work and contributions and direct Palimpsest to update the Alternate Titles table accordingly.

August 2013 - Some Name Resources

(An Ongoing Series) Hungarian is one of the most popular Eastern European languages with submitters. It's interesting for a couple of reasons. First, it's not an Indo-European language, so it's quite different from most other European languages. Second, the kingdom of Hungary was an important medieval state. This multi-ethnic and multi-lingual state was dominated by Hungarian speakers, but also included large numbers of Romanian, German, Slovak, Serbian, and Ruthenian speakers. Ruthenian was discussed briefly last month; it's the medieval ancestor of Belarusian, Ukrainian, and Rusyn. The other Slavic languages and Romanian will be discussed in the next few months. In the medieval kingdom of Hungary, Western influences were more important than in Russia or Lithuania. Thus, Latin was an important language of record through the entire medieval period. Vernacular documents existed as well, though Latin dominated until the Renaissance. One well-known feature of Hungarian is that names do not follow the typical European name order. In vernacular (Hungarian) contexts, the given name follows the family name. In Latinized contexts, the given name precedes it. Thus, a name might be recorded in vernacular form as Andrasfi Lazlo or Nagy Miklos and in Latinized form as Laudislaus Andrasfi or Michael Nagy. As it is often difficult for the non-expert to determine if a name is Latinized or not, and many articles do not distinguish between Latinized and vernacular forms, we allow the registration of Hungarian names in either order. In Latinized names, the given names are Latinized, but bynames are often identical to the vernacular forms. This is even true for patronymic bynames; documentary Latinized forms in Hungary are as likely to look like the 1566 Ioannes Peter as the completely Latinized //Ioannes (filius) Petri. Bynames of relationship are the most common type of byname. Patronymic bynames are most frequently unmarked in Hungarian: they are simply identical to the given name of the person's father, as in Ioannes Peter above. Rarely, they are formed by adding -fi or -fy, shortened forms of fia "son." There are examples of matronymic byname, formed from the given name of the person's mother. Marital bynames are formed for women by adding -ne to the end of the husband's entire name, as in Margit Sos Mathene "Margit, the wife of Mathe Salt." Additionally, occupational, descriptive, and locative bynames are all found in Hungarian. So, how can you document elements for a Hungarian name? It remains true that books (written in Hungarian, of course) have the largest number of byname elements. If you ask on heraldry lists, you're likely to encounter people who have those books. If you have trouble, it's worth seeking out experts like Kolosvari Arpadne Julia. Julia's articles that deal with names generally have mostly been published in Known World Heraldic Symposium Proceedings, and are not available online. The exception is her "Names of property owners in northern Hungary, 1427," (which can be downloaded from and her "Ethnic Bynames in Hungarian before 1600 ( For given names, the best sources are Walraven van Nijmegen's "Hungarian Personal Names of the 16th Century" ( and his "Hungarian Feminine Names" ( -

September 2012 - Appendix C Mismatches

From Palimpsest and Pelican: Mismatches in Appendix C: A couple enterprising heralds pointed out to me that there were further mismatches in Appendix C of SENA beyond the two repaired in the June 2012 Cover Letter. After consultation with Pelican, it is clear that in all cases of mismatch, they should be resolved by making them compatible in both directions. Appendix C has been updated to resolve all the mismatches. For reference, the updates are as follows (all are listed by Regional Group name): Hungarian/Romanian is added as compatible to German and South Slavic for both 550-1100 and 1100-1600; Mongol is added as compatible to Arabic, Hungarian/Romanian, Russian/East Slavic, and Turkish for 1100-1600; Persian is added as compatible to Arabic and Turkish for 1100-1600; and Turkish is added as compatible to Italian for 1100-1600. Please note that these compatibilities were already listed in Appendix C in the other direction; their omission was an oversight uncaught in proofreading.

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources (generally linked) to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Contact the editor-in-chief, Sofya la Rus, if there are copyright concerns or other issues.  sofya at calontiri dot info