Azure and Vert

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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.

Basic Information:

Many combinations of azure and vert (blue and green), especially azure on vert and vert on azure, would be considered lowcontrast and would be un-registerable using the Core Style rules. They would have to be registered as an Individually Attested Pattern formerly known as a Regional Style Exception.

See SENA -

Period Examples:

Link to Spreadsheet of Tincture IAPs on Google Docs - [[1]] Form to add new examples to the Tincture IAP Spreadsheet -


Siebmacher, 1605. Gules mount issuant (?) from dexter on an azure field with a vert base. Image courtesy of Andreas Lucernensis

Regional Exceptions to the Rule of Tincture, Vol. 01 (German) - [[2]]

Regional Exceptions to the Rule of Tincture, Vol. 02 (more German) - [[3]]

Bartenschlager Band 6, Pflum: Azure a popinjay perched upon a branch vert flowering gules. @

Bartenschlager Band 7, Ruh: Azure, a riding boot sable spurred Or upon a trimount issueant from base vert. @ Also Harder Band 8, Ruh. @

From Großes Wappenbuch, enthaltend die Wappen der deutschen Kaiser, der europäischen Königs- und Fürstenhäuser, der Päpste und Kardinäle, Bischöfe und Äbte bis zu den lebenden Repräsentanten zur Zeit der Regentschaft Kaiser Rudolfs II. und Papst Gregors XIII. - Cod.icon. 333 [S.l.] Süddeutschland 1583 @,00006.html (collected by Gunnvor silfrahar)

Bishop Wallis: Azure, in chief two mullets of six or and in base a trimount couped gules. @


File:Salamanca armorial catalan16thCa.jpg
Salamanca Armorial, 16th c., Catalan, azure bordure on vert, vert tertiaries on azure bordure


BSB275, Insignia nobilium Patavinorum..., Italian 1550-55, f65r, comets, mount, vert on azure
1506-1509 Livro hotmess.jpg
Livro de Armeiro-Mor 1506-1509, blue on green, green on red, black on red, complexity count of 11, dog & wolf


Šemetkovce, Slovakia: Azure, on a base vert a bear rampant contourney maintaining a garb or, into the sinister side of which is stuck a sickle argent hafted Or. @


Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[4]] Morsulus Heralds Website - [[5]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents)

From the <month> <year> LoAR:

Created {$creationdate}