Saerlaith Conwy

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Sáerlaith Conwy

  • Middle Irish Gaelic given name Sáerlaith and the Welsh locative byname Conwy.



  • Conwy castle - there exists a petition mentioning Conwy castle, by this spelling, dated to 1378-1390
  • Apparently, Edward I started building Conwy Castle in 1283. Before that, there was a monastery at that place, which

historians call Aberconwy. This was on the bank of the Conwy River.

  • Need a date earlier than 1269 to go with Saerlaith, unless find a later date than 969 for Saerlaith.


  • MI Gaelic and Welsh are a compatible lingual mix per SENA Appendix C
  • MI Gaelic and Welsh are not in the same language family, so elements need to be within 300 years of each other, ibid