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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources to verify the information and use them for your documentation.



A fess lozengy and a fess ?, barrulets embowed:

UniverseelWapenboek_c1558_KM1121_FessLozengy.jpg Arlberg_1548_barrulets.jpg
Fess Lozengy and a Fess... ? Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Brudershaft, 1548, f ?, barrulets embowed

Dancety, wreathed, paly with a curve:

UniverseelWapenboek_c1558_FessDancetty.jpg 119b.gif 159px-Th%C3%BCngen-Scheibler284ps.jpg
Fesses and bars dancetty in chief Fox-Davies, Carmichael arms (protected), fess wreathed, color-on-color. BSB312 Scheibler Wappenbuch, 1450-80, a fess gules charged with pales with the middles curved outward to sinister (blazon paraphrased from Riestap per Bruce Draconarius). Wikimedia Commons image.


Pictorial Dictionary, 3rd edition:

Vector Graphics:

Pennsic Traceable Art Project:


Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Heraldry Archive" - http://www.s-gabriel.org/heraldry/
Archive of St. Gabriel reports - http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/archive.cgi
Laurel Armory Articles - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/armory_articles.html
Period Armorials

A Heraldic Primer=



Diminutives are thinner, smaller versions of the ordinaries. Diminutives are not registered in SCA heraldry as solitary charges. They may be registered in multiples (per PicDic3).

The bar is a diminutive of the fess.

Sable, a fess argent. Sable, a bar argent.
afess.gif abar.gif


Gemelling is a term which applies to two bars placed closely together. It is generally termed as a bar gemel. According to the PicDic3, gemmelling is allowed in the SCA, and other charges besides bars may be gemmelled.

Sable, a bar gemel (or gemmelled) argent Sable, three bars gemmelled.
abargemmelled.gif barsgemelled.gif


Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html
Morsulus Heralds Website - http://www.morsulus.org/ (to search the LoARs and Precedents)
Restatement Wiki - http://yehudaheraldry.com/restatement/index.php?title=Main_Page (restatements of Precedents)
Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.

Definition/Defining Instance:


(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)



Collected Precedents:

  • 2nd Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (April 2011 - August 2011) - FESS and BAR
  • 1st Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (May 2005 - July 2008) - FESS and BAR
  • The 2nd Tenure of François la Flamme (October 2004 - May 2005) - FESS and BAR
  • The Tenure of Shauna of Carrick Point (May 2004 - August 2004) - Fess and Bar
  • The 1st Tenure of François la Flamme (August 2001 - April 2004) - FESS and BAR
  • The Tenure of Elsbeth Anne Roth (June 1999 - July 2001) - FESS
  • The Tenure of Jaelle of Armida (June 1996 - June 1999) - Single HTML Document
  • The 2nd Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (November 1993 - June 1996)
  • The Tenure of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (June 1992 - October 1993) - FESS and BAR
  • The 1st Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (June 1990 - June 1992) -
  • The Tenure of Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (September 1986 - June 1990) - Fess
  • The Tenure of Baldwin of Erebor (August 1984 - August 1986) - Single HTML Document
  • The Tenure of Wilhelm von Schlüssel (August 1979 - August 1984) - BAR, FESS
  • The Tenure of Karina of the Far West (December 1975 - June 1979) - FESS
  • The Early Days (June 1971 - June 1975) - Collected Precedents


(includes bar, bar gemel, barrulet, dance, dances, fillet)