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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources to verify the information and use them for your documentation.

Period Forms:

Meles - female

  • Paul Johanson. 1925. "Wanem Tallinna Jaani haigemaja wakuraamat: 1435-1507" [The oldest Wackenbuch of the St. Johannes hospitals of Tallinn.] Tallinna linna arhiivi väljaanded vol. 4, part 2. -
    • This is a document recorded in a mixture of Middle Low German and Latin, listing debts and obligations. p. 25 in the volume, line 9 down, dated 1491 says: "It. Meles sin wyff betalt van deme xcj jar" [also (Latin: Item) Meles his wife paid them 91 (something)] As Meles is identified as "sin wyff" (Modern High German "sein Weib" English: "his wife") then it appears that Meles is a woman.

Meles - male

  • "Eestipäraseid isikunimesid" by Julius Mägiste, sn. Meeles
    • Meles van Leydema
    • Meles van Keykus
  • Mägiste doesn't date names, but does say where they're from, in this case "Urkb. I 11 265" which is volume 11, p.265 of "Liv- , Esth- und Curländisches Urkundenbuch." (at
    • "Meles van Leydema is tho Toneyegell"
    • "Meles van Keykus is tho Tackever"
  • Both of these are from the same record, dated 1453. It looks like they're both men, simply because they're in a list of signatories that are men, but they're Estonian.

Other Potential Sources:

Laurel Name Articles - ("no copy" source)
On-line System for Commentary and Response (OSCAR) - (mine previous submissions, need copies)
Morsulus LoAR/Precedent Searches - ("no copy")
Name Pattern Search Form for registered items -

Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - (copies required)
Archive of St. Gabriel reports - ("no copy")
Academy of St. Gabriel "working" bibliography -

Database of Medieval Names ("index" of the St. Gabriel articles) -
Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources (DMNES) -
IGI Searches (aka Family Search) - (batches B, C, J, K, M (except M17 and M18), or P are acceptable)

Omniglot On-line Encyclopedia of Writing Systems and Languages -


  • Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[1]]
  • Morsulus Heralds Website - [[2]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents)
  • Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.


<month> <year>: summary


<month> <year>: summary

Collected Precedents:

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources (generally linked) to verify the information and use them for your documentation.