Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

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The Book of Traceable Heraldic Art is a compilation of armorial illustrations intended to facilitate SCA device and badge design. There are over 4,500 illustrations, and more are being added on a regular basis.

Some of these items are linked to below, but for the latest list visit

Concise Index

Complex Lines: Curved, Dovetailed, Embattled, Engrailed, Flory, Indented, Invected, Nebuly, Potenty, Raguly, Rayonny, Trefly, Urdy, Wavy

Fields: Billety, Crusilly, Ermine, Estencelly, Fretty, Grillage, Maily, Masoned, Papellony, Plumetty, Potent, Scaly, Semy, Vair

Field Divisions: Barry, Barry Bendy, Bendy, Chapé, Chaussé, Checky, Chevronelly, Gyronny, Lozengy, Paly, Paly Bendy, Paly Chevronelly, Party Of Six, Per Bend, Per Chevron, Per Fess, Per Pale, Per Pall, Per Saltire, Pily, Quarterly, Vêtu

Ordinaries: Bars, Base, Baton, Bend, Bendlets, Bordure, Canton, Chevron, Chevronels, Chief, Chief-Pale, Cross, Fess, Flaunches, Gore, Gusset, Gyron, Orle, Pale, Pall, Pallets, Pile, Pile Bendy, Point, Saltire, Saltorel, Scarpes, Shakefork, Tierce, Tressure

Shapes & Symbols: Ankh, Annulet, Billet, Card-Pique, Cartouche, Chi-Rho, Compass Rose, Compass Star, Cornice, Crampon, Cross (Charge), Delf, Ermine Spot, Escarbuncle, Escutcheon, Fer-a-loup, Fleam, Fret, Heart, Hexagon, Knot, Label, Labyrinth, Lozenge, Mascle, Masculyn, Mitsutomoe, Mullet, Musical Note, Nailpuller, Octagon, Pentagon, Rogacina, Roundel, Rustre, Schnecke, Snowflake, Spur-Rowel, Star of David, Triangle, Triquetra, Triskele, Triskelion, T’ai-chi, Umebachi, Vair Bell, Valknut, Well Frame, Wolves’ Teeth, Zule

The World & Heavens: Cloud, Comet, Crescent, Estoile, Flame, Flint, Goutte, Gurges, Lightning, Mistral, Moon, Mount, Mountain, Rainbow, Ray, Stone, Stream, Sun, Sunburst, Wind

Plants: Acanthus, Acorn, Apple, Ash, Ash Keys, Bamboo, Banana, Bean, Beanpod, Beech, Belladona, Birch, Broom, Bush, Cabbage, Carrot, Cherry, Chili Pepper, Chrysanthemum, Cinquefoil, Clove, Columbine, Créquier, Daffodil, Daisy, Dogwood, Elder, Fig, Fleur de Lys, Foil, Forget-Me-Not, Foxglove, Garlic, Geranium, Gillyflower, Grape, Hemp, Holly, Hop, Ivy, Jasmine, Laurel, Leek, Lily, Linden, Lotus, Magnolia, Mandrake, Maple, Mushroom, Nesselblatt, Oak, Olive, Onion, Orange, Palm, Pear, Peony, Pine, Pineapple, Plane, Pomegranate, Poppy, Pumpkin, Quatrefoil, Raddish, Rose, Rowan, Rue, Seeblatt, Sexfoil, Shamrock, Staff, Strawberry, Sunflower, Thistle, Thorns, Tiercefeuille, Tobacco, Tree, Trefoil, Trillium, Tulip, Turnip, Vegetable Lamb, Violet, Wheat, Willow

Invertebrates: Bee, Butterfly, Cicada, Cricket, Dragonfly, Ladybird, Mantis, Scorpion, Slug, Snail, Spider, Spiderweb, Stag Beetle, Wasp

Fishes: Barbel, Calamarie, Carp, Catfish, Chabot, Crab, Crayfish, Dolphin, Eel, Escallop, Fish, Flying Fish, Goldfish, Kraken, Lobster, Lucy, Manatee, Octopus, Polypus, Prawn, Sea-Boar, Sea-Dog, Sea-Dragon, Sea-Fox, Sea-Goat, Sea-Horse, Sea-Lion, Sea-Monster, Sea-Serpent, Sea-Tortoise, Sea-Wolf, Shark, Shell, Squid, Walrus, Whale, Whelk

Reptiles: Basilisk, Caldera Gringolada, Cockatrice, Dragon, Frog, Hydra, Lizard, Pithon, Rod of Asclepius, Salamander, Serpent, Snake, Tortoise, Wyvern

Birds: Auk, Bat, Bird, Cock, Cormorant, Coxcomb, Crane, Crow, Dove, Duck, Eagle, Egg, Falcon, Feather, Firebird, Flamingo, Goose, Hawk, Hen, Heron, Hummingbird, Magpie, Martlet, Moorcock, Ostrich, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Penguin, Pheasant, Phoenix, Poppinjay, Raven, Reremouse, Simurgh, Swallow, Swan, Turkeycock, Vol, Wing, Wood Cock

Beasts: Allocamelus, Alphyn, Anteater, Antelope, Armadillo, Ass, Badger, Bagwyn, Bear, Beaver, Bison, Boar, Bog Beast, Buffalo, Bull, Calygreyhound, Camel, Cameleopard, Chameleon, Chatloup, Coney, Doe, Dog, Dogs, Domestic Cat, Elephant, Elk, Enfield, Fleece, Fox, Genet, Giraffe, Goat, Gorilla, Griffin, Hare, Hedgehog, Horse, Hyena, Ibex, Keythong, Lamb, Lion, Lynx, Monkey, Moose, Mouse, Musimon, Opossum, Otter, Ounce, Panther, Pawprint, Pegasus, Porcupine, Rabbit, Ram, Rat, Reindeer, Rhinoceros, Sheep, Shrew, Squirrel, Stag, Stoat, Tiger, Tyger, Unicorn, Wildcat, Wolf, Yale

Postures: Close, Couchant, Courant, Displayed, Erect, Glissant, Haurient, Migrant, Naiant, Passant, Rampant, Rising, Salient, Sejant, Statant, Striking, Tergiant, Volant

People: Angel, Arm, Beard, Bone, Breast, Centaur, Cherub, Death, Dextrochère, Eye, Fist, Foot, Footprint, Frauenadler, Hand, Harpy, Human, Janus, Knight, Lamia, Leg, Maiden, Man, Manticore, Melusine, Mermaid, Merman, Minotaur, Monk, Moor, Saracen, Savage, Seraph, Skeleton, Skull, Sole, Sphinx, Testicles, Tress, Triton, Viking

Farming, Fishing & Food: Amphora, Barnacles, Barrel, Beaker, Beehive, Bottle, Breadloaf, Bridle, Bucket, Carriage Frame, Cauldron, Chalice, Cheese, Churn, Cleaver, Clog, Cornucopia, Coulter, Crook, Cup, Drinking Horn, Eel Basket, Eel-Fork, Fan, Fence, Fetterlock, Fishhook, Flask, Fleshpot, Footed Pot, Fork, Funnel, Gate, Goblet, Grater, Gridiron, Harrow, Hoe, Horseshoe, Hunting Horn, Knife, Ladle, Mattock, Meat, Mill, Millrind, Millstone, Mortar, Peel, Pestle, Pitcher, Plow, Plowshare, Rake, Saddle, Salmon Spear, Saltcellar, Scythe, Sickle, Sieve, Spade, Spit, Spoon, Spur, Stirrup, Tankard, Trivet, Turning Cratch, Wagon, Wool-pack, Yoke

Military: Armor Stand, Arrow, Arrowhead, Bardiche, Battering Ram, Billhook, Bow, Breastplate, Broad-arrow, Caltrop, Camail, Cannon, Castle, Chaine Shot, Crampet, Crossbow, Dagger, Drawbridge, Gauntlet, Glaive, Grenade, Halberd, Hammer, Harpoon, Helm, Lance, Mace, Mail, Morion, Partisan, Pheon, Rapier, Scimitar, Sheaf, Shirt, Sling, Spear, Streitgabelklinge, Sword, Tower, Trident, Truncheon, Wall, Watchtower

Tools & Objects: Abacus, Adze, Alquerque Board, Altar, Anchor, Andirons, Angles, Anille, Anvil, Arch, Ark, Armillary Sphere, Aspergillum, Aspersorium, Astrolabe, Awl, Axe, Axe-Head, Bag, Bagpipe, Balance, Bascule, Basket, Bauble, Beacon, Bell, Bellows, Besom, Bobbin, Book, Boot, Breeches, Bridge, Broach, Brogue, Brooch, Buckle, Button, Bycocket, Caduceus, Calipers, Candelabrum, Candle, Candlestick, Cap, Caravel, Catherine Wheel, Chain, Chess Piece, Chest, Chisel, Clarion, Cloth, Cog-Wheel, Column, Comb, Compass, Coracle, Cornetto, Coronet, Crancelin, Cresset, Crown, Crozier, Cupping Glass, Cushion, Dice, Distaff, Dolmen, Domino, Drakkar, Drawknife, Drill, Drum, Drumstick, Dumbek, Flag, Flute, Fountain, Furison, Garter, Gemstone, Glove, Gonfalon, Grappling Iron, Grozing Iron, Harp, Hat, Hautboy, Heckle, Hod, Hood, Hose, Hourglass, House, Inkhorn, Joscelyn, Key, Ladder, Lamp, Lantern, Lighthouse, Lure, Lymphad, Lyre, Mallet, Mantle, Mask, Maunch, Menorah, Mirror, Mitten, Mjolnir, Morris Board, Mosaic Tablets, Nail, Needle, Oar, Obelisk, Orb, Organ Pipe, Padlock, Paintbrush, Park Pales, Paternoster, Pavilion, Pen, Penner, Pennon, Phial, Pliers, Plummet, Pouch, Press, Punner, Quill, Recorder, Ring, Rod, Rope, Rudder, Sail, Saw, Scissors, Scrip, Scroll, Shackle, Shears, Shoe, Shofar, Shuttle, Spindle, Square, Staircase, Staple, Stool, Tabacco Pipe, Table-Trestle, Tablet, Tambourine, Tassel, Thimble, Thread, Thyrsus, Torc, Torch, Torii, Torse, Trowel, Trumpet, Urinal, Viol, Violin, Water-Bouget, Water-Wheel, Well, Wheel, Wool Comb, Yarn

WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources (generally linked) to verify the information and use them for your documentation.