Submission Forms

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October 2022 Cover Letter - Submission Forms and You

A common question for heralds is what, exactly, we require out of the contact information at the top of each submission form. Times have changed since the last version of the submission forms was created. While we have clarified bits and pieces of what we actually need in a few different places and times, we have not explicitly spelled out the current requirements in a single statement. We do plan to greatly simplify the contact section of the submission forms in the next version, which is in process, but in the meantime:

The primary purpose of the submission form fields currently labeled "Legal name", "Address", "Branch Name", "Phone Number", and "E-mail Address" is submitter contact and identification should the need arise.

The name listed in the "Legal Name" field need not be an actual legal name; what we require is a non-SCA mundane name by which the submitter is well known enough to find them. Admin Handbook III.A.10 states: "Name Used by the Submitter Outside the Society - No name will be registered to a submitter if it is identical to a name used by the submitter for purposes of identification outside of a Society context. This includes legal names, common use names, [...] and other items registered with mundane authorities that serve to identify an individual..." We require this name for contact and identification purposes, and to avoid registering a name that is functionally identical to a name used by the submitter outside the Society.

We require at least one of: e-mail address, address, phone number. This is to help us contact the submitter should the need arise.

We would like to have the submitter's branch name as an additional point of contact, but it is not required.

Under no circumstances should the fields labeled "Gender of Submitter" or "Date of Birth" be filled out. We do not need this information.

In the case of submissions made by/for minors, please list the minor's name, but the remainder of the contact information may be a parent or guardian.

Please keep in mind that all of this information is considered confidential and is seen by very few people. Please help to communicate that to your submitters.

Heraldry Submission Forms by Kingdom

List of Kingdom Links on the Laurel Webpage:

An Tir:




