Engrailed or Invected

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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wiki only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation


Period source/s:


Pictorial Dictionary, 3rd edition:

Vector Graphics:

Book of Traceable Heraldic Art

Annotated Pennsic Traceable Art Project


Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Heraldry Archive" - http://www.s-gabriel.org/heraldry/
Archive of St. Gabriel reports - http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/archive.cgi
Laurel Armory Articles - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/armory_articles.html
Period Armorials

Engrailed vs. Invected (Some Picture Examples)


base-engrailed.gif base-invected.gif bend-engrailed.gif bend-invected.gif
Base Engrailed Base Invected Bend Engrailed Bend Invected
bend-sinister-engrailed.gif bend-sinister-invected.gif bordure-engrailed.gif bordure-invected.gif
Bend Sinister Engrailed Bend Sinister Invected Bordure Engrailed Bordure Invected
chevron-engrailed.gif chevron-invected.gif chief-engrailed.gif chief-invected.gif
Chevron Engrailed Chevron Invected Chief Engrailed Chief Invected
fess-engrailed.gif fess-invected.gif pale-engrailed.gif pale-invected.gif - Fess Engrailed Fess Invected Pale Engrailed | Pale Invected
per-bend-engrailed.gif per-bend-invected.gif per-bend-sinister-engrailed.gif [per-bend-sinister-invected.gif
Per Bend Engrailed Per Bend Invected Per Bend Sinister Engrailed Per Bend Sinister Invected
per-chevron-engrailed.gif per-chevron-invected.gif per-fess-engrailed.gif per-fess-invected.gif
Per Chevron Engrailed Per Chevron Invected Per Fess Engrailed Per Fess Invected
per-pale-engrailed.gif per-pale-invected.gif
Per Pale Engrailed Per Pale Invected


Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/precedents.html
Morsulus Heralds Website - http://www.morsulus.org/ (to search the LoARs and Precedents)
Restatement Wiki - http://yehudaheraldry.com/restatement/index.php?title=Main_Page (restatements of Precedents)
Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.


March 2007 LoAR Cover Letter: " We therefore confirm and expand our current definition: A field division engrailed has the points to the "honorable" part of the shield: Per fess, per chevron, per bend and per bend sinister engrailed have the points to chief, while Per pale engrailed now has the points to dexter. A field division invected has the points to the less honorable part of the shield: Per fess, per chevron, per bend and per bend sinister invected have the points to base, and Per pale invected has the points to sinister." [[1]]


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Collected Precedents:


  • listed under the relevant charge or line of division (eg. bendy, bordure, fess, etc.)