Lamp, Lantern
WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.
Period sources:
File:BSB392d f253r lamps.jpg | 1500-1550 Wappenbuch BSB392d, lamps (most common type) |
Roman Clay Oil Lamp with Three Nozzles | |
Late 12th-early 13th Cent. Iranian Bronze Oil Lamp with Three Spouts | |
Pictorial Dictionary of SCA Heraldry (3rd edition):
- [[1]]
- [[2]]
[Illustration from Pensic Art Project]
other recognizd sources:
From the August 1991 LoAR: "The lantern with its transparent 'glass' is not done in a period manner. As was noted in the commentary, the College has a long history of disallowing transparent objects." (LoAR 8/91 p.22). [[3]] From September 1986 LoAR: Much debate centered on the propriety of using the term "Arabian" for the lamp depicted. As the precedent for using the term has already been set by the well-known badge of Ithra..., there seems no compelling reason to deny the submittor his preferred blazon. (LoAR 27 Sep 86, p. 5) [[4]]
The Ordinary:
(includes lantern, lanthorn, landhorne)
- [[5]]