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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use the original sources for your documentation. Revised {$revisiondate}.


Period source/s:


Top row, fourth from the left, "Gules, three molars proper"
See also,_Gouda - dates the window to 1594.
Canting Arms of Pieter Kies (d. 1597) added to slab of Albrecht Arentsdr in St. Bavo Grote Kerk, Haarlem. (Kies = molar in Dutch.)
Original URL:

Another view: {| | |- | goudse_glazen_rijnlands_glas_detail_b_molars.jpg]] || |}

Wolf's Teeth:


An Ordinary of Siebmacher's Wappenbuch -


Pictorial Dictionary of SCA Heraldry (3rd edition):

Pennsic Traceable Art Project


Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Heraldry Archive" - Archive of St. Gabriel reports - [[2]] Laurel Armory Articles -

Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry (PicDic), 3rd Edition - @ (in progress) Period Armorials


Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[3]] Morsulus Heralds Website - [[4]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents) Restatement Wiki - [[5]] (restatements of Precedents) Use the above links to be sure any precedents listed below haven't been superseded by newer precedents.


April 2015 LoAR - wolf's teeth arrangement:

#65Sibyll Hunter. Device. Erminois, three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter and three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister sable and in chief a fox salient gules marked sable. This device is returned for redraw, for violating SENA A2C2 which states "Elements must be drawn to be identifiable." Most commenters couldn't identify the fox. Blazoned on the Letter of Intent as co-primary fox and wolf's teeth, this arrangement would need to be documented. On redesign, let the submitter know that the wolf's teeth should be nearly touching at the center - there should not be enough space for the ermine spot there.

March 2012 LoAR - wolf's teeth as primary with other charges:

#99Astriðr Ulfkelsdottir. Name and device. Per chevron sable and argent, three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter and three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister and a raven counterchanged. By precedent, wolf's teeth have been considered primary charges, and so this is a primary charge group consisting of six wolf's teeth and a raven. Wolf's teeth by definition are always issuant from the sides of the field. The combination, however, of charges issuant from the sides of the field and another charge or charges in a single group like this may not be a registerable arrangement under A3D2c of the Standards for Evaluation without further documentation. However, this device is registerable under the Rules for Submissions. Please advise the submitter to draw the per chevron more centered upon the field.

January 2009 LoAR - wolf's teeth secondary:

#123Conall O'Carroll. Name and device. Argent, in bend sinister a hammer bendwise sustained by an arm fesswise embowed reversed sable, three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister gules. Submitted as Connell O'Carroll//, the given name //Connell// was documented from Ó Corráin & Maguire, //Irish Names//, s.n. Conall, which says that the name "could be anglicised //Conall// or //Connell//." Unless they explicitly say otherwise, when Ó Corráin & Maguire are discussing anglicized forms they are discussing modern usage. A statement that //Connell// "could be" a modern anglicization of //Conall// is not sufficient documentation for the name to be registered. Rowel provided information about period Anglicized Irish forms of //Conall: > [From the] indentures transcribed in footnotes in O'Donovan, John, Annals of Ireland, by the Four Masters, Volumes 1-7 (New York, N.Y.: AMS Press, 1966). > volume 5, pp. 1651-1652 > 10 Feb 1570 > Conall Mc Shane O'Fferrall of Dromed We have changed the name to Conall O'Carroll to match the available documentation. There was some question as to whether this was slot-machine heraldry, having three types of charge in the same charge group. It is not. The primary charge group is the arm and the hammer; the wolf's teeth are a secondary, peripheral, charge group.

October 2008 LoAR - Wolf's teeth to center:

#158Magnus Wolfhunte. Device. Counter-ermine, a fer-a-loup inverted, three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter and three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister argent. At least one commenter called for this to be returned because the wolf's teeth are not nearly touching in the center of the field. An examination of Siebmacher's plate 135, the armory of Keudel zu Schwebda, shows that the wolf's teeth in that emblazon do not all reach the center of the field, either: the top set of teeth are much more spread than that, due to the need to make room for the bottom of the helmet, in much the same way that the submitter's teeth are moved to make room for one of the field's ermine spots. Another example, on plate 28, shows teeth issuant from base, all three of which reach different heights on the field. Based on this information, the following precedent is overturned: > This is being returned for improper drawing and non-period style, stemming from improper use of wolf's teeth. The examples of wolf's teeth in the Pictorial Dictionary and in Siebmacher show that the teeth invariably extend almost to the center line; where teeth come from both sides they almost touch. Those on this submission do not come close. This is in itself grounds for return. (May 2004, Dubhagán mac Ruairc) Wolf's teeth should extend most of the way into the center of the field, but allowing enough space for an ermine spot or a strewn charge, especially when this affects only one tooth or one pair of teeth, is not cause for return. This is clear of the armory of Isolde de Ely, Per pale vert and sable, three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter and three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister argent. There is a CD for the changes to the field and one for the addition of the charge in chief.

March 1993 - wolf's teeth on two sides:

Talon Graymane. Device. Per pale purpure and Or, three wolves' teeth issuant from the dexter flank and three wolves' teeth issuant from the sinister flank, counterchanged. Wappenbuch Argent, a fess vert, in chief three wolves' teeth issuant from dexter and three issuant from sinister sable.


(Restricted, Reserved, SFPP, OOP)

June 2004 LoAR - wolf's teeth issuant from base:

#149Dexter of Dragon's Aerie. Holding name and badge (see RETURNS for name). Azure, three wolf's teeth issuant from base and in dexter chief a roundel argent. This position of the wolf's teeth (issuant from base) is a step from period practice but is only a single "weirdness."

May 2004 LoAR - wolf's teeth number and arrangement:

#155Dubhagán mac Ruairc. Device. Per pale azure and argent, three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter and another two issuant from sinister counterchanged. This is being returned for improper drawing and non-period style, stemming from improper use of wolf's teeth. The examples of wolf's teeth in the Pictorial Dictionary and in Siebmacher show that the teeth invariably extend almost to the center line; where teeth come from both sides they almost touch. Those on this submission do not come close. This is in itself grounds for return. Furthermore, wolf's teeth appear in groups of three or more; barring evidence of wolf's teeth appearing singly or in pairs, there should be three or more teeth issuing from the same side. The use of fewer than three teeth is a step from period practice. The imbalance between the number of teeth on either side is also a step from period practice, independent of the the number of teeth. Therefore, even if the wolf's teeth were drawn correctly, the use of three on one side and two on the other would not be registerable as the motif is two steps away from period practice.


November 2009 - piles fesswise vs wolf's teeth:

#159Ulvar van der Nederlanden. Badge. Checky argent and gules, three piles fesswise issuant from sinister sable. This badge is returned for conflict with the badge for Duncan Bruce of Logan, Or, three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister sable//. There is a CD for changes to the field; however, that is the only CD. Per precedent there is no difference granted between //piles fesswise// and //wolf's teeth: > ... no difference between the wolf's teeth and the piles: "[piles issuant from dexter vs wolf's teeth issuant from dexter] This conflicts [with] nothing for the curved line in the wolf's teeth. Just as we would give nothing for the enarching of three bars, we give nothing for the enarching of the piles." (LoAR of December 1998, p. 12). [Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka, 10/03, R-East]


Elizabeth I WOLF'S TOOTH Precedents:

Per precedent there is no difference granted between piles fesswise// and //wolf's teeth: > ... no difference between the wolf's teeth and the piles: "[piles issuant from dexter vs wolf's teeth issuant from dexter] This conflicts [with] nothing for the curved line in the wolf's teeth. Just as we would give nothing for the enarching of three bars, we give nothing for the enarching of the piles." (LoAR of December 1998, p. 12). [Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka, 10/03, R-East] [Ulvar van der Nederlanden, [[6]] R-Ealdormere]

[a bend sinister gules between three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter azure and three wolves' teeth inverted issuant from sinister argent] This device is returned for redesign. Laurel has previously ruled in the case of Dubhagán mac Ruairc (05/2004): "This is being returned for improper drawing and non-period style, stemming from improper use of wolf's teeth. The examples of wolf's teeth in the Pictorial Dictionary and in Siebmacher show that the teeth invariably extend almost to the center line; where teeth come from both sides they almost touch. Those on this submission do not come close. This is in itself grounds for return."

With the bend, it is impossible for the wolf's teeth to extend anywhere near the center line. This device is therefore returned. [Michael von Guttin,[[7]] R-Atenveldt]

Wolf's teeth inverted are identifiable; they are registerable but - pending period heraldic examples of such inversion - are considered a step from period practice. [Michael von Guttin, [[8]] R-Atenveldt]

[Per chevron inverted "azure" and vert, a cat dormant Or and issuant from dexter base three wolf's teeth argent] The device is returned as the emblazon is unlikely to be recreated from any blazon we can derive. The cat isn't really in chief since it lies partially on the azure portion of the field and partially on the vert. Nor is it in the center of the shield, which is where the current blazon would place it.

While the overall design of this device does not appear to resemble armory, the concept is registerable. Electrum looked for examples of wolf's teeth with other charges in Seibmach. He noted: > I found only one such example, on page 155, Keudel zu Schwebda, which can be blazoned as Argent, a fess vert and in chief six wolf's teeth, three from the dexter and three from the sinister, sable. Of note in the mode of depiction here are 1) the sets of three wolves' teeth on the dexter, and the three on the sinister are each conjoined at the base. 2) Each set of two from top to bottom (1 dexter and 1 sinister) are within millimeters of being conjoined on the palar line. Unfortunately, The Keudel arms were the only ones I noted.

> I think the problems here are 1) the cat is too low on the field (it should be either fully centered on the field, or should default to its proper position fully on the blue). 2) The wolves' teeth are not properly conjoined at base. 3) If the cat gets back up where it belongs, then the wolves' teeth could be drawn larger. I will note that the example of Keudel does justify use of another charge with the teeth, and the forcing the teeth to chief or base as necessary. We note that if the cat is centered on the field, it is unlikely that the wolf's teeth can be drawn in an acceptable manner. Thus, if this design is resubmitted, we recommend that the cat lie entirely on the azure portion of the field. [Gytha Oggesdohtor, [[9]] R-Æthelmearc]

The depictions we have found of wolf's teeth in period heraldry invariably have the teeth conjoined at the base. We encourage this depiction of wolf's teeth, but will accept emblazons where the teeth are not quite conjoined as in this submission. The wolf's teeth must still reach, or nearly reach, the per pale line. [Konrad Rickert, [[10]] A-Atenveldt]

Collected Precedents:

2nd Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (April 2011 - August 2011) - [Armory Precedents] 1st Tenure of Elisabeth de Rossignol (May 2005 - July 2008) - [Armory Precedents] The 2nd Tenure of François la Flamme (October 2004 - May 2005) - Collected Armory Precedents The Tenure of Shauna of Carrick Point (May 2004 - August 2004) - [Armory Precedents] The Tenure of François la Flamme (August 2001 - April 2004) - [Armory Precedents] The Tenure of Elsbeth Anne Roth (June 1999 - July 2001) - [Armory Precedents] The Tenure of Jaelle of Armida (June 1996 - June 1999) - [HTML Document] The 2nd Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (November 1993 - June 1996) -

The Tenure of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (June 1992 - October 1993) - [precedents] The 1st Tenure of Da'ud ibn Auda (June 1990 - June 1992) -

The Tenure of Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (September 1986 - June 1990) - [Precedents] The Tenure of Baldwin of Erebor (August 1984 - August 1986) - [HTML Document] The Tenure of Wilhelm von Schlüssel (August 1979 - August 1984) - [Precedents] The Tenure of Karina of the Far West (December 1975 - June 1979) - [Precedents] The Early Days (June 1971 - June 1975) - [Precedents]

In the Ordinary: (includes fang)