Heraldic Abbreviations

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WARNING: Do not cite this page as a reference. This page is on this wikispace only to make the content "searchable" and easier to find. If you find the information you seek here, go to the original sources as linked below to verify the information and use them for your documentation.

SCA Abbreviations:[edit | edit source]

CL - Cover Letter (of a Letter of Acceptances and Returns) IAP - Individually Attested Pattern LoAR - Letter of Acceptances and Returns LoI - Letter of Intent (iLoI = internal LoI, eLoI = external LoI) LoP - Letter of Pends OOP - out of period, Order of Precedence OP - Order of Precedence (listing of award recipients, maintained kingdom by kingdom) RfS - Rules for Submission (old rules) SENA, S.E.N.A. - Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory (new rules) SFPP - Step from Period Practice, formerly known as a wierdness

Sammlung, German 1600, BSB307, img 583

German Tinctures:[edit | edit source]

  • "r" is Rote, gules;
  • "g" is Gelbe, Or;
  • "s" is Schwarze, sable
  • "x" is for argent (since "s" is already taken for Schwarze)
  • "b" is Blau, azure;
  • "p" is Purpur, purpure;
  • ? is Grun, vert.

Sources:[edit | edit source]

Academy of St. Gabriel "Medieval Names Archive" - [[1]] Database of medieval names (from the Medieval Names Archive) - http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/database/

Laurel Name Articles - http:heraldry.sca.org/laurel/

IGI Searches, batches beginning with C, J, K, M (except M17 and M18), or P are acceptable - http://familysearch.org

Precedents:[edit | edit source]

Precedents of the SCA College of Arms - [[2]] Morsulus Heralds Website - [[3]] (to search the LoARs and Precedents)

The Early Days (June 1971 - June 1975) - ABBREVIATION His Majesty has an idea: he wants people with Awards and Grants of Arms [to] be able to put initials indicating as much after their names, and commands us to devise some. We suggest either A.A. and G.A., or preferably Arm. A. and Arm. G. [Irreverent footnote: Actually, we prefer neither one and think it's a terrible idea, but we will announce these and that should satisfy him. It isn't as if anyone is going to use them.] (KFW, 15 Jul 73 [42], p. 3) http://heraldry.sca.org/precedents/early/atoc.html#abbreviation