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Full Name Desired

  • Basic info about the name: culture, meaning, sound...


  • reportedly "found in a list of valid names"

A Simple Guide to 13th C Welsh names documents Kennith, Kenith, Kynith

meaning modern Welsh period forms
Huntsman [Cynydd] Kennith, Kenith, Kynith


A similar name:

  • Gwen verch Cynwrig de Insula Mona. Registered name change from holding name Gwen of Elfsea.
    • Cynwrig is documented as a modern form of a name documented to 1292-3 as Kenuric and Kenneric. In this case, the name remained in use until the end of our period and beyond, according to Morgan and Morgan, s.n. Cynwrig. While the most typical forms found before 1600 start with K-, the modern form is plausible as a rare c. 1600 spelling, as examples with all the modern features can be found at that time.


  • Documentation for name


  • Documentation for the combination of the names
  • Needed if lingual mix, temporal incompatibility, double-given name, etc.